Agenda 2030's Goal #12 Will Exterminate Six Billion People

- Agenda 2030 Goal #12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns Follwing the planned economic collapse, Agenda 2030 will enforce the most brutal austerity programs ever conceived of, or ever enforced. Just as it was in the Hunger Games movie, all food, water and medicine will be rationed. Inhabitants will be forced to take the Mark of the Best, the dreaded but largely unkown RFID chip. We are already witnessing the birth of a cashless society. Soon, cash will be banned. Automation will bring promises of unlimited food production. The public will be sold on the widespread use of robots to achieve this goal. It will be a ruse. The goal is to replace human workes with robots. The globalsists will horde the food in order to help wipe out the ‘useless eaters’ through starvation. Then the population will be forced into a devastating World War III. Subsequently, Ted Turner and the other globlaists will be able to achieve their goals of reducing the world's population to a low of 500,000,000.
Predictive Programming of Man's Demise
From the early 1960's, the TV show, The Twilight Zone predicted the obsolescence of mankind through automation. It is chilling that a TV show from over 5o years ago predicted the time and events that we are now living in.Humans Are the Excess Inventory of the World
What do business owners do with their excess inventory? They at first try to get rid of the product by selling at a reduced price and when that fails, they simply destroy the inventory. The latter is the fate that awaits the American people and ultimately the human race. Soon, humanity will no longer be needed because humanity has become the newest form of excess inventory. Over 90% of us will soon be obsolete.Soft Kill Methods
Fluoride, aluminum from chemtrails and specific vaccines, artificial sweeteners, dangerous drugs (VIOXX) have constituted some of the passive means of depopulation. Humanity’s very existence is under assault. Why? Because the majority of humans are no longer needed as a species. One of the popular sayings in our society in regard to how many things causes cancer is to dismiss the danger as “everything causes cancer”. And of course, anybody that writes about our toxic environment, dangerous GMO food supply and tainted drinking water is a conspiracy theorist unless they work for the EPA and are preparing to steal your land. As devastating as the soft kill methods that we have been forced to endure are, these methods pale in comparison as to what lies ahead.Take the Globalists At Their Word
The words of Henry Kissinger tells humanity what lies ahead.
It’s no longer the Third World. Kissinger’s attitude towards all of humanity can be summed as, “We don’t need you anymore”.On this point, Kissinger has a lot of company as depopulation has been the order of the day for quite some time among the globalists.
“A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal”. Ted Turner, in an interview with Audubon magazine “The present vast overpopulation, now far beyond the world carrying capacity, cannot be answered by future reductions in the birth rate due to contraception, sterilization and abortion, but must be met in the present by the reduction of numbers presently existing. This must be done by whatever means necessary”. Initiative for the United Nations ECO-92 EARTH CHARTER "No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a LUCIFERIAN Initiation.” – David Spangler Director of Planetary Initiative United NationsThe abovde used to be just words, now they form the philsophy of the Fabian Socialists that are running the planet. Through Agenda 2030 and Goal #12, their words are fast becoming reality.
Why Humans Are No Longer Needed
The bulk of humanity has become expendable. We were good to the elite when they could exploit our labor and enjoy the fruits of humanity’s talents. One-third of jobs now performed by humans will be replaced by software, robots, and smart machines by 2025, according to a prediction by information technology research and advisory firm Gartner. Some estimate that by 2050, 75% of all jobs will be eliminated by automation. This prediction reflects the evolution of robot capability, said Ryan Calo, a professor at University of Washington School of Law with an expertise in robotics. Robotic abilities are quickly surpassing human ability. Robots do not require food, health benefits nor do they require a minimum wage. The use of robotics in replacing humans will only continue to expand, according to Ray Kurzweil, the director of engineering at Google. Kurzweil anticipates that by 2029 robots will have reached human levels of intelligence and functionality. Many experts predict that these robots will put people out of work and this is exactly what we are finding. Automation has lessened the need for human capital. In short, we have become excess inventory and must be disposed of. For many who cover the misdeeds of the elite, we know at the root of this struggle is the need for the elite to eliminate 90% of all humanity before humanity realizes the true nature of the coming agenda and rises up to oppose this tyranny. In order to accomplish this, the elite need to move from passive soft kill to hard kill methods and they need to do so very quickly. In order to accomplish this agenda, complete political control must be realized. The former beacon of freedom to the world, the United States must be obliterated along with any notion of individual liberties.The Final Solution
There will become a bifurcation point where soft kill methods, and diluting the native population through massive immigration will not be enough to ensure total dictatorial control over the planet by the globalists because its methods of replacement are not expeditious enough. That is when soft kill will need to become the Final Solution of hard kill. In history, the pattern is always the same.- Create a false flag series of events which necessitates the need for martial law.
- Cordon people off for their own protection.
- Exploit whatever free labor can be extracted from this doomed group while they are being protected.
- Systematically exterminate the undesirable group.
- World War III will evolve out of the turmoil as was the case with World War II. This is when global depopulation will begin in earnest. When the smoke clears and the bulk of humanity has been buried, the New World Order will truly be born.
