Impeachment Will Lead to Civil War


The articles of impeachment, if delivered, will set this course on a path that will ultimately culminate in civil war. If Trump achieves a second term, there will be a civil war. If Trump is impeached and eventually removed from office, there will be a civil war. It is the belief of many that cover the events of the day, that this reckless pursuit of the impeachment of Donald Trump is an attempt to usurp the voting power of the people.

The motivations behind the attempted impeachment of Donald Trump are many. First, everyone should ask the question, when was the last time you read or heard anything new on the Epstein case? Second, Kamala Harris’ complicity with covering up for known cartel members and pedophiles while serving as Alameda County’s District Attorney and California’s State Attorney General, have all but disappeared from the news. Third, there is not one candidate in the Democratic Party, except for Hillary Clinton, that could come close to challenging Trump with any expectation of winning. Subsequently, the Democrats have adopted a policy of “If I can’t have her, nobody else will either”. Subsequently, the Democrats need to destroy Trump with false allegations, because they have no hope of winning an election even with extreme voter fraud and George Soros voting machines.

The Democrats Are Lying to the American People

For the record, there is nothing that is impeachable with regard to Ukraine and the MSM and the Democrats know this so they have resorted to extreme fraud to make something out of nothing.

  1. Hunter Biden is unquestionably guilty and that is not in question; he admitted to his crimes during a 2018 forum hosted by the Council on Foreign Relations and it was recorded on tape
  2. A total of 500 words have been fraudulently redacted from MSM reports and what is being offered as press releases by Democratic leadership emanating from the likes of Chuck Schumer. These redacted 500 words exonerate the President from any wrongdoing. Personally, I hope that the President takes legal action because this constitutes what is called false light violations which is the first cousin to liable and slander. For a public figure to be able to sue his accusers, he/she would have to prove that the offenders knew they were lying at the time they made the false statements. Certainly, when documents are redacted to present a false statement, that goes far beyond the legal standard for President Trump to take legal action against the MSM and key Democrats who complicit in doctoring documents for political gain. 


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Common Sense Show the Democratic Party Are Strangers

Common Sense would dictate that the articles of impeachment will ever be delivered and acted upon, because the mainstream Democrats know that the longer that this Ukraine impeachment issue goes on that more and more of the ignorant public are going to wake to the fact that the Democrats, on behalf of the Deep State are going to turn their lives upside down. However, there is a wing of the Democratic Party that doesn't care if the Democratic party is destroyed and the leadership of the much older Democratic leaders go down in flames.

Who would these Democrats be that would destroy their own party for their own personal benefit? These are the new, radical extremist left wing democrats like Ocasio-Cortez, Pressley, and Omar who call themselves “the squad” and they don't care if prominent Democrats burn up in flames, because they are trying to takeover the party with their communist ideologies. In the aftermath of the fall of Hillary et al, “the squad” will then be able to assume the mantles of power and the Democratic Party will be transformed to the new American Communist Party. IF you doubt what is being said here, please take a look at who is left standing in the Democratic Party list of Presidential candidates. They are all communists. The only non-communist was attacked by the Democratic ally, Google, and the DNC leadership kicked this person to the curb because she was not radical enough. I am speaking of Tulsi Gabbard. Pelosi is now caught in the middle.

So, we could expect huge in-fighting in the Democratic Party on whether or not to deliver these articles of impeachment. However, at the end of the day I believe Nancy Pelosi will back down and hit the chicken switch and then move on without articles of impeachment. Even if the Democrats do not follow through with impeachment, all Democrats are happy because, right or wrong, Trump is being smeared in the media.

However, at the end of the day, there is a group that get very little attention but is taking over the Democratic Party and they will ultimately begin America’s next civil war. The group is called the Justice Democrats. 

Who Is Behind the Radical Wing of the Democratic Party?

