Now thats and emergency. Georgia had come out so hard for Trump they had to activate kindergarten timeout to make sure once the russians were cleansed the real america reveals itself as submitted to globalist, trans, non white, plantation run america. They know they're evil. The money dicks are goin to hell...
So, in 4 years years (actually 8 years) Georgia has not been able to fix the "fix" in its elections. When you have the same crew of RINOs; the governor, the secretary of state, and the attorney general, nothing will get done. Are the people in people just plain STUPID or what? I'm clear across the country and even I can see what's going on.
But the Russians did it... Putin said recently that he doesn't have a dog in this election fight because he feels no matter who replaces Joey, the Ukraine matter will not be settled equitably. The old saying comes to mind, "When your enemy is fighting amongst themselves and tearing themselves apart, leave them alone."
Dave Hodges has been publishing the Common Sense Show since 2012. The Common Sense Show features a wide variety of important topics that range from the loss of constitutional liberties, to the subsequent implementation of a police state under world governance, to exploring the limits of human potential. The primary purpose of The Common Sense Show is to provide Americans with the tools necessary to reclaim both our individual and national sovereignty.
The archives of The Common Sense Radio Show Are Available on Megaphone and Global Star. This includes the weekly radio show,other interviews and monologues, and the GSRadio archives. Listen Now
Now thats and emergency…
Georgia Is The Reason The US Can Never Become Reunited