Past the Point of No Return for America: How Did We Get Here (Part 1)

As this article will point out, we are approaching 50% unemployment rates. Out debt is crossing $30 trillion. Literally 50% of our businesses are closed and there is no end in sight. How did this happen? This series will address this question. In short, "We have met the enemy and he is us".
This article will focus on the rampant unemployment, faulty testing kits and fake numbers of infection rates that cannot be verified.
As an American citizen, I would like to know who to blame for the economic collapse of my country, the subsequent weakening of the military and the often cited social misery score that is off the charts. I want to know if the lockdown is worth cost relative to the projected CV-19 deaths? On the surface, it looks as if we are destroying our country. How bad are the self-inflicted wounds?
America Cannot Recover From the Staggering Unemployment Rates
Yale University (May, 2002) reported on landmark studies which demonstrated that the relationship between unemployment and mortality is real and decisive!
In the midst of the controversy regarding the impact of the current lockdown of America as a preventative measure against the spread of COVID-19, people are beginning to debate the efficacy of the approach. Is the cure worse that the disease, so to speak? Some prefer to go right to the bottom line. Will the cure (ie lockdown) kill more people than the CV-19 virus, itself?
Social Misery Rates
Sociologists often talk of social misery rates which includes varaibles like domestic violence, suicide, poverty, homelessness, etc. How has the Covid-19 event impacted our social misery score. Is this a case of the cure (ie lockdowns) being worse than the disease (ie CV-19)?
Speaking of the Social Misery Score, suicides are up, in places like Phoenix, spousal abuse reports have increased 15% in one month and anxiety and depression are now commonplace and we are living in an environment where there is nowhere to go and get treatment. Let’s cut right to the chase. Is the cure worse than the disease?
How Costly Is the Lockdown In Terms of Mortality of Imprisoned?
I have come across figures which state that for every 1% rise in the unemployment rate, ten thousand people die. I have seen other articles which state that the number is as high as 40,000. This is an extremely hard number to quantify. However, as the reader will soon discover (see Yale study below), there is a decided cost in regard to human mortality in the midst of an economic downturn in which unemployment rates spike. Although, it may be difficult to accurately quantify the numbers, we can certainly estimate the gravity of the relationship between unemployment and early mortality.
The Real Unemployment Rates
Let’s start with the real unemployment rate. The US government would have you believe that anyone who works at least one hour is gainfully employed. That number topped out at 157 million people at the beginning of the CV-19 event. However, when more realistic figures are employed, the number of fulltime employees, working 30 hours or more per week, was 110 million at the time of the outbreak of CV-19.
In light of these facts, this is how you accurately calculate the REAL unemployment rate.
1. Total number of full time employees at the beginning of the so-called pandemic (110 million)
2. Take the total number of unemployment claims (57 million) and subtract the number of jobs regained
Subtract the number jobs regained (approximately 6 million) (N=51 million unemployed Americans). This number provides the adjusted number of people who have lost their jobs. This number provides the adjusted job loss rate.
3. Divide the total number of full time workers by the adjusted job less rate. (N=46% unemployment rate).
And please keep in mind that the impact of 40 million Americans that cannot pay their rent is coming into play. How much? Nobody knows.
How Costly Is the Lockdown In Terms of Mortality of Imprisoned?
I have come across figures which state that for every 1% rise in the unemployment rate, ten thousand people die. I have seen other articles which state that the number is as high as 40,000. This is an extremely hard number to quantify. However, as the reader will soon discover (see Yale study below), there is a decided cost in regard to human mortality in the midst of an economic downturn in which unemployment rates spike. Although, it may be difficult to accurately quantify the numbers, we can certainly estimate the gravity of the relationship between unemployment and early mortality.
Do the math, as we approach the 50% total of unemployed people, we are looking at 5 million dead as a result of the lockdown.
Presumptive Diagnosis
As we look at the lockdowns as the number one killer in America, It is important to know how the numbers get exaggerated. One of the biggest frauds has to do with the CDC approved practice of presumptive diagnosis in that if it looks like COVID, it must be COVID. This is gun show victims and and deaths by car accident, premature birth get categorized as COVID. Thanks to the Democrats, the government pays money for each COVID diagnosis and COVID cause of death. In other words, the Democrats incentivzed fraud. And to add insult to injury, on July 11, 2020, 334 Florida testing centers for COVID had a 100% positivity rate. This is statistically impossible, yet the COVID-19 team doesn't even address that question of inaccurate tests or absolute fraud.
Unvalidated COVID Testing Kits Are Being Used with FDA Approval
From the FDA in an April Statement from the Commissioner of Food and Drugs -Food and Drug Administration Stephen M. Hahn MD., in which the FDA admits that they have no intention of validating the testing numbers for COVID-19. Instead, the FDA admits that they will let the test developers validate their own testing reliability and validity.
...Recognizing that more flexibility was needed during a pandemic of this scale and speed, and incorporating feedback from the medical community, states and test developers, we have also provided regulatory flexibility for serological tests in an effort to provide laboratories and health care providers with early access to these tests with the understanding that the FDA had not reviewed or authorized (or “approved”) them, at least not initially, and these tests should not be used for diagnosing or excluding active SARS-CoV-2 infection.
