The Next Tool of Tyranny and Enslavement Is Coming From Your Pastor, DHS and FEMA

Many who have followed the writings on this site are all too familiar with how the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA have turned your pastor into an agent of the state. And as such, your pastor has been trained to invoke Romans 13 in order to enforce compliance with government edicts, no mater how draconian, in a time of national emergency. Many of the nation's pastors have been trained how to bring calm to incarcerated Americans being held in the proverbial FEMA camps in which the pastors are forbidden to quote the Bible and speak of Jesus. It would be wise to click on the link for the two aforementioned claims before proceeding with this article.
Your Church Is Likely An Agent of the State
From the previously referenced links, it is easy to conclude that most of our pastors are compromised along with their message. However, the Clergy Response Team has taken an even darker turn for the worse. In ONLY 120 days, 30 churches from around the world have turned their place of worship into potential pit of enslavement. In geographic locations from Indonesia to India and from Portugal to the United States, churches have started using facial recognition software called Churchix. The innovator and the man in charge of this unholy distribution of unwarranted surveillance technology, Moshe Greenshpan, the CEO of Israel- and Las Vegas-based company Face-Six, is leading the way in installing DARPA and DHS surveillance devices inside the sanctuaries of Christian churches. Make no mistake about it, this surveillance program is a clone of other products that Greenshpan's company offers to clients, such as law enforcement, public venues, retail outlets and of course, the American Gestapo, DHS.
Implementation of Satan's Surveillance System
The Churchix program is implemented in three phases:
1. Enroll People into Churchix’s Data Base.
2. Upload Videos or Photos of Members
3. Churchix Identifies their Faces[/caption] The Churchix uses CCTV footage or photos to match churchgoers against a database of high-resolution pictures that a church has to compile on its own. The software can be used to monitor attendance numbers, and alert church officials if some members stops coming to services. It can also screen for people banned from the church as pointed out in the company's description of the operation features. .
"In the beginning I was surprised. We never thought of churches as potential clients, but we now understand the need. Most churches do already keep track of their members,"Greenshpan told the IBTimes UK.
Churches are dependent upon their congregation's generosity in remaining a viable entity. In the past, your church could often tell if someone was participating in the life of the church by monitoring their offering envelopes given to the church. This is where the real money is, not in the offering plate in which people drop in five dollar bills. Further, why would any church invest in such expensive and elaborate technology in which, for the majority of churches, the cost far outweighs increase in revenue that such a system could realize. This system of so-called revenue generating is flawed on its face unless the technology is being bankrolled from somewhere else.
Churchix Is Only Part of the Surveillance Movement That Is Targeting the Average Person
From April to June of 2015, a few reports surfaced about the introduction of the Churchix program. However, the reporting was one dimensional and did not look at the bigger surveillance picture. This system is only one part of a massive DHS data mining project designed to target Christians, people of interest and all Americans who are committing the crime of merely living in their homes and attempting to live an American middle class lifestyle. Most of you reading these words are considered to be enemies of the state (see the MIAC Report for an historical context).
It is not enough that your computer, or any electronic device, can be used as means to spy upon the owner of the device. DHS is seeking to gain access to ALL home surveillance videos. DHS is also seeking the ability to intercept digital signatures that come on your video camera devices as well. Your video and photos on your cell phones have long been the data base property of DHS.
News Hub previously reported (please note the error code) that DHS was indeed seeking to intercept your home surveillance videos for all Americans. That information has been scrubbed. Initially, it could have been obtained through the use of the Wayback Machine. As of September 8, 2015, that, too, has been sanitized.
Financing Your Church's Implementation of Churchix
Earlier in this article, the question was raised as to why a church would seek to monitor its members attendance and if a lack of offerings was motivating this type of spying. However, this technology was too expensive to be of any real value. In short, the nation's churches would spend more than they would recoup from bringing "fallen away" members back into the fold and realizing a revenue increase from church offerings as a result. However, The Common Sense Show has learned that Department of Homeland Security grants are available for churches who wish to upgrade their "technology" in accordance with the rules and procedures associated with their local Fusion Threat Center.
Originally, this information was available FEMA's homepage at this link. As the readers can see, the page has been scrubbed in a similar fashion to the previously referenced New Hub report on this topic.
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However, The Common Sense Show, made a copy of the DHS/FEMA grant program that was, in part, designed to make churches part of the DHS/FEMA national surveillance police state spy grid.
- Page 22: Citizen Corps Program Requirements
- State and territory responsibilities. Citizen preparedness and participation must be coordinated by an integrated body of government and nongovernmental representatives. States and local government recipients and sub-grantees of HSGP funds, including urban areas, must have such a body to serve as their Citizen Corps Council with membership that includes, but is not limited to:
- representatives from emergency management, homeland security, law enforcement, fire service, emergency medical services/public health or their designee
- elected officials
- the private sector (especially privately owned critical infrastructure)
- private nonprofits
- nongovernmental organizations (including faith-based, community-based, and voluntary organizations)
- advocacy groups for children, seniors, people with disabilities and others with access and functional needs.
Representatives from existing Citizen Corps partners and affiliates active in the community should also be included on these Citizen Corps Councils. Furthermore, Citizen Corps Councils should include a Metropolitan Medical Response System (MMRS) representative, where applicable, along with advocates and specialists representing the unique needs of infants and children and representatives from the disability community.
Part of the Bigger Picture
Forget the obvious Fourth Amendment protections the Chuchix and your pastor are violating on behalf of DHS/FEMA. The fundamental question is why would a government agency invest so much capital and its resources into such a project? Any competent social psychologist will tell you that body language accounts for roughly 90% of all human communication. Facial expressions, posture and gestures are part of this elaborate communication system. Please consider the following: Computer scientists and musicologists at the University of Oslo have developed new software that lets music lovers add their own personal music, to match their mood, which created by a computer that can effectively read the person's body language. Paul Ekman, the pioneer of reading body language, according to the Wall Street Journal, "fears he has created a monster". Ekman originally pioneered the study of facial expressions in the 1970's. He created an inventory of over 5,000 muscle movements in order to demonstrate hidden emotions. Today companies such as Emotient Inc., Affectiva Inc. and Eyeris have amassed an amazing computer software data base that can seemingly read minds because of the accuracy and thoroughness of the body language reading software. The concern of the public should be great as the Wall Street Journal so accurately states "Collectively, they are amassing an enormous visual database of human emotions, seeking patterns that can predict (pre-crime) emotional reactions and behavior on a massive scale". You might still be wondering how this could impact you? Imagine that this coming Sunday you are sitting in a church armed with this technology. The terms of the DHS grant given to your church allows the NSA, on behalf of DHS/FEMA, to pirate the video footage of the members of your church. Your facial reactions to your pastor's message could reveal much about your suitability to live in the New World Order which has hijacked this nation's government.
Ask yourself, if you were looking for opponents to the NWO, where would you go to identify them? Since most of the Independent Media are self-professed Christians as are many of their followers, the church would be the logical place to visit. An in an environment where topics such as Transgenerism and the selling body part of aborted fetuses could be discussed, your church would be a good repository to look for future dissenters, today, and eliminate them, before they could become a problem. Please recall, as reported on this site, the NSA maintains a data base on every individual in which every person is assigned a Threat Matrix Score. Churchix is just one more tool to make decisions on people who would turn up on the proverbial Red List. In light of the introduction of this technology to the Church, home Bible study seems like a very good idea.
Being Passive Is Over
The Next Tool of Tyranny