Liberal euthanasia laws make Canada the world leader in organs harvested


 Life Site News

Data shows that since MAiD became legal in 2021, over half of the world's organ transplants from those who were euthanized were done by doctors in Canada.

The leader of a top pro-life hospice group has sounded the alarm over a recent study showing Canada as the world leader in organ donations from people who obtained state-sanctioned euthanasia.

Data shows Canada as having 49 cases of ODE in 2021 alone, with 136 cases since euthanasia, or medical assistance in dying (MAiD), as it is called, became legal in Canada in 2016.

Between Canada, the Netherlands, Spain, and Belgium, there were 286 cases of ODE.

According to the Canadian Institute for Health Information, 6% of all organ donations for transplants in Canada come from a person who died from MAiD.

Canada’s increasingly permissive laws have allowed euthanasia to rise 32% since 2020, with more than 10,000 people dying in 2021 alone.

Concerningly, as noted by pro-life advocates, data shows that since MAiD became legal in 2021, over half of the world’s organ transplants from those who were euthanized were done by doctors in Canada.