The Justice Democrats are behind the impeachment process. They also are the ones that auditioned and ran 35 radical Democrats in their 2018 primary elections against more conservative Democrats in heavily dominated Democratic Districts. The operational head of the Justice Democrats are former Bernie Sanders campaign strategists. In reality and with voter fraud, a often quoted Stanford University study conclusively showed that Sanders defeated Clinton in the 2016 Democratic Primary, but the George Soros voting machines installed in 16 states tipped the election and Bernie was bought a new house by the Clinton Foundation to not file a Federal Elections claim. Have you noticed that Bernie’s campaign isn’t worth anything this time around? That is because his best people are running the Justice Democrats. The Democratic Presidential candidates understand the emerging force that is overtaking their party and this is why we are wholesale endorsement of the New (gang) Green Deal. The Justice Democrats, as Patrick Wood has documented, stole the concept from FDR advisers who were unable to convince the President at that time to adopt this into his New Deal platform. At the time, that Ocasio Cortez was adopted by the Justice Democrats to run for office, she was (I am not kidding) participating in wet T-shirt contests. AOC answered a casting call as did many and she was selected to be the next Democrat. Who do you think is funding and sponsoring Greta? Of course it is the Justice Democrats and the six monolithic media outlets who will greatly benefit from the Green New Deal when the climate exchanges are set up under this deal. This is how a 16 year-old kid can garner this kind of first rate media coverage.

In “Our Revolution: Marxist Trojan Horse Inside the Democratic Party,” Trevor Loudon wrote for the Epoch Times, “Our Revolution is a networking tool for the dsa/cpusa/frso alliance. It is a vehicle to either transform the Democratic Party into a completely socialist organization, or to form the nucleus of a new Marxist third party” (ie Communism).

As a consequence of the work done by the Justice Democrats and Our Revolution, the Congressional Progressive Caucus increased its membership from 78 to 96 members. That means 22 percent of the House of Representatives and 41 percent of the entire Democratic Caucus is controlled by the radical left.It is not a coincidence that nearly every major proposal of today’s Democratic Party—from single-payer health care, amnesty for illegal aliens, normalization of relations with Communist Cuba, $15 per hour minimum wage, etc—originated with the Communist Party.

There are also behind other radical proposal such as cannibalism not eating meat, not owning cars, not air conditioning your house, and these people could turn into revolutionaries and with the help of George Soros forces could wreak havoc in this country and with the preposition to 5th column forces of Russia, China, MS13, ISIS, and other terrorist groups could bring holy hell to this nation under the direction of the squad in there is the beginning of the American Civil War. So in conclusion, I do not think that we are going to see articles of impeachment delivered. I would be shocked if this happened because of what it opens up. However, and in either case, this spells the end of the Democratic Party in the long run. And this will lead to radicals emerging to the top forming a new partyhe Future

These are reasons why I do not believe these articles of impeachment will ever be delivered and acted upon. Even Bill Maher is telling the Democrats to back off because he undoubtedly sees what I do.  because the democrats know this period however there is a wing of the Democratic Party that doesn't care if the big democrats go down. And these are the new, radical extremist left wing democrats like acacio Cortez, Presley, and Omar who call themselves the squad and they don't care if prominent democrats burn up in flames, because they will then be able to assume the mantles of power and the Democratic Party. So we could expect huge in fighting in the Democratic Party on whether or not to deliver these articles of impeachment. However, at the end of the day I believe Nancy Pelosi will back down and hit the chicken switch and then move on without articles of impeachment. Now all parties in the Democratic Party right now are happy, because trump is being smeared in the media, even know it's totally faults. The so called eyewitness whistle blower is neither. They've already stated they don't have 1st hand knowledge, therefore, their information is hearsay and not admissible in any trial. So even if the articles of impeachment were delivered the testimony of this so called source would be inadmissible. In either case, the democrats look badd. If trump is impeached, the democrats in the long run, will probably cease to exist as a party and I would expect a splinter party to emerge out of the Democratic Party headed by people from the squad. Now the real force behind the squad are the Justice democrats who are behind the green new deal. There are also behind other radical proposal such as cannibalism not eating meat, not owning cars, not air conditioning your house, and these people could turn into revolutionaries and with the help of George Soros forces could wreak havoc in this country and with the preposition to 5th column forces of Russia, China, MS13, ISIS, and other terrorist groups could bring holy hell to this nation under the direction of the squad in there is the beginning of the American Civil War.


In conclusion, I do not think that we are going to see articles of impeachment delivered. I would be shocked if this happened because of what it opens up. However, and in either case, this spells the end of the Democratic Party in the long run. And this will lead to radicals emerging to the top forming a new party and it will be born out of violent revolution. Antifa constitutes the Brown Shirts and they have already attacked federal officials. A failed impeachment, opening the door to the re-election of Trump will lead to extreme violence, because that is what Communists do. On the other hand, if impeachment was successful, violence will come from the other side. The Democrats are taking a huge risk. They are waking up the ignorant and the apathetic. Either way, I am afraid that people are going to die and the Bolshevik Revolution will be upon us. 
