All Signs Point to UN Imposed Medical Martial Law Coming to the Southern Border

Steve Quayle once stated on The Common Sense Show, that a civil crisis will be manufactured in America and it will be followed by a military attack upon the United States. And after reading this article, it will become apparent that the attackers, whether they be Chinese or Russians will be wearing blue helmets.
It starts here and is coming to a city near you. With each successive wave of caravan migrants, comes an increased risk of deadly pandemic outbreaks for which Americans have no immunity. A mysterious polio is sweeping the country. Border Patrol agents are growing increasingly concerned about the diseases, for which Americans have no immunity are coming across the border. We already know that people from Africa make up part of the caravans. Are we naive to think that more serious illnesses are not on the way?
What Is Going to Happen When One of These New Illnesses Is Ebola?
It's too late, Ebola has already arrived at the border. From Breitbart (1):
A public health official in Laredo, Texas, said 20 Congolese migrants were monitored for Ebola and other diseases in shelters in his city and across the Mexican border in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas. Shortly after his announcement during a Laredo City Council meeting, the World Health Organization (WHO) considered declaring a “global emergency” in response to a massive outbreak of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
“We have 8 Congolese right now in one of our shelters and a dozen in Nuevo Laredo,” Laredo Health Director Dr. Hector Gonzalez told the Laredo City Councilman George Altget during a council meeting on April 4. “For them, my concern was Ebola.” He said that due to the time element, the Congolese migrants were not developing symptoms of Ebola. “But, we’re on alert to check that,” he said...
This is all part of the plan as I have previously reported that Monsanto (2), or Monsatan as many call them, has partnered with the Department of Defense to use a proxy third party company to develop a vaccine against Ebola. The seed money began at $1.5 million. The value of the deal could grow to an estimated $86 million dollars. The company’s name is Tekmira Pharmaceuticals Corporation (TKMR) (TKM.TO), a leading developer of RNA interference (RNAi) therapeutics. “TKM-Ebola, an anti-Ebola virus RNAi therapeutic, is being developed under a $140 million contract with the U.S. Department of Defense’s Medical Countermeasure Systems BioDefense Therapeutics (MCS-BDTX) Joint Product Management Office”. As breaking and shocking of a news story as this has the potential to be, the real story is that this is not the most important part of the Ebola threat which has invaded the United States. The truth of the matter is that these unholy and untrustworthy associations, when it comes to “fighting” the Ebola virus, represent the mere tip of the iceberg. The more on digs into who is behind the creation and the development of vaccines for treating Ebola, the more the conspiracy networks widen. The most amazing fact is how incredibly easy it was to locate this information. I want to be clear on this point, Ebola was invented, a vaccine for Ebola has existed for over 10 years, some government sponsored institutions as well as some of the global elite have positioned themselves to profit enormously from the spread of the virus and the development of and dissemination of mandatory Ebola vaccines and the imposition of total martial law in the process. Here is the proof.
Human ebola virus species and compositions and methods thereof CA 27415Chin23 A1
Amazingly, the CDC owns “the” patent on Ebola and all future strains. The “SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION” section of the patent document also clearly claims that the U.S. government is claiming “ownership” over all Ebola viruses that share as little as 70% similarity with the Ebola it “invented”: Why would a government organization claim to have “invented” this infectious disease and then claim a monopoly over its exploitation for commercial use? It is clear that the CDC plans to claim royalties on Ebola vaccines. This certainly increases the likelihood that the vaccines will become mandatory, thus increasing the profit potential for the patent holders.
