The Depopulation Agenda Connected to the COVID-19 Lockdowns

Many people has noticed that dating, courtship, marriage and parenting levels have dropped to historic lows.Thanks to Ted Turner who has made it clear what the globalists truly desire, which is extreme negative population growth. In fact, the aware among us know that a 90% depopulation of the population is the ultimate goal .
There are hard kill methods eg war) and there are soft kill methods (eg Chromium 6 in the water) and there is spermageddon and this is where the current lack of dating and mating comes into play. In act, the world has clear data that sperm counts are way down and it has been this way since at least 2010 and was full discovered in the scientific community with overwhelming evidence in 2015.
This is where COVID-19 lockdown restrictions come into play. Beside curtailing Christian religious practices, the apparent number one goal of the lockdown was to prevent close contact, in a potential dating/mating situation in public places where people ordinarily meet and eventually mate. Here is what America typically witnessed in the lockdown:
1. Big box stores remain open while small business competitors fail (the goal was the economic destruction of the economy of the United States, while preparing for a corporate oligarchy takeover when the Democrats (Blosheviks take over).
2. Following the economic and religious discrimination, there are no institutions in the lockdowns that have been discriminated against more than bars and health clubs. Both are hotspots for meeting and dating. And of course forcing people to where a worthless facemask exacerbates the "social distance" which inhibits meeting and developing intimacy. When one considers the published depopuatlion goals of the global elite there is no question that this mass contributor to depopulation in play and it was deliberate.Further, the shutting down of healthclubs also accomplishes another goal related to depopulation as the practice results in less healthy people with weakened immune systems resulting from unnatural isolation. I strongly contend that these were some of the primary goals all along in this plandemic! My belief is bolstered by the fact that the sperm counts of males, as pointed out in an earlier paragraph has been ongoing for sometime. The result of both phenomenon, the lockdown effects and lower sperm counts, is intentional and is designed to significantly reduce the population of the Kissenger-labeled "useless eaters".
This is a striking finding that has profound implications for humanity. For this reason and many other reasons, some questioning if this is the last generation of humans that will inhabit the planet.
Let's examine the subject of reduced sperm counts.
What the Data Tells Us
Research on men in North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand found that there respective sperm counts are plunging, according to several recent studies. Among the subjects from these recent studies there has been a collective average of over a 50% decline in sperm concentration and a 60% decline in total sperm count over a nearly 40-year period ending in 2015. One study published in the Journal of Human Reproduction, found that the trend was peaking. This is very startling and suggests that we have not seen anything close to the apex.
Extraneous Factors
The globalists have tried to censor the Carlson study which was a meta-analysis of 61 studies that found the same emerging trend as far back as 1992. The most striking variable about the sperm studies is that even the quality, not just the quantity of the sperm is being impacted. The attack on human reproductivity is not confined to the quality and quantity of sperm counts.
Humanity is also attack from a social and cultural perspective as well. Kindergarten children in Sweden are not allowed to use the pronouns of "he" and "she". Boys can and will marry boys. The same is true for girls. Boys are often taught to wear dresses. And it is not just Sweden. In Canada if one addresses another, even innocently, by a gender pronoun not preferred by the person being spoken to, the offender can be sent to jail. In America, gay marriage (ie one that does not produce offspring) is legal. There are emerging arguments to wrong-headed academia types are embracing the concepts of 97 genders. These same people engage in scathing rebukes of anything resembling masculinity. Homosexuality is glorified in the media, while heterosexual relations are maligned in nearly every stereotype. Beofre COVID-19, there is a clearly an agenda of depopulation at work that is both long-term and consistent in its agenda in which non-bearing fertility relationship are glorified, which the traditional ones are not.
There are two intentions here. One, is to divide and conquer by forcing everyone to take a side. Two, the real objective is limit productivity as much as possible. Is it working? A nation needs a 2.1 birthrate to maintain itself. Italy has 1.2, France is 1.5 as is Germany as is most of the EU. What about America? The birthrate has fallen to 1.77. As technocracy expert, Patrick Wood states, "No nation has ever recovered from falling below 1.8. The entire G20 is well below 1.8! To prevent too dramatic of a decline in a nation's functionality that is experiencing a dramatic lessening of the birth rate, millions of immigrants are brought to fill jobs. And over the next decade, AI will provide the robots that will take the place of 3/4ths of humanity in the workplace. As an aside, the immigration issue also serves to "deculturize" a nation from its traditional beliefs (eg one man, one woman, several children), democracy, civil liberties, etc. Have you ever noticed that the G20 is not importing people from anywhere else but violent 3rd world nations? This strategy will erase national boundaries and the true New World Order will be born. Forced immigration, fast kill, slow kill, and spermageddon all are working for the same goal, the eradication of man in God's likeness. David Knight and Sharon Gilbert fully captured this notion.
Two Outstanding Transhumanist Presentations
In 2018 at the Branson GENSIX Conference, I watched David Knight and Sharon Gilbert make their respective presentations on transhumanism. Although both presentations were distinct, there conclusions were the same. There is a decided plot to do away with humans as we know it. From HG Wells to Huxley, the intent is the same, create an "enhanced" human being. Many globalists call this the singularity where man is mixed with machine and mankind as we know it will cease to exist. This article is not going to explore all of the details associated with this satanic conspiracy to wipe out God's creation. Let's just say, that we are on the verge of modern societal breakdown with the plunging birth rates which correspond with spermageddon in terms of time frame and COVID-19 was simply an adjunct to the depopulation efforsts of the globalists.
This enhanced technology (ie transhumanism) is only for the elite and the chosen few from the lower social classes. The rest are going die from soft kill, slow kill, or spermageddon resulting reductions in live births.
World War III will enhance the process. Watch out for Syria, where Trump just dispatched troops to, and the South China Sea is still a candidate for World War III as well.
If your pastors are not discussing this plot against God almighty, then preach this doctrine and profess these facts for them. David Knight said we do not have 15 years. I feel we are already on the fast track to destruction. For humanity to survive, we all have to act. The first step in that process is to bring awareness of the problem. Once we convince enough, then meaningful action can pack a real punch.
Covid-19 and depopulation? The connections are unmistakable, and we didn't even discuss the impact of mandatory vaccines on the human life-span....
Speaking of David Knight's and Sharon Gilbert's Transhumanism presentations at Branson, it should be noted that GEN Six is sponsoring another fabulous video on demand conference, FINAL WARNING: BRACE FOR IMPACT... which can be accessed by clicking this link.
This is a good article,…
Handmaids tale
Almost every move by the Left has Depopulation flavor in it.