The Seven Stages of Surviving the Conquering and Occupation of America

martial law

I was actually preparing to write on a different topic, when I could not shake the feeling that I needed to stimulate a level of self-examination with regard to personal preparation for what is about to unfold in America. That feeling hit me when I was speaking with one of my best sources and he told me the real action will not occur on the border. The fight will be taken to our cities where there are embedded paramilitary forces along with terrorists designed to paralyze this country when trouble starts. My source said the trouble will not encroach, it will be sudden and complete. This motivated me to immediately write on this topic, because who knows how much time we have before America's date with destiny arrives? When trouble comes from embedded terrorist and paramilitary forces within our country, it will come like a thief in the night. Once the mayhem starts, there will be little to no warning for what is coming and what will suddenly unfold. I had images of civilian deaths on a massive scale. These feelings of impending, but very predictable doom, dominated my consciousness and I felt compelled to share my vision based on what is coming and more importantly what one can do to enhance their chances for survival. What is coming is as much as intuitive as it is based on established military history. Here are the seven typical stages of the demise resulting from being conquered and occupied as a nation:

  1. There Will be Victims of the Initial Insurgency and/or Initial Attack
  2. Lack of Community and Personal Preparation Leads to Large Loss of Life
  3. Can’t Guard Your yard
  4. The Importance of Geography and What to Avoid
  5. Failure to Bug Out When Needed
  6. Surviving the Occupation of Hostile Forces
  7. Resilience and Resistance

One needs to realize that when the bad guys show up, there could be Americans among them.

Victim of Insurgency and/or the Original Attack

I recall the opening scene of the original Red Dawn movie in which a small mountain town’s high school, in Colorado was attacked and the teacher was instantly killed as were many of the children. This opening scene displayed the randomness of warfare in which surviving is sometimes a factor of luck as opposed to skill. When the initial waves of attacks occur, there are going to be people who are not going to survive who were well-prepared to survive a long-term battle. Despite the uncertainty of survival in an initial wave of attacks, following some of the steps that follow can minimize one’s risks.

Lack of Community and Personal Preparation Leads to Large Loss of Life

When the proverbial poop hits the fan, many will soon discover that they there were their own worst enemy by failing to prepare. The just-in-time deliveries have stopped and what you have at your disposal is all you have at your disposal. Houston and Katrina should have taught America that the stores will be empty on the first day. Following this realization will be the sudden and naked awareness that either you must defend what you have, or if you are going to survive, you must take from those who have prepared.  Oh, you say will not do that? When you look at your starving children, how far would you be willing to go to save them?

The Inability to Guard Your Yard

One of the most fundamental mistakes one makes with regard to personal preparation, is the failure to form a network of personal and community alliances.  History teaches that only a few families are in a loose confederation of alliances with each other, many in the same neighborhood will follow suit. One rule of prepping consists of having developed relationships with people who will have their back and vice versa. You will need help because you could simultaneously be dealing with marauders and those that did not prepare. You must be willing to use deadly force. Have you had this discussion with your conscience?

The Importance of Geography and What to Avoid

The worst place to be caught in such a situation will be in an urban environment, or even in a suburban environment. If your area is targeted for action, the behavior of the invading troops is quite unpredictable. If you are lucky enough to avoid initial occupation, you will still be dealing with rampaging gangs looking for resources that they failed to acquire. If it is possible for one to relocate to a safer area, one has to hope for adequate warning and the ability to get there. Being in transit when trouble hits is problematic. The resulting gridlock could place you in severe jeopardy. If I were a gangster who needed resources, I would go to the local highway as there will be a multitude of unarmed, or lightly armed people trapped in cars and they will make easy pickings. The message here is to stay off of the main roads and it is best if you have rendezvous points (ie safe houses) throughout your daily travels for both you and your family members. Each family member should be equipped with communications, tied to each other, for each family member/ally.

The Failure to Bug Out When Needed

In my previous days of teaching self-defense classes, I would teach the mantra of "Run-Hide-Fight". This strategy applies to this scenario as well. It is important to recognize when to do each. If one knows that an army is approaching, one would be a fool not to bug out under these circumstances. However, your chances for survival go up dramatically, if you have multiple locations to bug out to. And it is a good idea to rehearse. This is the "run" aspect of preparation. If you are unable to run, then you must hide. The key to hiding is to make your residence look like its already been picked over. Do not shine flashlights at night or turn the lights on if you have access. Throw a few drawers with partial clothing in front of your home as an example. Barricade all but two entrances to your home, leaving room for you to run but not providing multiple ways for marauders to attack your position. Finally, hiding must be accompanied by the need to fight when necessary. Determine when you will open fire. What is your line in the sand? Also, be certain to have at least two fire extinguishers so it is more difficult to burn you out of your home.

Surviving the Occupation of Hostile Forces

Occupation forces will take two forms. The first will be an invading army. There is a decision to make in this instance. If you are caught with weapons, you and your family will likely be executed as suspected dissidents. If you get word that the invading force is not taking prisoners, so to speak, you have nothing to lose but to resist with all that you have, should you not be able to run. If the invading force is not committing genocide against civilians, then hide, and I mean really hide your weapons. When you are confronted by the ruling martial law force, what you say as well as your displayed body language will have a lot to do with whether you are permitted to live. Smile, offer food, and tell them as best as you can that you welcome their presence for protection purposes. If they question you about loyalties, don't fly the flag. Tell them you are loyal to the current existing authority. Surrender is not necessarily capitulation. It simply allows you to live to fight another day.

Resilience and Resistance

The Viet Cong became the masters of resilience and resistance. It was a culture that was dedicated to removing a foreign ruling authority. The Vietnamese people had 33 years to master their craft. In the North, they had a saying, "we are born in the North to die in the South". In the South, the people were farmers by day and vicious guerrilla forces by night. This resilience and resistance attitude is this culture was able to shed itself of three occupation forces covering a period of 33 years. The fate of French Underground cannot be ignored as a topic of discussion. One must realize that when resistance is displayed, retaliations will occur. The Germans liked to execute 100 civilians in retribution for each act of resistance. This is typical of an occupation force and it becomes the price of resistance.


Americans have the trained personnel, who are now civilians, necessary to resist. Americans have the firepower. The only question remains, does America have the will to resist?