The UN/CHICOM Formula for Occupying America: When the Rape of Nanking Comes to the US

un tanks

I recently had 2 conversations with my best military/intelligence source. He did not really tell me anything new, however, we tied together a lot of the relevant dots and current information. 

The globalist plan to take America down has many moving parts. However, we can suffice it to say that, like most globalist plans, it has more than one goal and is mutli-dimensional. The plan consists of three main areas:


1.The treasonous Democrats/Bolsheviks handing off the government to a 3rd party (See HR 1111), the UN and their Chinese minions after impeaching Trump and overthrowing the Constitution of the United States. This is the preferred method. 

2. Plunge America into a Dark Ages of controversy and violence culminating in a combined Russian/Chinese, UN sponsored invasion of the United States. The Rape of Nanking Scenario Is the #1 Option

3. The least desired option is the nuclear option. However, it was made clear to me that the United States' survival is not an option for the globalists. 

Vivid details and military strategies are contained in this broadcast. This information is not for the faint of heart.