The Mechanics of Gun Confiscation and Forced Deportation to a FEMA Camp

gun control

fter my last article, I had a gentleman write to me and tell that I have not covered the mechanics of gun confiscation and he was someone who had trained for it. First of all, I have covered every single element that he mentioned. Yet, I completely understand that nobody could be expected to read all of the 6,000 articles on the CSS. However, I have chosen t take his criticism as a message to review the essential facts with the public. In my previous article, I demonstrated how the globalists are enacting gun control/confiscation practices at the local level. The intention is clearly not to arouse the masses on a national level in this "inch by inch,  it is a cinch" approach to seizing our guns and incarcerating, for final disposition, the deplorables of a conquered American society. We will begin with a reprint of the email sent to me by someone who is well-versed in gun confiscation techniques and strategies. He did not tell me his law enforcement affiliation, but I can almost guarantee that he works for DHS. Why? Because most of the techniques are Nazi strategies in origin. Markus Wolf, a former Nazi, who started the East German Stasi, was paid $5 million to set up DHS, so it makes the most sense. Further, most of the strategies were overtly practiced in the martial law crackdown immediately following the Boston Marathon Bombing event.

The Techniques and Strategies of Confiscating Guns

Mr. Hodges I have read much of what you have written about gun confiscation and so-called Fema camps. They are real and generally, the information you provide is accurate. To the best of my knowledge you have not covered the mechanics of a gun seizure operation. I am not totally on board with what I have been training to do with regard to Americans and their Second Amendment gun rights. I am eligible to retire in three years and my protests will accomplish nothing and I would lose my retirement. So you could say that I go along to get along. What I am writing to you about is the government sponsored gun confiscation that is coming to this country. There are people in our government who are determined to take your guns. We have trained in mock cities on how we will accomplish this feat. We use a traditional checkerboard pattern similar to what the citizens of Boston experienced after the Boston Marathon bombing. We have routinely practiced the same scenario, repeatedly. To cover a suburban block, our forces approach with two armored personnel carriers on opposite ends of the street, two per side of the street. One vehicle remains on each side of the street as the accompanying vehicle moves down the block. Our teams approach a house from the front but we also flank the house and enter the backyard. Our support vehicle trains its guns on the house. the assault teams consist of a dozen men each. The armored support vehicle has orders to immediately fire upon anyone appearing in a window with anything that could be construed as a gun. Our personnel, will knock one time on the front door. When the door is answered, we secure the individual or individuals and ask them how many people are in the house and where they are. We also ask how many guns are in the house, what type of guns they own and where they are stored and would anyone have guns on their person. Most often we have trained to assault a house between the hours of 3 and 4 in the morning. Then we clear the house with an emphasis on first entering the bedrooms. We accomplish this task in two man teams. We order any occupants to get on the floor and we secure them and then begin the search for guns. We employ a portable metal detector and gun sniffing dogs if available. If the occupants are nonresponsive, we enter after knocking down the front door. Before going in, we have already viewed the schematics of the target house. Yes, we have the blueprints for virtually every house in America. We go in hot and are trained to use deadly force against any any all perceived resistance. We don’t use tear gas, we are trained to shoot any resisters. Upon entering the house we are trained to identify ourselves and order everyone out of the house under gunpoint. We have trained on mock houses in which guns were hidden in the attic, under the bed, in a safe and even in underwear drawers. If the seized guns are legally registered, we seize the guns and let the family return. If the guns are illegal or not registered, we take the entire family into custody. We have practiced transporting families to differential holding facilities re children, men and women are held in different facilities. Each armored vehicle and their personnel make their way down the street from opposite ends. The accompanying vehicle stands guard at the end of each block to prevent escape. We prefer to execute the operation in bad weather because it eliminates escape possibilities. One of the reasons that I am writing to you is because you have identified Camp Grayling as a detention facility during the Jade Helm drills. during that time my team trained foreign solders at the camp in the art of securing new prisoners. My training of foreign nationals makes me suspect that future gun confiscation efforts will be conducted under the auspices of the United Nations although I have not been told that. This is where I part company with my employer. I will not participate in such an operation. When you write future articles on potential gun confiscation activities, I am hopeful that you will refer to some of the logistics to evaluate the authenticity of the information that you are given…….

As I stated, I cannot expect a source to have read everything I have written. However, each and every part of the mechanics of this process has been covered on the CSS. The best example for what this source is saying is what happened during the martial law lock down of Boston following the Boston Marathon bombing. marathon bomber

This was a familiar site in Boston and surrounding areas following the Boston Marathon Bombing.


