China has made significant gains throughout North America, including the US, which should concern everyone throughout the world. Chinese school is communist school. Why is it allowed? While it sounds flattering that foreigners want US residency, we need to be selective so we’re not turning blue, or worse. The US need to send foreign criminals, traitors and their families back to their own countries. We’re getting outnumbered and/or have to finance these people, on welfare and in our prisons. We neglect our own, especially our Vets. Seeing the same in Europe, many protests there, which aren’t being publicized. Arrests for speech.
I'm wondering if Canadian citizens aren't being manipulated into helping the globalists move forward with their North American plans. Will the Mexican citizens join the let's become one country with the US next? How the son of a communist can be elected prime minister in a supposedly non-communist country is beyond me. I'm sure the US leftists would love for the US, Canada and Mexico to live as one big unhappy family. I doubt US citizens would have the chance to cast a yay or a nay vote in what's possibly another scheme to finish destroying the US. Even if we had the opportunity to vote in such folly. Either the brain dead would vote yes, or the no votes would be stolen through election fraud. You spot on Dave.
I’m sure LaRaza would love to be a part of the US. The cartel, China and ME terrorists run Mexico, so any ties would be a detriment to the US. Mexico’s new leader is of concern, what role would she play if nations were combined? She is overly confident, which tells me her money is coming from high in the food chain. Still wondering why they’d elect a Jewish person in a Catholic nation. Seems strange. I think Canada wants to be left alone. Because China has a stranglehold on Canada, I don’t see anything good coming out of that.
Dave, you strongly encourage us to do a "house cleaning" in our government, saying we need a "Jim Jordan". Tell us...what has Jim done to clean up the mess in your Amerikan house? NOTHING! As I said, before, we're just as powerless to exile Crime Minister Castreau as you were to get rid of the current corpse called, "Biden" in yours!
Yes, we are "cousins"; more than cousins! Many of us have family members who moved to the USA well over 200 years ago, and have been doing so ever since, and vice versa. As members of the North Amerikan Union, Kanadians and Amerikans are jail cell partners.
One step closer to globalism. Remember when President Bush tried pushing through the North American Union? The US would have gained a lot of problems. The world has allegedly been divided up already, there’s a map on social media. The US and Canada would combine nations, Mexico would join South America. While we might gain natural resources, we’d gain a liberal mindset. China basically owns Canada, so how will that be handled? Is that why social media has an internal credit score system? Test run? Conservatives blocked on many sites.
Dave Hodges has been publishing the Common Sense Show since 2012. The Common Sense Show features a wide variety of important topics that range from the loss of constitutional liberties, to the subsequent implementation of a police state under world governance, to exploring the limits of human potential. The primary purpose of The Common Sense Show is to provide Americans with the tools necessary to reclaim both our individual and national sovereignty.
The archives of The Common Sense Radio Show Are Available on Megaphone and Global Star. This includes the weekly radio show,other interviews and monologues, and the GSRadio archives. Listen Now
Be selective
I’m sure LaRaza would love…
House cleaning?