The Radical Democrats Are Not Just Content to Ban All Free Speech, They Have Granted Themselves Permission to Murder Those Who Oppose Their Unconstitutional Policies

On July 5, 2021, dishonored FBI official, McCabe, appeared on CNN and labeled Philly protesters as "white supremacists". Allegations of racism always leveled against those who have the courage to stated that the 2020 election was stolen. The Federal government, under Biden, are going much further. If an American speaks out against government corruption, they will be imprisoned and now we know, thanks to previously released documents,under the Obama administration, that peacefully protesting against the government can get one killed and that executive action is sanctioned by the federal government.
The momentum to incarcerate anti-government sympathizers has been been gaining steam since the Obama administration. The following represents examples of these facts.
Former Assistant Attorney General Held the First Amendment In Disdain
“Homegrown violent extremists can be motivated by any viewpoint on the full spectrum of hate—anti-government views, racism, bigotry, anarchy and other despicable beliefs,”John Carlin Assistant Attorney General in charge of anti-domestic terrorism (October 2015)
Let's not forget that Carlin served in the Obama administration. We know that Obama frequently left dictatorial policies on the table without acting upon them (eg Executive Order 13603). Presumably, Obama was setting the table for Hillary, as she undoubtedly would have sent many of us to her self-described "Fun (ie FEMA) camps".
As one can clearly observe, from the above quote, Assistant Attorney General, the number two person in the Justice Department, disrespected the First Amendment as well. In the quote listed above, John Carlin, is clearly stating that if one disagrees with the government, they are considered (under the Patriot Act) to be a Homegrown violent extremist. Carlin must have been absent that day in law school when the professor covered the fact that the First Amendment was adopted for the specific purpose of having the right to speak out against the government without concern for reprisal. Reuters, while describing Carlin’s position, likens domestic, right-wing extremism with anti-governmental views, is guilty of providing “material support” for domestic terrorism. Further, disagreeing with your government can cause you to “disappear” under the NDAA. Since 9/11, the feds have been engaged in a sequential and incrementally implemented scheme to do away with the First Amendment. Under this administration, it is a case of "long live the First Amendment, the First Amendment is dead".
There is no doubt that many liberals would be quick to point out, that Carlin was only the second in command in the Justice Department. However, before you liberals go down that path, let's not forget who his boss was, and it was none other than Loretta Lynch (mob).
Along, these lines I have been told by multiple sources that I will one day, be prosecuted for anti-Muslim rhetoric by the Federal government. Loretta Lynch is a Muslim, by practice, and is abusing her to silence any talk against RADICAL and EXTREME Muslim speech even in the aftermath of the murder of 14 Americans by an ISIS sympathizer in San Beranardino. This marks the end of the First Amendment in the eyes of the most powerful Justice official, namely, the Attorney General of the United States, and she was and still is a racist to boot.
Lynch used her position as Attorney General to promote her racist views. One should look at her background as being anti-Jewish when she was a member of the Harvard Black Law Students Association (BLSA) from 1981-1984 who advocated for several anti-Jewish positions. Lynch and the BLSA had their First Amendment rights protected. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, we all failed to ask Lynch, who speaks and stands for the Jews? I do not engage in anti-Muslim rhetoric. However, in the aftermath of several terrorist events (e.g. San Bernardino) I have unashamedly called for all Muslim immigrants, not American citizens, to be screened for suitability to enter the United States. In fact, all immigrants need to screened. After all, if we being forced to give up the Constitution, then we need to screen people who may not have our best interest at heart. Also, if they are unwilling to assimilate, they do not belong here. That means if they expect to bring their Sharia Law and intend it to be a replacement for the Constitution, as many do, then they need to be denied admittance. If there is the slightest hint of terrorism or criminal activity of any kind, then they need to (a) be deported or (b) denied entry. Under Lynch's new guidelines, this form of free speech is illegal and subjects one to persecution. Lynch was appointed and swore an oath to the Constitution and she is violating her oath of office to destroy it, especially the First Amendment. In the name of political correctness, I will not support any religious/political doctrine whose intention is to supplant any part of the Constitution. The American people do not owe their country to immigrants who do not add to the quality of American life. As the sign says, we have the right to refuse service to anybody. At the end of the day, Lynch is not stifling the First Amendment so long your free speech agrees with her idea of free speech.
I know that many liberals will say "That was then and this is now." Now, is here and the repressiveness of the Obama administration is on full display for all to see and its racist and unconstitutional views have resurfaced under Biden for all to see. Subsequently, many of these anti-First Amendment view are on full display during the present Biden administration. The argument which says that was in the past, need to pay closer attention. On March1, 2021, DHS published an enemies of state list:
The U.S. intelligence community regards the agenda of “domestic violent extremists” as “derived from anti-government or anti-authority sentiment,” which includes “opposition to perceived economic, racial or social hierarchies.” In other words, if one disagrees with the government, they are NOW labled asan “domestic violent extremist (DVE).”
The following DHS document clearly demonstrates that anyone they believe is prepared to use violence, intimidation, or coercion in pursuit of these causes then becomes a “domestic violent extremist,” subject to a vast array of surveillance, monitoring, and other forms of legal restrictions:

Department of Homeland Security report, Mar.1, 2021.
In short, and as of 4 months ago, anyone who disagrees with the Biden administration is a domestic terrorist that must and will be dealt with. These people are not of the mindset just wanting to imprison you, THEY WANT YOU DEAD, as evidenced by the following Obama-era document.
