Be Aware That As You Worship This Easter, You Are Doing So In Enemy Territory


I have come to believe that the Holy Spirit has led me on a series of quests that is culminating in my understanding of the world we live and how the forces of evil are coming against us. Why would these insights come to me? It is not because I am intelligent or even insightful. This has been revealed to me so I can share the blocks to indivdual salvation.The worldsystem is dedicated to keeping you in the dark so you can be deceived by the forces of evil. 

I have often said that I am grateful that I chose to devote so much of my work in uncovering and then exposing the 2020 election fraud that has ultimately changed America forever. Although the election fraud was bad enough and resulted in the installation of the biggest criminal, biggest pervert and least mentally adept President of all time, the Holy Spirit has led me to a far deeper understanding of our world than the simple threat of a stolen election and the installation of a communist government. 

By losing Trump, and being shackled with Biden, America lost what was left of its soul. The Godlessness (ie perversion, indifference to human life, and the pursuit of greed) perfectly describes our leaders, including those that preach to you every Sunday from the pulpit. From my work on election fraud, I found out who was controlling the pressure points which allowed for a stolen election. I was shocked by how many of our top officials are either controlled Communist China or George Soros. I was further shocked about how deep the penetration this Satanically-inspired takeover of America has reached. For example, in Arizona, it would be difficult to find a County health director, or a County Clerk and Recorder that has not been compromised by these two Godless entities of control. Of course, most of your county prosecutors, County Commissioners, and even a fair amount of Sheriffs have sucked into this globalist cabal designed to destroy America. In Arizona, every single major office holder is beholding to the globalists. Most are held in check because they are compromised and others are bribed in form or another.  As I communicated with many election fraud investigators in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia, etc, the patter ofthe communist takeover was always the same. From the lowest official to Congress to the Supreme Court, they are all held in check by this system of takeover characterized by  variables:

  1. The ultimate goal is the establishment of a world government. Soon your church will be espousing the values of environmentally friendly principles including frugality and your pastors will be telling you to submit to the World Economic Forum and eat bugs and lab meat because that is what Jesus would want and if he were here today, he would be an environmentalist working in the EPA.  Although most local officials do not work with this goal in mind, the greed, avarice, and the blackmail system that holds them in check is dedicated to Satan and world government. You probably can add your pastor to this theme as well. For another discussion, if your church is medium to large-sized, your pastor is probably a member of the Clergy Response Team managed by NOVAD of the Department of Homeland Security. As a result, many of your pastors are employees of this corrupt federal government. For if they are not employees of the federal government, by default, and they speak of the evils of this government, then they will lose their sacred tax exemption. If there were an 11th Commandment in the Bible, it would say “Thou shall not endanger the tax exemption of the church”. 
  2. If your church is a tax-exempt church, then the word of God is not the #1 priority and “other” entities are making your church’s decisions. When is the last time your pastor spoke of the murderous behavior we call abortion? When was the last time that your church addressed the topic of Mystery Babylon of even the coming empire of the Beast and his anti-Christ system? When has your church spoken out about the horrors of indoctrination being practiced by school boards across America as they attempt radicalize children along racial lines with the teaching of Critical Race Theory? When was the last time your pastor organized your congregation to protest against five-year-old students being recruited to become the next fluid gender child by their teacher? When has your Pastor spoken about the Satanic evil of your child’s teachers teaching how to perform oral and anal sex and the children are between the ages of 5 and 8! Silence in the face of evil, is evil.
  3. How many of you really know your pastor? If your pastor supports the federal tax exemption, he has cut out most of the Bible in his sermons. With this being the case, we find that most compromised churches result to teaching series on secular issues with vague Biblical references. In short, when has your pastor had a teaching series on the Book of Revelation? He can’t, because he would have to expose the evils of the US government, the source of 40% of his income due to government sponsored tax exemptions. Has your pastor even spoken about the criminal behavior of Biden? His handling of the border crisis has led to a rampant rise in child sex trafficking, the importation of foreign gang members whose impact on the violent crime rate in America is already being felt and or course, there are the drugs. Fentanyl, a product of Communist China, the entity that cannot be criticized on social media, killed over 100,000 people last year. Most of these victims were young males of fighting age. Gee… would China have any motive for doing this? These deaths represent almost double the amount of American military killed during the entire Vietnam War. And still your government does nothing and your pastor follows suit.

Is your cognitive dissonance kicking in yet?

People often ask me what can we do to restore America? Unfortunately, America has adopted a new allegiance as we assume the role of what many Biblical Scholars are referring to as New Babylon which is described in the Bible as a wicked government run by the merchants (ie Billionaires like Soros, Gates, the Big Pharma executives, etc). Please realize that this Easter, as we renew our allegiance to Jesus, be keenly aware that you are worshipping inside of enemy territory. 

Where can we go for truth people ask? Please consider the following…This past week, we have witnessed the New York Times really expose the character of the mainstream media, the ruling party (Godless Bolsheviks who still refer themselves as the Democratic Party) and a group of globalists who are attempting to install the first of three world governments and this will be discussed in the latter parts of this article and series, as a whole. America is ruled by evil entities. As a result, we Christians are deceived, the church is deceived and most of your pastors are leading the deception.

This article is only introducing you to the deception which is now occurring on a wide scale, almost on an unimaginable scale and at the center of it all, are most of the pastors.

Here we sit upon the precipice of another celebration of how and why Jesus died for our sins. The majority of the faithful will, no doubt, find refuge in a church to express their love, devotion and thanks to the Lord at this Easter celebration. However, most of you will no doubt, and quite unknowingly choose a church whose pastor is compromised by greed, wealth, power and fear of the federal government.

The Bible speaks of three world governments. We will discuss the chronology and character of the three iworld governments in the next installment in this series.