A Powerful Spiritual Force Has Been Unleashed

true legends

The GENSIX Conference, held in BRANSON, MO., from September 13-15, changed many paradigms. How do I know? Because I stayed an extra day after the conference and the countless people I ran into, who attended the conference, told me so. As I was told, many attendees, stated that they were still processing the lessons learned into an evolving personal paradigm. 

Every single presenter made an impression on me. There were some because of what I thought I knew going into the conference, had a little more of an impact because of my personal beliefs and this article is a short summation of the personal impact the conference had on my beliefs. 

On the final day, I shared the stage with Pastor Paul Begley and Steve Quayle and we discussed the important "lessons learned" from the very knowledgeable presenters, but most  of all, we discussed where America and the world are headed. I was intrigued the diversity of our views, however, we all agreed on the destination of humanity. All three of us agreed that the personal decision on whether to get involved in today's struggles is an irrelevant concern. Mankind is in a war and is already under severe attack. Every human being has a decision to make. Do we collectively cower in the corner and take our beating? Or, do we put on the armor of God and stand boldly and rebuke the devil in the name of Jesus.  All three of us agreed that because of our inherent freedoms, all Americans are the immediate targets of Satan. The rest of the Satanic world wants us dead.  

There were some presenters, due to my personal paradigm, that spoke directly to my heart. The first was Mike Adams. I have previously written, several times, about the fact that the earth is being terraformed. Mike Adams taught me how correct I was, but he expanded my awareness and filled in a lot of the gaps in my thinking. I was entertained, but shaken to the core by Mike's presentation. 

During Steve Quayle's presentation, I found myself in a state of cognitive dissonance. Steve's film crew interviewed geologists from academia and they confirmed what Steve has been saying: Cascadia's volcanoes could produce a collective cataclysm in which the Pacific plate is moving under the North America plate. When this happens millions of west coast residents won't be experiencing an earthquake, they will be experiencing the partial displacement of a continent. The end result could be the end of all life west of I-5. And this part of Steve's presentation was just the warm up act. In Steve's visits to some ancient cultures, the artwork clearly depicts the alien race we call the Greys. Depictions of space travel were prevelant. And, as we are seeing in modern times, cannibalism was accepted. We are experiencing a "back to the future" moment as many leftists are telling us we must eat each other to save the planet from climate change.

If I talked to everyone of the conference attendees about their paradigm shift, resulting from this conference, everyone would have a slightly different answer. However, the common reaction to the conference was the impact the presenters had on personal belief systems, but also the conference provided a reaffirmation of the redemptive power of Jesus Christ. 

I do not make money of the DVD sales of the conference. However, I strongly encourage all who could not attend to purchase the DVD's. This knowledge will allow one to understand the nature of the war we are in and what each one of us must do "to occupy" until Jesus returns. As Steve Quayle said on my radio show "what is coming is no longer coming, it is already here". 

Finally, I want to thank Steve Quayle for securing great quality in the form of each presenter that was in the GENSIX lineup. Each presenter had a message that overlapped with everyone else's presentation. The conference was very well organized and had the sophistication of any network TV production. Being a presenter, I was backstage and saw the intricate planning and sophistication behind the presentations.  Also, I want to thank the security staff. There were present, but unlike the TSA, they were not intrusive and did not detract from the event. However, when Dr. Michael Lake was presenting ,the lights went out. At that moment, all the security came out of the woodwork and any attempt at a false flag would have been met with force. I knew in that moment that we were all safe because of the advance preparation. I had one more takeaway from conference. I know that as the people and presenters who attended, left the conference with a single purpose. We are a spiritually well-armed force prepared to stand up to the evil forces trying to destroy our planet. The GENSIX conference served notice to the evil ones that a renewed force for good, in the name of Jesus has been unleashed.