Pfizer and Other Sociopaths

, Martin Hanson
Winston Churchill spoke these words just before the Battle of Britain, but if he were alive today he could be referring to the Covid 'pandemic'. His reference to "the lights of perverted science" would have rendered his words even more fitting in the fight against rule by Big Pharma.
In an earlier essay I argued that New Zealand, together with many other nominally 'democratic' countries, is fascist, and in a follow-up, I went on to argue that Pfizer and other Big Pharma corporations are organized crime networks operating what amounts to a global protection racket.
What I left unsaid was that Pfizer and other corporations are also sociopathic – the purpose of this essay.
In an open letter to the CEO of the UK General Medical Council, Dr Aseem Malhotra, an internationally distinguished and award-winning cardiologist stated that [emphasis added]:
The diagnosis made by the pre-eminent forensic psychologist Dr Robert Hare and law professor Joel Bakan over 20 years ago is that Big Corporations (such as Big Pharma) are psychopathic in their pursuit of profit. Institutionally, they show the same characteristic behaviours as individuals with psychopathic tendencies: callous unconcern for the safety of others, incapacity to experience guilt, repeated lying and conning others for profit."
Robert Hare is a leading forensic psychologist specialising in psychopathology. He developed the widely used Hare Psychopathy Checklist for assessing cases of psychopathy.
He also drew a distinction between 'psychopathy' and 'sociopathy' on the basis that the former are 'born', whereas the latter are 'made'. Psychopathy manifests itself in early childhood and is thus innate, while sociopathy develops as a result of environmental experience. In the struggle up 'the greasy pole', politics is likely a potent influence.
Since I doubt if anyone imagines that Big Pharma CEOs and politicians such as Jacinda Ardern and Justin Trudeau enjoyed torturing animals when they were children, we can assume their manifest lack of conscience is the product of life experience. For that reason, throughout most of this essay I shall describe the perpetrators as sociopathic rather than psychopathic.