Recent Events Suggest the Predicted Arrival of the Deadly Small Pox-Ebola Cocktail Is On Its Way

The so-called Red Wave is sweeping America. The Democratic Party is in free-fall and this is based on polling data that comes from liberal organizations! Aside from an unreasonable level of cheating in 2022, the Democrats are going to be destroyed and in that scenario, with Republicans controlling both houses of Congress, both Biden and Harris are impeached for willful neglect on the border issue in violation of the ConstitutionL In this scenario, Republican, Kevin McCarthy (presumed Speaker of the House) would ascend to the Presidency.
I have been on record by stating that there is no way that the Democrats are not going to relinquish power because of some "trivial" election. They know they have a mandate from the Globalists and they intend to carry out that mandate at all costs. If one operates on this reasonable premise, it is possible to begin to construct the likely Democratic Party battle plan:
1. There is nothing like a war to distract the country from the horrible mess that the Biden administration has created. We cannot win this war, however, the Democrats will worry about that later as this will prolong and transition of power. In war, elections can be suspended and the people are less likely to change horses in midstream in the middle of a global conflict.
2. If the war is not enough for the Democrats to stay in power, there is always the kill shot and that would gain-of-function research developed cocktail, Hemorraghic Fever combined with Small Pox! This is the doomsday weapon of the Democratic Party leadership/Deep State interests.
In China, it has been announced that the Chinese are shutting down ports and most of their urban centers. Not only will this destroy the supply chain in the coming weeks, the real truth is that in some Chinese circles they are claiming that Hemmoraghic Fever is on the loose. After this article is read, it would be reasonable to conclude that a doomsday weapon cocktail of Hemorraghic Fever (ie Ebola) and Small Pox is what is loose inside of China and this is why their Army is sealing the homes of 13 million residents in XIA and this practice is spreading from city to city. It is reasonable to assume that this pathogen, which was to be released at a later time, has gotten loose. Add to the fact that a truck with experimental monkeys has crashed and some are saying this is part of the grand experiment in this regard. Plus, the SGT Report just did a show with doctors and lawyers and doctors in which this scenario was seriously discussed as fact. Additionally, the Governor of Arizona is quietly preparing medical isolation camps (more on that in a later article). For the record, I believe the release of the pathogen in China was an accident that they are trying to contain. It may be too late. If I was an Olympic athlete, I would not be going to China.
It is important, in order to understand the full impact of what we are looking at, is to look at relevant scientific research on this topic.
It is no secret that something In March of 2021, the new CDC Director stated that she had a feeling of impending doom. What did she mean? Everyone assumed that she was talking about CV-19. However, we know the lethality of CV-19 only impacts a select and minority portion of the population. In lieu of recent events, it is becoming clear that the CDC Director was referring to smallpox laced with Hemorrhagic Fever (ie Ebola). Some people have legitimately asked the question as to why we needed a mandatory vaccine for a pathogen that only kills .2% of population that contracts it? Why? Before the kill shot is administered, our rights and our ability to defend ourselves from what will soon be obvious to all that have eyes to see, was necessary because, we are being prepped for extermination and the globalists are profiting from it. In short, say goodbye covid and welcome Hemorragic smallpox. We all have seen the media release of the discovery of viles of smallpox, but not just smallpox, but hemorragic smallpox. This means it is likely that gain of function research has mutated the once contained small pox into a deadly variant that will sweep the planet. In retrospect, this plague has been planned since 2008 and prominently manifested in 2014. What has been repeatedly covered on this site in the past is that Hemorraghic Fever is actually Ebola (see Fauci's 2011 statement below). When gain of function research is applied and small pox is added to the cocktail, the transmissability of the weaponzied pathogen causes the variant to spread much faster without losing potency.
Back in early March of 2014, the CDC began requiring travelers to the United States from specific locations in Africa to provide contact information with regard to Ebola. This action is prudent and reasonable and the public should be grateful. That was then and this is now!
In March of 2021, on Fox News, it was announced that the CDC was already working on an Ebola vaccine. Based on earlier information, this CDC news release is both false and deceptive. For a long time, the CDC has sat on a developed vaccine for Ebola. In fact the CDC even owns the patent. As previously covered before, it would be illegal for the CDC to own a virus, UNLESS IS WAS MUTATED (IE WEAPONZIED) COURTEST OF FAUCI'S GAIN OF FUNCTION RESEARCH. I have presented detailed information to this fact, several times, and it is time to pay attention, America. This is the killshot and doomsday weapon of the Democratic Party leadership/Deep State! Fortunately, many are beginning to agree with my insider sources say in that Ebola will be the kill shot that will follow Covid-19.
In 2014, in light of these revelations, I asked why was the CDC putting out blatantly false information? Every American should be very concerned and remain hypervigilant! 2014 was the year in which this plot was put into motion. What plot? the question should be, how deadly is the plot. The plot to expose as many Americans as possible to Hemmoragic smallpox. Here is the progression of the learning curve, which follows in later paragraphs.
