Russia Can Survive a Grid Down Attack, America Cannot! The Doug and Dave Intel Report

On this week's edition of the Doug and Dave Intel Report, we discussed the coming war with Russia. At the center of the discussion was the obvious intention of Russia to take down America's power grid. Russia is equipped to survive a nuclear war and/or a grid down scenario, America is most certainly not!
This is a very sobering interview and we sincerely hope that this information motivates Americans to take the personal precautions that the Government has refused to undertake in order to protect its citizens. Russia has undertaken precautions to minimize civilian deaths.
The interview can be accessed by clicking this link
Doug Thornton has a popular talk show on the Global Star Radio Network. The show airs live at 11pm (EST) and all episodes can be accessed by clicking this link.
Grid down - ebola
Russia can survive
In reply to Grid down - ebola by GilFavor
Russia can survive