Competing False Flag Events In Ukraine-Is WW III Next? The Doug and Dave Intel Report

Many in America are engaged in the fallacy that one of the 3 leaders (Putin, Biden, Zilinskyy) are to blame for the current domestic and globalist crises that has befallen humanity. Matthew 24 makes this abundantly clear. The present situation that we are in has become a matter of whose false flag events are going to prevail. All 3 leaders are undeniably evil and the people are suffering as well. In the following interview, the Doug and Dave Intel Report, a product of The Common Sense Show, we explored each of the 3 leadership entitites and their false flag efforts and how this is destroying humanity. This is an eye-opening interview which can be heard at this link.
Doug Thornton's archives for his show, American Vindicta, can be accessed at this link
Dave Hodges archives for his show, The Common Sense Show, can be accessed at this link
The Common Sense Show can be heard/watched at the following outlets:
Global Star Radio Network
Redstate Talk Radio
KYAH Radio
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Mike Adams' Brighteon Radio (premiering April 9th)