What the above paragraph is telling the reader is that the FDA has a history of not fully validating the accuracy of test kits before using them in the field and gathering data from these unvalidated tests in which policy decisions will be based! In laymen's terms, the FDA has been guilty of violating the standard tenets of science when it comes to validating tests for a long time. Practice makes perfect and this is why the FDA and its partner in crime, the CDC are so adept at fooling the public.
Here is more damning self-statements from the same FDA report on test kits:
Specifically, last month, as part of our broader strategy, the FDA issued a policy explaining that FDA does not intend to object when developers of serological tests market or use their tests without prior FDA review where: 1) the tests are validated by the developer to determine that they are accurate and reliable, 2) notification of the developer’s validation is provided to FDA, and 3) the tests are labeled appropriately, including that they are not to be used as a sole basis for diagnosis. Our policy does not apply to at-home specimen collection or at-home testing because of the added challenges in assuring test accuracy that these pose. The policy does apply to tests that can be performed in patient care settings. Laboratories could validate tests they receive from commercial manufacturers and determine if they should be used in their facilities. Some laboratories have already done so or have developed their own serological tests...
Test results are not going to be determined by the FDA, but instead are going to be validated by the developer of the tests? The open invitation to fraud is obvious to anyone who has eyes to see. Then the FDA tries to beg themselves out of responsibility by saying the Labs can validate the test. Why should labs engage in a validating practice because testing for validation would happen AFTER the purchase of the test kits by the labs? In other words America, there is no oversight on determining whether these tests are measuring what they claim to measuring. This is like looking under the hood of the car AFTER you purchase it! And yet, these test numbers are reportedly daily in the mainstream media and provide governors and mayors with the ability to lockdown their jurisdictions as these despots violate the Constitutional rights of their citizens and the whole process of based on fake numbers!
In the face of this obvious cesspool of fraud, it is easy to conclude the following:
There is financial motive to increase the CV-19 rates as it will lead to the need for more testing and more profits for the manufacturer of the tests.
- Both the FDA and the CDC are well-known as being "never-Trumpers" and commonly operate outside the oversight of the President. These are largely Democratic Party affiliated institutions with major conflicts of interest which has been validated on multiplel sites resulting from multiple documents.
- By allowing a test that could very well be a hotbed for false positives, the fake numbers could be used as a phony excuse to continue to lockdown and ruin the nation's economy, thus weakening the nation for economic collapse and even military invasion since the country's ability to defend itself in the long-term would be greatly impacted. These fake number are being used to keep schools closed, or limited.
- This policy in which numbers can be exaggerated for political gain is already in evidence in the practice of the CDC. The CDC announced that before a local community could progress to Phase One of the return to normalcy, the flu-like symptoms and the COVID-19 numbers must decrease from the information obtained from testing. The confabulation efforts on the part of the CDC is painfully apparent. The purpose for the fraud and using a testing kit that has not been validated for accuracy is also painfully obvious. California Governor Newsom has said the lockdown will stay in effect until the mandatory vaccines are ready. It is a well-established fact that the COVID-19 team has multiple conflicts of financial interest involving the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation with the principal spokespeople for the COVID-19 group (eg Fauci and Birx).
- Arizona Governor, Doug Ducey is doing everything in his power to prolong his state's unconstitutional lockdown. Ducey sits on the Board of Directors for T-GEN which is partnering with the Gates people in the development a vaccine. A bad test, with multiple false positive will prove to be the impetus for not letting America out of its Big Pharma prison until the public accepts the mandatory vacccine. Further the testing kit fraud is consistent with CDC guidelines which allows doctors to engage in a totally unprofessional practice known as "presumptive diagnosis" in which the doctor simply presumes that the deceased expired because of COVID -19. This practice also inflates the numbers and provides local dictators the ability to win an election that they would be able to win without this greatly exaggerated crisis by making the public's lives miserable so they blame the existing President.
The next question that skeptics to my analysis will ask is whether of not there is any validation of widespread inaccuracy of the testing? I believe that the fraud in the United States could effectively be covered up by the CDC. However, the CDC does not control nation of Tanzania and its President and he tells a clear story of a totally imported test kit from abroad.
From Breitbart:
Tanzanian President John Magufuli denounced imported coronavirus test kits as faulty after he said they returned positive results for samples taken from a goat and a pawpaw, a fruit similar to papaya, Reuters reported back in May.
Meanwhile, back to the CDC document:
The bottom line is that FDA still expects tests to be validated even under our revised policy for tests. However, the EUA process or an evaluation by NIH supports greater confidence in test performance.
Here is my take on the situation and this is without a doubt the biggest fraud every perpetrated upon the United States
Who's to blame? We let this happen to ourselves. How bad will it get?
Part Two will deal with the question of who really dies and is at risk for COVID-19? In the first time in American medical history, we are not discussing herd immunity vs. eradication. Why? What are the political motives behind this lack of rigor in the science being applied to the COVID-19 siutation? And finally, how is this so-called crisis being used to bring down our country. What is the psychology behind turning the bulk of Americans into good little Pavlovian dogs who will march off to their death if told to do so?
I would like to know who to blame for the collapse.
EVEN the children KNOW...
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Re: Past point of no return
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