Justice Has Departed America. Will Justice Return?

Paul Craig Roberts
Readers of this column will remember some years ago my many reports on gratuitous police violence, often resulting in death of innocent and unresisting people. Many incidents were the result of SWAT teams being sent to the wrong address. On one occasion the police, not realizing where they were, arrested their own mayor on drug charges and terrified his family. A 12 or 13 year old black kid was shot down by police without the police asking a single question, mistaking his toy gun for a real one. A man in a wheel chair was choked to death. These incidents were due to police trained according to Israeli practices used against Palestinians. Full of authority, the enjoyment of which they were experiencing, the police destroyed their reputation, making it easy for "abolish the police" movements to take hold in blue states and cities.
You should be able to find my reports on gratuitous police violence in this website's archives, including a report I wrote for Gerald Celente's Trends Journal.
I prophesied that the police misconduct would come back and bite them, and it did. Officer Derek Chauvin and his fellow officers paid the price of the public's loss of confidence in the police due to the brutality that has come to be part of a police arrest in America.
Just as I reported on police brutality, I, almost alone, reported on the orchestrated frame-up of Derek Chauvin for "murdering" George Floyd.
The only evidence that Chauvin murdered Floyd was a cell phone video taken by a young black woman from a distance that suffered from perspective distortion. The video suggested that Chauvin had his knee on Floyd's throat or neck, while Floyd was crying out "I can't breathe." The close up videos from the police showed that Chauvin's knee was on Floyd's shoulder, the approved and taught technique for holding a person still. Chauvin was holding Floyd still, because he realized that Floyd was on a death dose of fentanyl and was using up his little available oxygen by thrashing around. Chauvin had medics called. Their delay was not Chauvin's fault. Chauvin did everything he was supposed to do.
Floyd complained of breathing difficulties while sitting in the back seat of the police car before he was held motionless on the ground by Chauvin by the correct measure of knee on shoulder.
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