Depopulation and Democide at Every Turn
By Gary D. Barnett
"[During the 20th century] … 170 million men, women, and children have been shot, beaten, tortured, knifed, burned, starved, frozen, crushed, or worked to death; buried alive, drowned, hung, bombed, or killed in any other of the myriad ways governments have inflicted death on unarmed, helpless citizens and foreigners."
~ Rudolph Rummel
It is a sad state of affairs when one considers that the 21st century will most assuredly dwarf the 20th century in deaths at the hands of the governments and the ruling monsters who control those governments. The adjusted total of Rummel's estimates of 20th century deaths due to state democide after the turn of the century, went up to over 262,000,000 people. I am certain this is still far shy of an accurate total, as most of the tens of millions of deaths in wars, especially the world wars, were not even counted. It will get much worse in my opinion in the future, although hiding deaths behind the cloak of lies concerning fake viruses, bioweapon injections, and other poisons, with the many other accompanying causes of state murders, will not likely be reported as democide. In this century, billions instead of millions could die at the hands of tyrants.
In today's world, this phenomenon is so diverse in method and result as to become cloaked in extreme complexity; purposely I might add, to such a level that it is nearly impossible to discern an accurate reporting. This in my opinion, is a designed flaw meant to be used as a way to cover up the truth. Every avenue possible will be used to affect mass democide, thereby bringing about a vast depopulation event blamed on a myriad of causes. While all the causes of death will be related, they will be intentionally separated in order to fool the populations into accepting this lie and their inevitable fate. This is why understanding the big picture instead of just all of its more minor parts; understanding the true intent of the ruling 'elites' and their pawns in government, is so vital.
To accentuate this point, let us look at some of the many ways of death to come, and the obvious fact that all are related, and prosecuted at the hands of the same tyrants in the ruling class and government who claim to be your protector and savior, and who decide what is to be reported and what is not even to be addressed. Over many decades now, the centralization of power has continued to concentrate regardless of politics, voting, wars, financial upheaval, or any other dynamic or propaganda delivered to the lowly masses. What this means is that the only continuous ‘progress’ achieved was the growth of the power of the ruling class and its Fascist political/corporate partnerships. All those times when the people were told that things were better, things would continue to improve, and freedom would be advanced due to one ‘selected’ politician or another, outright premeditated lies won the day. Reagan did not save you, nor did Clinton, Bush, Obama, or Trump, or any others for that matter, as all are evil players in the same game of political extortion called totalitarian domination.
Excess deaths have run rampant since the bioweapon injection was introduced. This is not arguable, and now, the new buzzword is “sudden death” or “died suddenly,” as if there is no known cause. This is affecting all ages, but especially the young and for the most part, healthy individuals. To advance the notion that all these causes of death are unknown, and somehow a mystery, goes a long way in stoking and perpetuating blind fear, which is exactly what the state desires. But this is a lie, and only the tip of the iceberg.
Depopulation and democide