In referring to this source's information which is very accurate, you can clearly witness the extraction of the family from a house that is about to be searched for guns. The only thing that is missing is that even though these people are forcibly removed from their home, they are not secured in the traditional way with handcuffs.


This armored personnel carrier is what the source is referring to. The first carrier would be parked up the street, while the second makes it way down the street to pre-selected houses. This is the chccker board approach described by this source. Oh, by the way, if America is ever conquered, these people will also be employed by our conquerors to do exactly the same thing, they will be wearing the same uniforms with a different insignia.[/caption]   Alex Jones was one of the first to cover the mock up of a fake town in Virginia where they practiced martial law style gun confiscation.  By visiting the link, one can see that the accompanying video has been taken down. However, this is was widely covered and speaks to the intent to seize private guns. In 2014, I reported the fact that, as the source indicated, under FM 39.4, the use of foreign troops to man the FEMA camps and gun confiscation activities would be employed.

Straight from the Internment/Resettlement article (12 February 2010 FM 3-39.40 1-5) it states the following:

“…I/R operations may place Soldiers in continuous contact with or near insurgents, terrorists, or criminals who will exploit every opportunity to escape and kill or injure U.S. personnel or multinational partners“.

Whether you believe there are Russian troops training on our soil, along with other UN “Peacekeeping” troops is an irrelevant argument at this point. The above excerpt makes it clear regarding the INTENT to use “multinational partners” to round up and detain "undesirable" American citizens. The following picture is of Camp Grayling of which the source said that he trained foreign troops during Jade Helm and this was a story that was repeatedly covered here on the CSS. Why foreign troops? Because foreign troops can be expected to not not hesitate to use deadly force against American who would resist have their guns confiscated and their family removed and sent to different FEMA camps.

fema home away from home

The leaked Army manual, FM 39.4, also provided a list of participating agencies that would be assisting in seizing guns and sending people to FEMA camps.  The following is a list of involved agencies who will be a part of the soon-to-be roundups of American citizens who are not drinking from the globalist Kool-Aid.  

AGENCIES CONCERNED WITH INTERNMENT AND RESETTLEMENT  1-40. External involvement in I/R missions is a fact of life for military police organizations. Some government and government-sponsored entities that may be involved in I/R missions include— International agencies. UN. International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). International Organization of Migration. American Agencies Local U.S. embassy. Department of Homeland Security. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Federal Emergency Management Agency.


It should be reiterated in this article as it was in my last article, there is only one ultimate end game for gun confiscation. And that final goal is genocide, or as the University of Hawaii coined the phrase, Democide, which is defined as death by government. During the 2016 campaign, Hillary joked about sending uptight conservatives to death camps. She called them "fun camps". I relate this story because within the Democratic Party leadership are people who will not hesitate to send you, me and our collective families off to these camps after they disarm us. Who are these people? How about all 80 Congressional representatives who Trevor Louden, in his work, Enemies Within, said belong to front groups for the Muslim Brotherhood and the American Communist Party. Some of these names include Elizabeth Warren, Al Franken, Chuck Schumer, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Nancy Pelosi (soon-to-be 2 heartbeats away from the Presidency). Former Congressman, Alan West names the same people as Louden. Newly elected, Senator and former Congress person Kyrsten Sinema, who once said, after 911, that is was OK if Americans went and fought for the Taliban, is one of them. The newest generation of despots such as Ocasio-"I cannot name the 3 branches of government" Cortez is clearly one of them as well as being a George Soros cut out. Raise your hand if you think George Soros would have any compunction to put your conservative backside into a FEMA camp exterminating tens of millions of Americans. George Soros was a Jew, who turned in his own to the Nazi "collectors" for a small fee and this is who shaping Democratic policy today. His money and influence got Ocasio-Cortez elected. He supported Hillary, etc. People often ask me, which will this all start? First of all, it already has in a variety of states and local communities. Some of it is Agenda 21 related. To the overall roll-out of this nightmare, that is an easy question to answer. It will happen following a George Soros-led-coup. Or, when the Democrats are able to regain both Houses of Congress and/or the Presidency. Therefore, mark 2020 as a possible time frame  for this to unfold. I could write the history book for this event if the Democrats take over. They are Nazis and Communists at their core. The pattern is always the same: Employ false flags, create a crisis, gain power through the crisis, seize the guns of the masses, exterminate the opposition and impose a brutal tyranny. This is a your future America if we continue to allow so many of our citizens to remain ignorant slugs who see nothing of what is coming. And to the DHS source who contacted me, how do you like me now?