Major Universities Caught Issuing Diploma Mill Degrees to Illegal Aliens and Liberal Candidates Posing As Conservatives
Marlyn Rupar first brought to my attention the fact that there is an organization, along with partner universities that have compromised the academic integrity of the America's post-secondary system. Marilyn provided much of the information that follows in which it is alleged that the following is taking place inside many of nation's most prestigious universities in order to promote an overthrow of American culture and politics. I have had one source confirm that the following group is also tied into the Justice Democrats. We allege that the following is taking place.
Fake degrees, in a diploma mill format are being offered to the following people:
- Illegal aliens
- Targeted Latino community members (ie Ocasio Cortez).
- There is an offshoot of this program which takes the best of the best of this unholy alliance and then grooms them for 2-5 years to run for office as a Republican, yet they are "Trojan Horse" Democrats designed to create a liberal takeover in local communities from the bottom up. They run for mayor, city council and county commissioners. The present mayor of Ft. Collins, an Agenda 21 stronghold, is such a person.
The illegal aliens who get to "possess" these advance degrees and they move into positions of prominence, thus spreading their ultra liberal influence into the power structures of our society. It is an illegal and unwarranted influence, but these people will never be deported. Activist, Virginia Farver, told me in a recent interview, that Ft. Collins is constantly getting new people for administrative appointments who are young and incredibly incompetent. They are often recycled between Austin and Santa Cruz, other Agenda 21 strongholds.
The most disturbing aspect of these fake programs is twofold:
1. The leftists have succeeded in getting prestigious colleges to sacrifice their academic integrity. Although, this does explain the social justice warrior mentality in many of our colleges today.
2. How do people know what they are voting for in local elections? If someone is trained to act Republican but vote liberal, how can the average person know they are being deceived? The tragic answer is that they cannot know.
Founding Partner Universities
There are several prominent members of this most unholy and shameful organization. Here is the original list.
- Michigan University
- Vanderbilt University
- Binghamton University
- Boston University (Ocasio-Cortez)
- University of Albany
- Case Western Reserve
- University of California
- Penn State (home of Climategate emails and Sandusky pedophilia)
- Michigan State University
- Ohio State University
- UMASS Amherst
- University of Florida
- Florida Gulf Coast University
- Georgia State University
- University of South Florida
- Rutgers University
Funding Provided for the Diploma Mills
The funding partners (1) for this infiltration and takeover of academia in America consist of the following:
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
The Howard Hughes Medical Institute,
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation,
The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation,
The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Bill and Melinda Gates? What could go wrong. Everybody roll up their sleeves, here come the mandatory vaccinations.
It's called the Conversation (2) website. It is a collection of papers specific to each of the countries listed below and it is related to the subject at hand.
They have a daily paper for each of these countries:
- Africa
- Australia
- Canada
- Canada (French)
- Spain
- Global Perspectives
- Indonesia
- New Zealand
- United Kingdom
The Conversation publishes their views (3) on higher education, politics, the Trump Administration, etc. It is an eye-opening experience. It is globalism on full display and this is who is educating our kids.
The Sponsored Takeover of Local American Politics
In concluding the exposure of this group, it is important to highlight an example of the takeover of local politics, with a concrete example.
From Freedom Outpost (4):
In the case of Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno, he was appointed last year by then Governor Rick Scott at the request of former Lee County Sheriff Mike Scott. This coming year will be Marceno's first election...
This is why things like perpetrating a fraud on the people of Lee County by telling them he is on track to receive a bachelor's degree in criminal justice when he barely went to Florida Gulf Coast University for three months is nothing more than an attempt to boost his stature in the public eye..
This case is almost an understatement of how bad things have declined in local politics. This is a complete takeover of America's local communities. It is brilliant, evil and effective,!
1. The Conversation - Funding Partners - click here
2. The Conversation - Website - click here
3. The Conversation - Views on subjects - click here
4. Freedom Outpost - Why Is Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno Perpetrating This Fraud On The People?
I have seen this up close…
college = indoctrination
Thanks for sharing. Everyone…