Small Kingman, AZ Activist Group Is Successfully Pushing Back Against the Unconstitutional Lockdowns

hear no evil--

When I was growing up in Colorado as a young elementary school kid,  I loved to read and when I wasn't reading sports biographies, I enjoyed reading about people that acoomplished extraordinary things against formidable odds. I must admit, I am a sucker for and often root for the underdog. In that vein, in the mid-1960's, I discovered the book "The Mouse That Roared". The book is fictional but it champions the underdog and I have found a group of activists that fit the mode of the characters in the book.

The Mouse That Roared

In the abovementioned book, there was a tiny kingdom (three miles by five miles) known as the European Duchy of Grand Fenwick, supposedly located in the Alps between Switzerland and France, and this mythical country was on the verge of bankruptcy as their leader concluded that the only chance the country had for survival was to invade the United States, lose the war in short order, be the recipient of massive US foreign aid via the Marshall Plan. Through a series of comedic events, this band of 20 men, armed only with bows and arrows, wins the war and becomes a world super-power!

In Mohave County I have found the real live modern example of the Duchy of Fenwick as I am  going to feature a group of Kingman, AZ. activists in this article.

Just as David killed Goliath in the biggest upset win in the Bible, the proverbial "Mouse that Roared" has  reared their collective heads and they are making a political splash in Northwestern Arizona. Nearly 1800 residents have banded together in Mohave County, Arizona, where Kingman is located, and are saying "enough is enough" as they are collectively refusing the mask mandate imposed by the cowardly mayor of Kingman, AZ. 

From the outside looking in, it appears that this small but mighty force has emerged and is becoming a force in Arizona politics. And what this writer finds most incredible is despite the fact that these small-town-average-Americans are already having an impact on not only their local politics as they are beginning to shape Arizona politics, but they are almost clueless about the tremendous impact that they are already having on their local politics as well as on the state level. 

In Kingman, the local activists are dealing with a tyrannical mayor, who just before most recent the mayoral election, this Democrat "in drag" changed her party affiilation from Democratic to Republican so she could get elected in this conservative community. 

Perhaps, this groups greatest accomplishment came when Bridget Langston was banking in the Walmart parking lot when a nearly a couple of dozen private busses rolled into the Kingman, AZ. Walmart in an event that had never been witnessed in the area. Langston immediately took note and started taking photos and the soliders took to the parking lot. However, this group has had an distinct impact on four issues listed below the action photo of US troops in the parking lot of the Kingman Walmart.

Image may contain: one or more people, tree, sky, plant, car, outdoor and nature


One of my neighbors and friend knows the leader of this activist group, Bridget Langston, and he put us together. I was already working on the Continuity of Government issues in Utah when this story appeared. After speaking with Bridget, I came to believe, along with others that I was consulting with, that these troops in Kingman were being used to guard the secretive entrances into this elaborate tunnel system in the West. Kingman, as one source told me, is the hub for this Continuity of Government underground tunnel system. The discovery of the Kingman contribution to what is behind the Continuity of Government issue, was better defined because of the actions of Bridget Langston. 

Let's sum up what this group, that doesn't even yet have a name, has accomplished:

1. They exposed the Kingman-Wikieup area contribution to the Continuity of Government alert. 

2. This group has forced Kingman's tyrannical mayor, Jen Miles, to cancel speaking engagements because she's afraid of this group's presence at the events. This mayor will soon be hiding under her bed because this group is not done with her, but I do not want to spoil the surprises that are coming.    

3. This group has been able to stand up to a tyrannical mayor by obtaining an Attorney General's legal opinion (AZ) regarding this mayor's application of the face mask rule. Also, here is a fundamental question: How could it be that this group has made more progress regarding the unconstitutional lockdown process, than larger groups in both the Phoenix and Tucson area. The only comparable Arizona group is one led by Tom Hatten, founder and CEO of Mountainside Fitness who sued dictator and Arizona Governor, Doug Ducey, for illegally closing gyms while Casinos remained open. Ducey, of course, is the owner of multiple of conflicts of interest. Like the Kingman mayor, Ducey, officially a Republican is truly a Democrat "in drag". His presence on the Board of TGEN is a noteworthy conflict of interest as TGEN has a relationship with Sonoran Quest Laboratories, the primary testing agent for CV-19 in Arizona and they are also involved in the vaccine "solution".  Both groups stand to benefit because of Ducey's conflict of interest. Arizona's dictator better watch out because I predict this group is coming for his poltiical head.  

4. This group plans to challenge businesses that are violating the American with Disabilities Act for mandating facemasks for people who fit the Governor's exemptions for face masks in which health conditions such as Asthma, COPD, Diabetes, etc are being ignored being forced to wear masks or stay out of certain public and private venues.  

There is more to come from this group and the rest of country would be well-advised to watch their actions as they clearly show that average Americans, when they roll up their sleeves, can indeed make a difference. 

Here is my radio interview with Bridget Langston. 



From the Facebook page of Kingman, AZ., activist, Bridget Langston

Bridget Langston

"think for yourself - step away from the mob - search for the truth - be fearless"

From Facebook as posted by Bridget Langston

If you are in Kingman or anywhere in Mohave County AZ, please join our group for freedom, we have gotten the attention of the great national radio host Dave Hodges from The Common Sense Show and he answered to my post yesterday, he will be coming to Kingman soon to speak! This group should be very proud: Dave Hodges: " I encounter trolls every single day. And I like to think of the famous saying from the Alaskan dogsled masters. "The dogs may bark but the caravan rolls on". …

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I do not claim the compliment of "great", however, I do recognize the tremendous potential of the activists in Northwest Arizona.