Massive Fifth Column Forces Have Infiltrated The United States and Are Ready to Attack


This article is filled with questions that emanate from a developing narrative in which it is apparent that there is nothing about the US government that can be trusted and there are indeed people who intend to do us harm if we stand in the way of an extreme leftist take over. This article explores this them by asking several critical questions. The challenge that most of you will have in reading this article is not whether the facts stand on their own accord, but rather, what the hell are you going to do about this? Because if you do not develop a game plan and that game plan is not predicated upon a false  "messianic" figure, you will perish and everything and everyone you know will submit, or they will surely perish.

Lessons to be Learned From History

In December of 1944, the Germans attacked America across a 50 mile front in a campaign that became known as the Battle of the Bulge.

Before the attack commenced, the German high command recruited German soldiers who had lived in America and spoke perfect English and knew the culture. These Germans wore American uniforms and became the vanguard of a 5th column attack force. Many were disguised at military police and they were tasked with changing road signs, cutting communications and assassinating American officers when possible. The force was devastatingly effective as their efforts threw the American forces into complete chaos when the attack came.

Present enemies of the people of the United States have adopted the same strategy only on a much bigger scale. Later in this article, these connections will be firmly made.

Fifth Column Forces Inside of America

I am beginning to feel like Fox Mulder from the old TV series, The X-Files. What was his mantra? I am sure you remember "Trust Nobody"! I am certain that long-time listeners to my radio show will remember, when Steve Quayle said "What's coming is no longer coming, it is already here". Or, if you did not hear Steve say it, you've heard me cite Steve on this point, several times. Why? Because it is undeniably true. Over the past year, I have repeatedly called upon President Trump and the DOJ to take action for illegal censorship of conservative opinion. Now, the very part of the  media that is largely responsible for Trump's election, has been forsaken by him, to date. Now there is solid evidence that inside America are residing fifth column forces with enormous strength. It is a clear and present danger to the American people. Again, Trump is silent on this issue as well. My Trump, My Trump why has thou forsaken us? This would be my mantra. Consider this, the loss of the First Amendment, leads to the loss of the Second Amendment, because nobody is allowed to speak out against this tyranny. And when the fifth column attacks come, there will be no defense. And with soon-to-be, no guns, how will we defend ourselves? With no means to protest effectively and no way to protect ourselves from the purge that will follow the leftist total take over of the country, how will free-thinking Americans survive? When we combine the stated beliefs of Fox Mulder, Steve Quayle, Dave Hodges, and the loss of civil liberties, together, what does that mean? That means we all in a lot of trouble and that ultimately none of us are safe from harm from a evolving and corrupt ruling authority.

On July 4, 2016, Former and disgraced FBI Director, James Comey told the American people that there were ISIS cells in every single state.

Even Putin is warning America of a coming Red Dawn Scenario.

And this is on the heels of Paul Martin's revelation that we have 8,000 Spetsnaz troops inside America.

Now, take a look at the article cover photo and realize that this is not an isolated incident as paramilitary troops entering American tried to disguise themselves as US Marines. Last week, ICE apprehended several illegals that were carrying Phoenix police uniforms. The Battle of Bulge is here only we are going to call it a TET offensive.

The TET Offensive

Readers may recall that in 1968, after the LBJ administration was repeatedly telling the American people that we were winning the Vietnam War, until the Viet Cong attacked every single capital, in every single South Vietnamese province. Even the US embassy in Saigon was momentarily captured. This was the turning point of the Vietnam War. My sources have compared what’s coming to the TET offensive. According to these deep-cover sources, as well as on-the-record sources, gun-free zones will be targeted (e.g. athletic events, concerts, schools, malls and university campuses). The Vegas Massacre was merely a beta test for what is coming. DHS knows it and the FBI knows it, and now you know it. Of course this will lead to the imposition of martial law practices without a formal declaration of martial law. These policies will include gun confiscation, the execution of gun owners who do not surrender their guns following an executive decree. I do not anticipate that Trump will be the one giving that order. The policies also call for the enforcement of sanctions against people who are on various lists. No, not the No-Fly lists, but for people who are on the Red and the Blue Lists. These are the very same lists that Steve Quayle has been warning us about for years.


It is the belief of many that we will witness a TET offensive on a grand scale prior to a Red Dawn invasion. World War III will follow. Never give up your guns because it is looking like you are going to need them.