Sorry Meghan McCain Your Father Was No Hero-I Was a Victim of John McCain

mccain and obama

This is how I will always remember John McCain.

Meghan McCain is upset at Trump for revealing his true feelings about John McCain. It is a good thing she did not ask me, because you are reading the words of a citizen who was the victim of John McCain's illegal actions against my small community. I thank the President for his honesty. Here is my answer to Meghan McCain. Your father was a traitor to this country. Your father did not respect the law of this nation nor its citizens. He was a total treasonous globalist.

Under John McCain American Patriotism Died: In your Face Globalism

John McCain came out of the closet in his final years. The globalists are out of the closet. They are publicly advancing their New World Agenda and it is fully out in the open. Recently, John McCain received a meaningless award that globalists like to give each other and in his aceptance speech, he made the following dig at Trump for being a patriotic American:

 “To fear the world we have organized and led for three-quarters of a century, to abandon the ideals we have advanced around the globe, to refuse the obligations of international leadership and our duty to remain ‘the last best hope of earth’ for the sake of some half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems, is as unpatriotic as an attachment to any other tired dogma of the past that Americans consigned to the ash heap of history,” McCain said.
[Quoted by Breitbart]


John McCain was one of “them”. He was a self-admitted globalist who was working for the destruction of the American people and their country. By default, he is a disciple of globalist Ted Turner who told Audubon Magazine that the population of the earth needs to reduced by 95%. McCain supports giving away American sovereignty to international bodies whose goal is to advance globalism AT THE EXPENSE OF AMERICAN LIBERTIES, NATIONAL SECURITY AND JOBS. In retrospect, this should not be surprising. The late McCain, along with the late Ted Kennedy co-sponsored the Central American Free Trade Agreement which gave away much of America’s sovereignty, jobs and allowed millions of illegal aliens, including ISIS and MS-13, to enter the United States with impunity.

The 21st Century of  Benedict Arnold

When John McCain was elected to the Senate by the people of Arizona, he placed his right hand on the Bible and swore to protect America from enemies both foreign and domestic. McCain has become that domestic enemy that he swore to protect the country from. When Benedict Arnold committed his treason, he was trying to give away the plan for West Point. McCain is giving away the entire country. I ask you, who is worse?

McCain Supports Terrorism

Everyone from former Army psyop, Scott Bennett to Fox News has noted that Obama is and has been chummy with ISIS. In fact, in his role as the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee, McCain oversaw the illegal abandonment of American military equipment in Iraq in order that ISIS could confiscate this equipment. Federal law mandates that all American military equipment left behind in a theater of war be blown up. McCain et al actions were treasonous to say the least as this Senator fueled the rise of ISIS.

Anti-American to Supporting Antifa

McCain supported free trade agreements that steal millions of American jobs. McCain supported the TPP which would have destroyed what’s left of the sovereignty in America. It is obvious that McCain hates America and Americans. I was once at a town hall meeting in Mesa, AZ., when an elderly gentleman asked McCain “how is it that you work for me and you have better health care than I do?” McCain’s thuggish security team, who looked liked type-cast mafiaso thugs, very roughly threw the frail man out for asking the question as McCain mocked the man. At the same meeting, he was asked why he supported Agenda 21 policies and he stated “I have never heard of Agenda 21 policies”. I witnessed these events with my own eyes. John McCain was owned by George Soros and sold out America to Soros’ open borders policy.


We should not be surprised that John McCain would disparage President Trump for being patriotic. McCain only had one loyalty and that was to himself. By the way, Cindy McCain is NOT the original Mrs. McCain. Carol McCain, a former model, had a terrible car accident which left her disfigured when John McCain was in a North Vietnamese prison camp. Upon returning home, McCain quickly divorced Carol and married Cindy Hensley whose family launched John McCain’s political career. McCain has done to the country, what he did to Carol McCain. According the New York Times, the Hensley family had a “very rough and tumble background” with allegations of bootlegging and tax evasion. Cindy McCain’s business has been fraught with conflicts of interest. Her prenuptial agreement with John makes it difficult to track the Senator’s finances to try and ascertain who is in his pockets. I find it ironic that McCain, the buffoon, who finished third to the bottom of his class at the Naval Academy, was ever allowed to fly a fighter jet. A fighter jet that he crashed into other planes as he almost sunk his own ship during the Vietnam War. The irony is that the warship, John McCain, is in dry dock as I write these words for crashing into another ship as it was almost sunk. Like Hillary Clinton, John McCain stood at the intersection of corrupt government and the Deep State, who John McCain faithfully serves. We do owe John McCain a  debt of gratitude. He had helped to expose the globalist agenda and their intentions toward the American people. Finally, John McCain was my mortal enemy. He unsuccessfully tried for 8 years to steal my house and that of my 300 neighbors without any compensation. Why, to put in the Canamex highway as cheaply as possible. Canamex was the transportation system of the Central American Free Trade Agreement and our 300 families were in his way when he conspired with state officials to steal our land without any compensation. McCain was not a nice man, and it took me 8 long years to defeat his attempted theft of my land. That was 8 years, I will never get back! So, when someone speaks out to defend his legacy, I will be there to tell the truth. John McCain is actually a creator of The Common Sense Show. I became the spokesperson for our community and it led to me getting a radio show. John McCain is the reason that The Common Sense Show was created. Here is a summary of my history with John McCain.