Publication number | CA2741523 A1 |
Publication type | Application |
Application number | CA 2741523 |
PCT number | PCT/US2009/062079 |
Publication date | Apr 29, 2010 |
Filing date | Oct 26, 2009 |
Priority date | Oct 24, 2008 |
Also published as | EP2350270A2, 4 More » |
Inventors | Jonathan S. Towner, Stuart T. Nichol, James A. Comer, Thomas G. Ksiazek, Pierre E. Rollin |
Applicant | Jonathan S. Towner, 5 More » |
Export Citation | BiBTeX, EndNote, RefMan |
Classifications (21), Legal Events (1) | |
External Links: CIPO, Espacenet |
Clearly, and has been suspected for decades, Ebola is man-made and this patent proves this intention of the CDC to profit from a future pandemic. Why does the CDC need to own the patent on Ebola? Perhaps, we should ask Bill Gates why he previously donated $50 million to the UN and the CDC in the name of fighting Ebola (see video below). The CDC has partners in the fight against Ebola, namely, Crucell, the National Institute of Health (NIH) and the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) and, of course, Bill and Melinda Gates. Since when would Gates not expect a return on his investment? Gates and Michael Bloomberg have already contributed large sums of money to numerous vaccination causes such as the Global Polio Eradication Initiative originally launched in 1988 by the World Health Organization (WHO), Rotary International, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). The return on investment has been impressive.
Why Are So Many Levels of Government Pushing for Mandatory Vaccinations?
There are lies of commission and lies by omission. The media, for over a decade has been lying to the American people by omission.The work on an Ebola virus sanctioned by the holder of the patent for the vaccine, the NIH), has been ongoing since 2004 with clinical trials in 2006. This explains why the CDC and the NIH will be bringing Ebola patients into the country to treat. The moment that an Ebola patient crosses the U.S. border, they become the intellectual property of the CDC, NIH and Bill and Melinda Gates! How can we not believe that this is the Hegelian Dialectic run amok in a case of problem creation, solution to the problem and reaction to the problem? The involvement of the USAMRIID is noteworthy because the Army has long been rumored to have created Ebola and, for purposes of experimentation, implanted the artificial virus in Zaire in 1977. When an unsuspecting public is finally told of the existence of an Ebola vaccine, the Global Fund will be in charge of the distribution of the vaccine. Interestingly, Bill Gates has donated a total of $560 million dollars to the Global Fund. The Global Fund has also positioned themselves to be in charge of the distribution of the “newly developed”, and not yet announced vaccines for TB and HIV. Since the goal is the vaccination of every man, woman and child on the planet with multiple vaccines, Gates’ $560 million contribution to the Global Fund is chump change compared to the expected ROI. However, on deck is the Ebola virus.
The question in the subtitle can now be answered. The push for mandatory vaccinations is preparing the public for the final vaccination: The Ebola Vaccine. However, that is not the endgame. The CDC and the NIH will profit enormously, as will Bill Gates when Ebola spreads through America. Mandatory vaccinations are a goldmine of profits. However, the end game is the political objective. The Ebola crisis will set the stage for a United Nations takeover of the border under the guise of humanitarian aid.
UN Sponsored Medical Martial Law
Excerpts from The Atlantic (a consistent mouthpiece for the Trilateral Commission)
It (CDC) is already authorized to detain people suspected of carrying diseases like plague, Ebola, and (somewhat improbably) smallpox. But the new rule does away with a formal list. It extends the same powers to any “quarantinable communicable disease,” and uses wider range of symptoms (from a list that federal agents can update as the need arises) for defining “ill” people. …. James Hodge Jr, a professor of public-health law and ethics at Arizona State University, …feels that the “CDC risks sacrificing personal liberty at the altar of flexibility and expediency. The rule allows the CDC to move on somebody based on some belief that they might pose some amorphous risk to others,” says Hodge. “That’s not a standard that survives constitutional scrutiny. For a start, the rule is sparse when it comes to due process. It allows the CDC to detain travelers indefinitely before deciding whether to quarantine them, saying only that the agency “doesn’t expect” such apprehensions to last for more than 72 hours. It doesn’t make provisions for legal counsel if people can’t afford a lawyer themselves. And it puts any reviews of the agency’s decisions under the auspices of its own employees, rather than a neutral third party. Using the rule, “a future administration could hold travelers in government custody for days or weeks without providing an explanation or an opportunity for the individuals to challenge their detentions,” write Emma Roth and Kyle Edwards from Yale Law School.
