It is laughable that some in the Independent Media are still in denial about the existence and true nature of concentration camps in America, commonly known as FEMA camps. The evidence is overwhelming and from certain documents we can ascertain how “detainees” will be captured and transported to these infamous FEMA camps. One of the purposes of this article is to demonstrate, that from the government’s own documents, they tell us what kind of hell-on-Earth is awaiting the American people courtesy of the United Nations.
Review of the Takeover of the United States by Pre-Positioned UN Troops
Previously on this website, it was established that the globalists have organized a plot designed to overthrow the US government and the American people.
Their first objective is to bring holy hell to the United States. Antifa (ie MS-13 and ISIS), along with CIA support, Deep State resources and the use of the FBI cover-up elements, are in the midst of bringing so much chaos to American soil, that UN intervention will be deemed necessary based on previously covered prior agreements between the US government and the United Nations called the Kigali Principles which I have extensively, and recently, written about. Previously, I cited a Fox News report which stated that UN soldiers (eg Russians and Chinese et al) will seizing guns and imprisoning those deemed to be a threat to the New World Order. In the three previous articles of on The Common Sense Show, I documented how the UN troops have been practicing for the takeover. This articles examines the fact that it will be UN forces that will be operating the FEMA camps of mass incarceration.
An Irrelevant Question
Some time ago, I received the following email from someone in the Independent Media:
Mr. Hodges, You are discrediting the movement of the Alt Right media with your crazy claims about FEMA camps and that millions of Americans will be sent there to either die or be re-educated. What bullshit. You are a discredit to the entire industry and you misleading millions with these baseless conspiratorial claims. There are no FEMA Camps and there will be no re-education. There are no Russians and Chinese in America, You are paranoid. I suppose you believe that Hitler killed six million Jews. Why don't you go back to whatever useless job you had prior to pretending that you present real news?
Previously, I was sent this in response to an article I wrote which suggested that President Trump used the Brownsville, TX., Walmart to house detainee children to expose DHS control of FEMA camps. DHS is one of the alphabet soup agencies that still remains firmly entrenched in the Deep State.
"Dave, this is what I got from one of the people I sent the article on about the Fema camps I'm speechless, so what do you suggest I say back?"
Here is my basic question. What would be the purpose of putting millions of people in FEMA camps.We just don't have millions of trouble makers of any kind in the US...political or criminal, etc.
When you have millions in prisons, you have to feed them, manage them, etc. and that takes people and money. So, when propaganda is SO effective coming from the media, why would any organization want to put people into FEMA camp prisons? Especially millions. While there is a handful of politically outspoken people in the US, you could round them up and they would all fit into ONE prison! So, all these FEMA camps make no sense in terms of containing millions of people.
So, my question remains...why would anyone want to put millions of people in FEMA camps when they are so easily controlled by propaganda? What would be the logic of doing this? What would be the purpose? Who would see this as a good idea?
The defender of American virtue, and denier of the Deep State as the author of this email somehow forgot to sign their real name to this scathing communication. Let's see if this person is right. Is the notion of a FEMA camp that will do bad things to American citizens merely a flight of paranoid fantasy? Is the second emailer correct in that it would make no sense for a government to house millions of its own citizens either for extermination or re-education. To the second email, the author, who is expressing woeful ignorance, should be taking a basic history class. Stalin, Hitler, Mao, et al., used concentration camps to dispose or re-educate citizens who might not be on board with the totalitarian regime change in their country. An examination of this topic should begin with a simple question: “Will American soldiers fire upon American citizens upon a martial law roundup of millions of Americans”? Unfortunately, the answer to that question is a moot point. It is clear from analyzing data from Army concentration camp materials, that American soldiers will be used to round up detainees. However, the camps in which people will be deported to will ultimately be staffed and run by foreign troops and these troops will be under UN control. This document will make this point abundantly clear.
Point #1: FEMA Camps Are Slave Labor Camps
As was the case with the NAZIS, slave labor will be a part of the landscape as evidenced by the following Army document.
Appendix J
J-20 FM 3-39.40 12 February 2010
Commanders must organize and manage detainees in such a manner as to permit the proper and ready employment of each detainee. Establish and maintain a current occupational skill record for each detainee. Include new skills as they are acquired.
Assigning individual detainees to a work detail or job on a regular or permanent basis.
Establishing vocational training projects and encouraging detainees to study and develop needed skills to the maximum extent possible.
Detainee labor may be used to perform the following:
- Camp administration and installation maintenance.
- Agricultural work.
- Public works, public utilities, and building operations that have no military character or purpose.
- Transportation and handling of stores that are not military in nature or purpose.
I apologize and I do not wish to call anyone ignorant and uninformed, but this information comes directly from Army files that were leaked with their original administrative numbers.
- Domestic service
From the perspective of history, concentration camps are notoriously known for being institutions of murder. Based on this notion, I scoured the Army concentration camp manual entitled FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations (PDF), and found only scant reference to the subject of deaths in the concentration camps. Now wait a minute, this document painstakingly describes interrogation processes, food preparation, the transport and care of detainees, but they barely mention how they are going to deal with dead bodies? Aren't people going to die in captivity? In a facility filled with a divergent population with regard to age, health status and physical conditioning, should the authorities be concerned with what happens when an inmate dies from an unexpected heart attack or stroke? What would they do with the dead bodies? If proper preparations are not taken for the proper care and disposal of dead bodies, wouldn't that imperil the health of fellow inmates, not to mention the guards and other military personnel? This should be a primary concern for any facility. However, this is the one area where the FEMA camp Army manual is relatively silent and suspiciously so.