In 2014, the CDC joined the fear-mongering business. Now it is clear that the CDC is singing a different tune. Seven Years before the publishing of this present article,
The CDC has drawn up and released a six-page action plan on how to tackle Ebola, warning US hospitals: "now is the time to prepare". This stern warning comes a week after the organization warned that the disease is 'out of control', as it has now been revealed that a CDC worker has contracted the illness. At the urging of the CDC and the U.S. government, world leaders have pledged to invest millions in health care in Liberia, where the disease is expected to rage for another 18 months at least. How far can Ebola spread in 18 months? Read on! The CDC issued six-page Ebola “checklist”, which is designed to help healthcare workers quickly diagnose patients who may be infected, also is designed to show health care workers how to take action to protect themselves from exposure by dawning certain protective gear and doing so in a certain manner...
Key Ebola (ie Hemorragic Fever) facts from the World Health Organization (February 2021)
- Ebola virus disease (EVD), formerly known as Ebola hemorrhagic fever, is a rare but severe, often fatal illness in humans.
- The virus is transmitted to people from wild animals (Editor's note: Spread from wild animals like Monkeys that have escaped from a crashed truck, this past week and the Monkey's were being experimented on to determine rate of transmissibility of an Ebola variant)- and spreads in the human population through human-to-human transmission.
- The average EVD case fatality rate is around 50%. Case fatality rates have varied from 25% to 90% in past outbreaks...
Anthony Fauci's NIH Defines Ebola as Synonomous with Hemorraghic Fever
Ebola viruses are the causative agents of a severe form of viral haemorrhagic fever in man, designated Ebola haemorrhagic fever, and are endemic in regions of central Africa...
Ebola virus is regarded as the prototype pathogen of viral haemorrhagic fever, causing severe disease and high case-fatality rates.1 This high fatality, combined with the absence of treatment and vaccination options, makes Ebola virus an important public health pathogen and biothreat pathogen of category A.2
Ebola virus and Marburg virus constitute the family Filoviridae in the order of Mononegavirales.3 Filoviruses are enveloped, non-segmented, negative-stranded RNA viruses of varying morphology.
It is not just the previously erradicated smallpox that we have to worry about, it is the combination of Ebola (Hemmoragic) combined with the smallpox. Can you say "Gain of Function Research?!"
Hemorrhagic Smallpox
Hemorrhagic-type smallpox occurs among all ages and in both sexes, but is more common in adults. Pregnant women appear to be more susceptible. The underlying biological reasons for this type are unclear. Prior vaccination is not protective. This type is differentiated from ordinary smallpox by:
- Shorter incubation period
- More severe prodromal symptoms with high fever, severe headache, and abdominal pain
- Development of a dusky erythema after illness onset, followed by petechiae and skin and mucosal hemorrhages
- Death usually occurs by the 5th or 6th day of the rash, often before characteristic smallpox lesions develop. Death results from a profound toxemia, leading to multi-organ failure.
To calculate the lethality of the smallpox, we must look at ebola data since the two are now combined.
Modern medicine has a good idea of the course of the virus and the lethality of the Ebola virus. First, the signs and symptoms typically start between two days and three weeks after contracting the virus. The early presenting symptoms are a fever, sore throat, muscle discomfort and a severe headache. Vomiting ensues followed by diarrhea and a severe rash. The liver and kidneys begin to fail. In the final stages, victims begin to bleed internally and externally. Death occurs between six to sixteen days. The official cause of death is normally from low blood pressure as a result of bodily fluid loss. The present estimate is that around 70% of the people who contract Ebola are going to die. However, through gain of function processes, the lethality is incrased to 90%!
The remainder of this article will seek to scientifically answer the following questions based upon the best data available: How fast will the will the Ebola virus spread? How long will it take for Ebola to reach its apex? Will the transmission rates for Ebola be the same in the United States as it iwas in West Africa? Finally, what are odds of contracting virus?
The CDC's "Power of Two" Defines the Transmission Rate of Ebola
Let's take the CDC at their word and project the Ro rate for Ebola to be two. As an aside, later in the article, a case will be made which demonstrates that this number is far too low when it comes to the United States.
If we can envision a scenario in which two patients infect four and four patients infect 16, this is how Ebola's R0 rate would progress.
First generation of exposure of one Ebola patient = 2 new Ebola patients
Second generation of exposure of two Ebola patients = 4 new Ebola patients
Third generation of exposure of four new Ebola patients = 16 new Ebola patients
Fourth generation of exposure of 16 new Ebola patients = 256 new Ebola patients
Fifth generation of exposure to 256 new Ebola patients = 65,536 new Ebola patients
Sixth generation of exposure to 65,536 patients = 4,294,967,296 new Ebola patients
What's the total time frame involved in transmissability? Combining the Small Pox with Ebola, through Fauci's gain of function work, increases the rate of spread exponentially. However, when we calculate the CDC's transmissability, given only the Ebola rate of spread, we are looking at something that in less than 5 months, over four billion people on the planet would have contracted the pathogen with a 90% lethality rate. Add Small Pox to increase the Ro, one might reasonably calculate cutting this time frame in half, and that is a conservative estimate because the top end of the scale for symptoms to appear was used in my calculations. If we choose the midpoint of the symptoms appearing, we could be look at something closer to 8 weeks to reach the four billion infected level. There are all estimates because the combination of Ebola (ie Hemorraghic Fever) with Small Pox has never been done before. It is logical to assume that the crashed truck with the Monkeys was part of study to determine lethality.
Is there cause for concern? There is much more to come on this topic.
natural cure for ebola
Recent events suggest
Ebola Pox
Do you know the antidote, Dave?
the cure
Thanks Dave for this article!