The rule also gives the CDC ultimate authority to carry out medical tests and treatments, stating that “the individual’s consent shall not be considered as a prerequisite to the exercise of any authority.” That’s medically unethical, says Hodge, since informed consent has been a bedrock of medicine for decades. “If you don’t get it, you could have additional quarantine, but you don’t get to force informed consent on people.”…These revelations from The Atlantic are concerning enough. However, the CDC policies are simply expanding the power of medical martial law and when one examines the fine points, it is a license to remove “undesirables”, “deplorables”, and political opponents from society and can do so under the guise of protecting the public. This is where America will truly learn the finer points of FM 39.4 (ie FEMA camps) as the issue of medical martial law was decided under the Obama administration.
The United Nations and FEMA Camp Regulations
As Ebola is beginning to spread once again throughout Africa, the Atlantic would have you believe that the CDC is scrambling to come up with containment and legal policies designed for quarantine, etc. Nothing could be further from the truth. The issue was decided in 2014 when the CDC enacted now pandemic policies. The new policies are draconian and they represent the back-door implementation of martial law and the removal of undesirables. As previously referenced, multiple times on The Common Sense Show, that thanks to Obama, the United Nations can unilaterally impose a state of “medical martial law” and assume control. In fact, the smoking Resettlement regulations (ie FEMA Camp Army regulations), known as FM 3-39.401-5 states that foreign troops will eventually occupy FEMA camps referred to as resettlement camps. This section of the paper is the smoking gun for medical martial law as per the UN takeover of handling a medical crisis.FM 3-39.40 1-5
Straight from the Internment/Resettlement article ( FM 3-39.40 1-5) it states the following:“…I/R operations may place Soldiers in continuous contact with or near insurgents, terrorists, or criminals who will exploit every opportunity to escape and kill or injure U.S. personnel or multinational partners“.
Army document, FM 3-39.40 1-5, speaks clearly to the fact their is absolute intent to use foreign military assets to imprison American citizens. How will these foreign assets be utilized? When Ebola, or some other pandemic strikes, the changes in the handling of Ebola patients have already been planned for through a series of legal actions, most of them are Executive Orders. For example, the Executive Order, entitled Revised List of Quarantinable Communicable Diseases, amends Executive Order 13295, passed by George W. Bush in April 2003, which allows for the, “apprehension, detention, or conditional release of individuals”, and Ebola is specifically mentioned. Even though President Bush specifically mentioned Ebola as an illness which would permit the authorities to utilized forced quarantines, Obama then took this portion of the Executive Order to a whole new level. Obama previously had granted his administration the authority to detain, in any manner deemed necessary, any person who demonstrates any degree of respiratory distress. This means people with noninfectious asthma could be detained. When the forced transport of Ebola patients begins to occur, relatively healthy people will be joining them in this death parade march to camps being run with foreign assets. It is my belief that Ebola will be the impetus to send people to camps, however, this is by no means the end game. These camps will quickly morph into martial law detainment camps for American dissidents. I would imagine that many alternative media broadcasters will develop asthma over the next several months. As I have previously reported, I found evidence supporting these claims in a federal document entitled Emergency Support Function #8 (ESF #8) – Public Health and Medical Services Annex. This document is exceptionally obscure, but is can be accessed in the following manner” This document can be accessed by putting the following into a search engine, “ESF #8″, and you will arrive at the following listing and a PDF will appear.
It is my belief that Ebola will constitute the original cause to detain American citizens, but the list of medical reasons to medically detain, under UN auspices, will be expanded to any illness in order to justify FEMA camp confinement. Where's the proof, you might ask?
