Gates foundation donates millions to NGO that seeks to normalize child prostitution and sexualization of children under 10

by Amber Crawford
The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) is made up of 120 independent organizations in over 146 countries and has received over $80 million from Gates.
The World Health Organization has also significantly contributed to the IPPF.
The IPPF claims that they work “to ensure people are free to make choices about their sexuality and wellbeing in a world free from discrimination.”
This NGO teaches sex education to children around the world and, in a 2017 “toolkit” that was recently spotlighted, the organization suggests that prostitution should be categorized under “types of relationships” like marriage and dating.
This toolkit recommends that children under 10 should be taught that “sexual activity may be part of different types of relationships, including dating, marriage, or commercial sex work, among others.”
The toolkit also insists that children are “born sexual” and that sexuality “develops and changes throughout your life.”
A recommendation is that children under 10 should be told, “As you grow up, you might start to be interested in people with diverse gender identities.”
The IPPF toolkit focuses heavily on the sexuality of children under 10, encouraging the teaching that “sexuality is a part of you from the moment you are born.” The organization tries very hard to make people view children as “sexual beings, regardless of their age.”
“Sex positivity acknowledges that human beings, including adolescents and young people, are autonomous sexual beings,” the toolkit states, weirdly trying to normalize the sexualization of children.
“Sexual rights include… the right to say yes or not to sex; the right to express sexuality, including the right to seek pleasure; the right to enjoy bodily autonomy,” the toolkit says.
The IPPF document also recommends talking to children as young as 10 about emergency contraceptives and deciding to continue or terminate a pregnancy.
Read more at:
Satan's Sex Kit for School…
And with the income tax....
Gates foundation donates millions