U.S. Army Techniques Publication 3-39.33: Civil Disturbances
I previously reported on the Army’s, August 15, 2014, of how they plan to deal with dissidents and protesters who date to exercise their First Amendment Rights.
The relatively new Army manual, known as ATP 3-39.33, provides discussion and techniques about civil disturbances and crowd control operations that occur in the continental United States (CONUS) and outside the continental United States (OCONUS).
The following are diagrams lifted from ATP 3-39.33 which instructs soldiers how to kill and disable American citizens who are engaged in civil protests (i.e. protected First Amendment activities).
ATP 3-39.33 speaks to the Army strategy of deploying snipers at public events and protests and “eliminating” the leadership of any such activity who would date to express their First Amendment right to free speech. This document not only marks the death of the leaders of any civil disobedience, but it marks the death of the First Amendment to the Constitution as it eliminates any right of the people to “peaceably assemble” and to allow the people the full expression of the right “to express grievances” against the government. On February 22, 2014, I revealed the existence of a classified Army document which has been leaked online, is entitled FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations (PDF). The document was originally to be kept secret, but everyone in the military command structure, as we know, is not on board with the encroaching tyranny sweeping across this country. Clearly, the leadership of any resistance effort will be targeted with extreme prejudice.
This marks the end of the First Amendment as know it in which speaking out can be met with deadly force.
If you’re an anti-abortion activist, or if you display political paraphernalia (e.g. bumper stickers) supporting a third-party candidate (e.g. Ron Paul supporter), if you possess subversive literature (e.g. articles supporting the United States Constitution), if you are a Second Amendment supporter (e.g. gun owner, NRA of GOA member) you very well might be a member of a domestic paramilitary group and the 2009 MIAC report has been used to train law enforcement, nationwide, that people like you are a threat to domestic tranquility. When the nation first learned of the MIAC report, there was a push back by many Americans. What most Americans did not realize is that this was only the tip of the iceberg for the government in determining who has been naughty or nice. MIAC is one of 58 so-called “fusion centers” nationwide that were created by the Department of Homeland Security, in part, to collect local intelligence so that authorities can use to combat terrorism and related criminal activities. The fusion centers are only the tip of the iceberg with regard to the data mining as they pale in comparison to the what the NSA is doing. And what are they data mining for? They are looking for people for daring to speak out (i.e. exercising their First Amendment rights) against a tyrannical, anti-Constitutional administration headed by President Obama or any other administration that would follow Obama (eg Biden).
Attention Americans, you have already been "tagged" and these communists will soon seek to have you "bagged" as evidenced by the following:
Every American Has a Threat Matrix Score
The American population is assigned a threat matrix score which is compiled by the NSA. It is common knowledge that all forms of communication between and among Americans is monitored by the NSA and entered into a database. The incoming transactional data is analyzed against a continually evolving threat matrix and is assigned an ever-evolving action code. This action code will provide the decision making data on who goes on what kind of terrorist watch list. Things, such as, who flies and who can leave the country, are arbitrarily decided behind closed doors away from public scrutiny.
I believe that ultimately, the questions of the future will not revolve around who flies, but who dies.
According to insider sources, demographic maps have already been created in which red dots appear on a data screen by address of people judged to be a threat as determined by the algorithms derived the NSA protocols. If you are in the independent media, you are at the top of the list. When the DHS goon squads arrive at our homes at 3AM, we in the alternative media will be going to a FEMA Camp, or worse. And what is our crime? Encouraging citizens to express their positive or negative opinions against this out of control administration. My sources for years have revealed that the leaders of the resistance are on what could be called a “red list” and will be summarily executed along with their families. Obtaining Verizon and Google data dump to the feds is just the tip of the iceberg. For example, because of cell phone tracking, if you have ever met with a person of concern (e.g. an alternative media figure), your score goes up because your two cell phones came into close proximity. And the longer you meet with this person, the more points are awarded to your threat matrix score.
These practices violate another First Amendment right, the right peaceably assemble. Keep in mind the Threat Matrix Score is like golf. The goal is to have a low score, that is if you want to live. The person’s score will also rise if they visit the wrong websites, belong to the Libertarian party, own a gun, vote for third party candidates and are a veteran. Many of the sources for the independent media has revealed that demographic maps have already been created in which red dots appear on a data screen by address. The red dots represent people who have received a high score and DHS swat teams will sweep pre-designated areas. The DHS swat teams along with their 2.2 billion rounds of ammunition and 2700 armored personnel carriers will be the vanguard force behind this terrible tyranny. All others will continue to be placed under extreme surveillance with the threat of removal to a re-education camp or worse. There is a reason why DHS has spent billions on Intellistreet light poles and spy cams at every major intersection. And if you think you can ride this out, read Executive Order 13603. You will be assigned to work wherever this administration wants. Families will be broken apart by this calamity. All of sudden, the CPS tactics and the anti-family courts make a little more sense don’t they?
If you are taken to a re-education camp, please consider that your family will be split apart. Men to one camp, women to another and children to a third and you don’t even want to know what my sources tell me about the third kind of camp“. "I don't care if the government spies on me and monitors my activities and the statements that I make because I am not doing anything wrong." Hopefully this article exposes the folly of this thinking.
The Deagel Report told us that 200 million Americans will be tagged and bagged before it is all over. What we are looking at, America, is an old-style Bolshevik coup!
The radical Democrats