The proof comes from a previous article in this series with regard to the United Nations disbanding the Mexican Federales and are creating the Mexican National Guard in which the UN says that it will be personally providing humanitarian training. A clear picture is beginning to emerge. And even if medical martial law does not completely result in the defacto takeover of the US by the UN, there is always the Kigali Principles which will all a UN military action to take place to "rescue" a country in crisis/
From The Common Sense Show:
Does anyone think that it is very strange that the UN is taking over the training for the newly formed Mexican National Guard (1) which is replacing the Mexican government's Federales? In an April 9, 2019 Washington Post story, the WAPO thinks that is endeavor is perfectly fine with the ultimate intention to flood the United States with crippling blow with a number of incoming immigrants to be so great, that America will never recover.
The United Nations claims that it is taking over "human rights" training for a domestic military force. This is double talk to cover the fact that the UN is taking over Mexican law enforcement. And why would the United Nations be interested in taking over Mexican law enforcement? I can give 160 million reasons on why the UN is taking over this so-called "training" role because the UN has set the number of illegal immigrants designed to enter the United States in the next 2 years at 160 million newly invited guests for dinner.
That is a lot of disease that can cross our southern border.
The Sine Qua Non of This Plot
Let's take another look at the organization structure of the soon-to-be medical isolation camps. Here are the member agencies as listed by Human Health Services:
The Ebola Detainment Centers (FEMA Camps) Have No Real Medical Facilities
Look at the participating partners in the “hospital” detainment centers in the EFS #8 document. This list is very revealing as to the intended purpose of these camps.
Support Agencies: Department of Agriculture Department of Commerce Department of Defense Department of Energy Department of Homeland Security Department of the Interior Department of Justice Department of Labor Department of State Department of Transportation Department of Veterans Affairs Environmental Protection Agency General Services Administration U.S. Agency for International Development U.S. Postal Service American Red Cross |
Where are the medical treatment facilities? shouldn't a medical containment center have medical organizations that are participating?
Sometimes, it is not what a person says that is important, it is what they do not say. In the above list of Ebola detainment centers, I don’t see the CDC or the National Institute of Health listed. Nor do I see any legitimate medical organizations. I don’t even see the presence of any “volunteer” medical organizations such as Doctors Without Borders. Does anyone else find it disturbing that the transport of very sick people will be conducted and the end point is devoid of any medical treatment organizations and/or facilities? These camps are death camps. There is not one shred of evidence that these camps are intended to treat or even make comfortable people who will contract Ebola or be exposed to Ebola. The most disturbing thing is that these camps will be death camps for relatively healthy people. If you are a person who is unlucky enough to be discovered to have asthma or merely be temporarily suffering from congestion in one’s lungs from allergies or a simple cold, you could find yourself on one of the Federally approved ambulance services (bus, train, plane) and headed to your final destination..
And those Mexican National Guard soldiers being trained by the UN for "humanitarian reasons", would make excellent blue-helmet guards at these disguised FEMA camps. The dots are all connecting.
I cannot shake a story that the late Larry Grathwohl told me regarding a conversation he had with Bill Ayers. Larry's conversation took with Ayers while he was serving as a FBI special informant sent to investigate Ayers organization, the Weatherman Underground. Ayers is talso he man who launched President Obama's political career from the living room of his Chicago area home.
Grathwohl revealed, on my talk show, that he asked Ayers, the then leader of the radical group the Weathermen Underground, in a meeting of about 25 well-to do fellow Weatherman, most with advanced degrees from Ivy League Universities, what the Weathermen planned to do when they achieved their goal of a communist take over the government. Grathwohl stated that Ayers paused for a moment and then said that it was likely that about 50 million Americans will have to be re-educated in concentration camps located in the American Southwest and that about 25 million would have to be eliminated, meaning that they would have to be murdered. The potential implications are stunning.
These words still haunt me.
One one hand, the UN is preparing on one side of the border. And on this side of the border, the CDC, NIH and Bill Gates are posturing to make enormous profits.
There is more to come in this series.
1. From Breitbart - Congolese Migrants Monitored for Ebola Along Texas Border, Says Official
The globalists are behind…