We have the power of the spoken word, if we speak and do not doubt, what we say, will come to pass, that is Divine law. In the war that's going on, we are the battlefield, one side seeks to keep us ignorant, while the other side seeks to save us from ignorance, once we come to an understanding of the true nature of reality we will begin to gain wisdom and power.
Yes Dave, we need a 3rd Great Awakening! True humility and repentance which includes decisively turning away from sin. Some well known Pastor's have stated that #3 has started! Many hopeful signs include, this past weekend Morehead, KY 1,700 people attended church service, 76 surrendered their lives to Christ and 82 were baptized. Note that Morehead, KY has a population of about 7,000. A 9/23/24 article on CBN News "Revival Sweeping through College Campuses Impacting Tens of Thousands". It mentions Auburn U. 5,000 students and over 200 baptized; Florida State U. 4,500 students attend evangelistic meeting and 350 baptized; similar activities on other college campuses such as U of Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee and South Carolina. Let's pray it continues!
The 2024 NCAA Wrestling Championship Finals had at least half of the national champions boldly proclaiming their faith and love for God and Jesus Christ. A few were wearing 100% Jesus headbands on the sidelines after winning their matches. My wife and I were overwhelmed with joy when we first saw this earlier in the year. Here is a short compilation video:
In addition to the colleges listed above, several Ohio State football players led a worship event of Jesus Christ at Ohio State last month. There were a few thousand people in attendance and apparently over 100 were baptized:
Scaffolding built by nano particles inside those who took the jab. Frequency sounds off, much like a dog whistle, but this is for humans. To drive them mad with murderous rage. Dark ops run the agenda when they require a mass casualty event using some unsuspecting dupe to kill on their behalf. Sounds right. Sounds like the handiwork of the Luciferian Left. More to come.
2 CHRON 7:14 is a promise from God that if we will meet the conditions therein, He will heal our land. In the last line of this article you made a comment about putting the globalists on the run. In the Scripture above, this is exactly what God promises. Right now, at this time in history, this needs to be preached from every pulpit in America. If we will do what God requires of us, it will precipitate the greatest miracle God has ever done for this nation.
The 2024 NCAA Wrestling Championship Finals had at least half of the national champions boldly proclaiming their faith and love for God and Jesus Christ. A few were wearing 100% Jesus headbands on the sidelines after winning their matches. My wife and I were overwhelmed with joy when we first saw this earlier in the year. Here is a short compilation video:
In addition to the colleges listed above, several Ohio State football players led a worship event of Jesus Christ at Ohio State last month. There were a few thousand people in attendance and apparently over 100 were baptized:
Dave Hodges has been publishing the Common Sense Show since 2012. The Common Sense Show features a wide variety of important topics that range from the loss of constitutional liberties, to the subsequent implementation of a police state under world governance, to exploring the limits of human potential. The primary purpose of The Common Sense Show is to provide Americans with the tools necessary to reclaim both our individual and national sovereignty.
The archives of The Common Sense Radio Show Are Available on Megaphone and Global Star. This includes the weekly radio show,other interviews and monologues, and the GSRadio archives. Listen Now
3rd Great Awakening
More College Age People Boldly Confessing Jesus Christ
In reply to 3rd Great Awakening by Jerry Zi
Frequency and 5G/6G
More College Age People Boldly Confessing Jesus Christ
Names of God /Jehovah-Jireh, Rapha, Nissi...