Red Alert! Frightening Developments In New Zealand with Implications for US

In Part One of this series, it was documented that New Zealand was one of the locations that is actively eta testing strategies for the takedown of the United States. The examples are so numerous,that one article cannot document all the avenues that are being implemented.
Disguised Gun Confiscation
It is nearly an impossible task to confiscate the guns from a population where gun ownership was previously unregulated which was the case in New Zealand. However, since the so-called Mosque Massacre,New Zealand's government has done their gbest to seize the guns. Before going further, please permit a digression. The University of Hawaii has an academic project called the Democide Project. They studies multiple genocides in the 20th century. Every genocide followed gun confiscation. What is going on in New Zealand is not exactly outright gun confiscation, but that will eventually be the result.
The New Zealand government has changed their gun laws and have gone to very strict and unreasonable policies:
To obtain a gun in New Zealand, this is what a citizen must submit to the following:
This from their website:
This from their arms code:
Possible future President, Kamala Harris stated that she would give Congress 100 days to take care of the gun problem or she would invoke executive orders to do so. BE VERY AFRAID CITIZENS OF NEW ZEALAND. ATTENTION AMERICA, THESE PRACTICE BOTH HERE AND IN THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPHS ARE INTENDED FOR YOU, THEY ARE TESTING THESE POLICIES ON THE PEOPLE OF NEW ZEALAND.
From New Zealand's Channel 1:
New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern is making it mandatory for all businesses opening under the new Alert Levels to display the Government's COVID TRACER app QR code.
New Zealand's dictatorial PM.
Businesses and services have one week to display the codes at points of entry. Source: 1 NEWS
"Businesses have one week to display the QR code at its entry points, however the prime minister urged businesses to download the app as soon as possible.
It comes as four new community transmitted cases of Covid-19 forced Aucklanders back into Alert Level 3 at midday, and the rest of the country is in Alert Level 2.
From midday today, a Covid-19 public health order came into effect which provides the legal basis to require people to stay at home unless they are working in places where it is safe to do so, including to ensure physical distancing.
"The order makes it mandatory for any business or service to display a QR code for the COVID TRACER app prominently at all entry points, allowing everyone to sign in via the tracing app. So what is mandatory is the display of that QR code," Ms Ardern said.
"Many businesses, as you'll note, have done that already because as you'll see them on display."
The app allows users to scan the code and keep a log of where they have been. People are also notified through the app if they have been in contact with a Covid-19 case.
"The ability to contact trace quickly is one of the key tools we have to find new cases and get them in isolation to avoid future lockdowns, so always using the app is a big investment in keeping our businesses and economy open," Ms Ardern said.
"It will protect you and it will protect the people around you.
"It is very quick and it is very easy to use.
Last night, more than 100,000 people downloaded the app."
The net effect is that they can target and arrest polictical activists under the guise of covid tracing.
Here is the link to access Ardern's statement. Also, following Ardern's statement, both se and the Health Director stated that they would be moving infected people into quarantine zones.
This is medical martial law that both Celeste and myself have been speaking about.
In a later interview Ardern stated that the quarantine is for 14 days, but if the inmate is not cooperative, they will be kept another 14 days.
America, if you do not think it will happen here, please view the following report I made regarding a recent "propaganda" interview with 3 establishment doctors. This is beyond frightening what they plan to do.
You may view the NZ press release with both the PM and the health director at this link.
Where is all of this headed? It is leading to mandatory vaccinations with no exceptions. Please view the following report. We are already announcing our intentions to following in NZ's footsteps.
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HR.1296,a bill to take all the weapons from americans
From US Citizen living in NZ
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