Point #2: FEMA Camps Are Death Camps
From the aforementioned references, the following passages speaks to how the Army deals with the subject of death as it is related to the concentration camps:
5-69. When a detainee in U.S. custody dies, the attending medical officer will immediately furnish the detention facility commander or hospital commander (or the commander of the unit that exercised custody over the detainee if the death did not occur in a facility) with the -Detainee’s full name. -Detainee’s ISN/capture tag (mandatory). -Date, place, and circumstances of the detainee’s death. -Initial assessment as to whether the detainee’s death was, or was not, the result of the deceased’s own misconduct. -The initial assessment as to the cause of death.
What is interesting about 5-69 is the cause of death is not categorized in any meaningful manner except to say that there is a conscious effort to determine if the death of the inmate was due to “their own actions”.
5-72. …the Office of the Armed Forces Medical Examiner is responsible for completing a final DD Form 2064 that will include a statement that “death was (or was not) the result of the deceased’s own misconduct” in the block labeled “Circumstances Surrounding Death Due to External Causes.”
Notice in the above (5-72) that only meaningful categories of inmate death are (1) the detainee’s own misconduct and (2) death due to external causes.
5-73. The NRDC will notify the ICRC of all detainee deaths. The NDRC will maintain detainee DD Forms 2064 for the period of hostilities or occupation, for the duration of any other military operation, or as otherwise directed. When authorized, the NDRC will archive detainee DD Forms 2064.
There is a key phrase that goes unnoticed. the phrase is “The NDRC will maintain detainee DD Forms 2064 for the period of the hostilities or occupation…”
In other words, there will be no Nuremberg trials for genocide because the records will be not be permanently maintained (i.e. destroyed).
For a manual which spells out, in detail, every possible consideration of how detainees will be handled, they omit the disposal of dead bodies. Will there be a military regulation that nobody can drop dead in the camp of a heart attack? Or, is this because except for the occasional spontaneous death, the Army seems very unconcerned about disposing of dead bodies at a facility of mass detention? I can only come to one conclusion, most of the deaths associated with the detainees, will not occur at the facility itself and this explains why the Army is seemingly unconcerned with this issue. In other words, people will be taken for extermination to a secondary site. Is that why the convert Walmarts are located near railroad tracks? As just mentioned, these facts opens a whole host of possibilities. Are the unhealthy going to be transported to a tertiary facility to be humanely treated while their medical conditions will be treated? I think it is fairly easy to see where I am going with this. Can we really expect the “authorities” who have committed an inhumane act by incarcerating people for no legitimate reason to suddenly discover their conscience and treat the infirm with compassion and dignity?
Point #3: Training UN Training Troops To Take Over and Run FEMA Camps
“This appendix addresses aspects of developing confinement officers in other countries. For the purposes of this appendix, the terms foreign and HN confinement officers are synonymous”.
For several years, I have interviewed numerous eyewitnesses on my talk show about the presence of foreign troops (mostly Russian and Chinese) training on American soil. Sherrie Wilcox has presented videotape and still photo evidence. Others have provided their firsthand accounts of these events. I have detailed the existence of a FEMA bilateral agreement with the Russians to bring in 15,000 soldiers for “disaster training”. And despite all the evidence, there are people, the Russian media, who have roundly criticized The Common Sense Show for accurately claiming there are foreign troops on American soil. Those who have refused to look at the evidence owe my people an apology. Second, the “bury their head in the sand crowd” (ie cognitive dissonance) ,will never know what will hit them when all hell breaks loose.
Stop! The following may contain images and messages which are troublesome to those who suffer from cognitive dissonance and corporate media group think.
What lies below is more proof that it will be foreign troops killing American citizens, not American soldiers who cannot be counted on to violate their oath to the Constitution.
Appendix N Foreign Confinement Officer Training Program
Training U.S. Trainers N-43. Soldiers and Marines who are assigned training missions receive a course of preparation to deal with the specific requirements of developing the target HN confinement officers (i.e. foreign detention officers). The course should emphasize the cultural background of the HN, introduce its language (to include specific confinement-related terms and phrases) and provide insights into cultural tips for developing a good rapport with HN personnel.
The beginning of this section attempts to create the illusion that foreign troops will be under the complete control of Army personnel. However, I believe it is likely that the mass exterminations of the detainees will take place when the American military is withdrawn from the facilities. If there was any doubt as to the fact that our soon-to-be jailers will be foreign and will have no hesitation to carry out mass genocide, the following regulation from the document should remove all doubt.
Training Methods N-48. Training programs are designed to prepare HN personnel to eventually train themselves. Indigenous trainers are the best trainers and should be used to the maximum extent possible. (EDITOR'S NOTE: THIS IS WHY THE RUSSIAN AND CHINESE ARE HERE).Conclusion
The plan, associated with the activation of the FEMA camps has been set into motion. Antifa led confederates will raise hell. The UN will generously offer to intervene based upon new agreements (ie the Kigali Principles). The plethora of false flag terror attacks designed to create the chaos necessary to bring in the UN has already begun. I apologize for confusing my critics with the facts, but please allow me to ask a question. Why would FM 39.4 ever be written if it were not going to operationalized at some future date? If the intention and the possibility did not exist then why waste the time on these elaborate plans? And to my detractors and critics There is another point to consider, what justifications will be used to forcibly house people in these camps? This will be the topic of discussion in another part of the ongoing and never-ending series on FEMA camp incarcertions. Final Note: We owe President Trump a debt of gratitude for exposing Walmart and DHS for being ante anti-Americana and heinous organizations that they are.
"We are trying to decide
"It is laughable that some…
As I have been saying to you…
treason & "weather ballons"
History Repeating?