"UNITED NATIONS – The United States is announcing its support for a set of principles that give a green light for U.N. peacekeeping troops and police to use force to protect civilians in armed conflicts. U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power told a high-level U.N. meeting Wednesday focusing on the responsibility to protect civilians that the United States was "proud" and "humbled" to join 28 other countries that have pledged to abide by the 18 pledges. U.N. peacekeepers from these 29 countries are now required to act in cases where civilians are in danger. "The Kigali Principles are designed to make sure that civilians are not abandoned by the international community again," she said, recalling how U.N. peacekeepers left Rwanda before the 1994 genocide and Srebrenica before the 1995 massacre."
Chinese UN Peacekeeping Forces Are Now Training at Camp Grayling In Michigan

At the behest of the United Nations, the Chinese military has crossed our northern border and are currently in Michigan. They are occupying an area called Camp Grayling. During the Jade Hemt training exercises, putting down an American insurrection against a foreign takeover of our government was rehearsed extensively. One of the locations for these rehearsals was at Camp Grayling in Michigan.
Before commenting more on this development, the previous involvement of UN forces at Camp Grayling, which occured during the Jade Helm15 and 16 training exercises. This event made it clear that UN forces will eventually be used against the United States citizens. Here are the events as they unfolded during Jade Helm. However, these training exercises have become active and the CHICOMS are heavily involved.
The MSM Admits What the Independent Media Has Been Telling an Igrnorant America for Years
Before you marginalize this bold statement about the Chinese/UN troops operating in Michigan, you might actually want to consider some hard core, irrefutable evidence from our past. Let's start with the mainstream media and Fox News in 2017. From Fox News:
I have become an expert at arguing with idiots. The UN is not coming to an unsuspecting America, they are already here. They are waiting for enough chaos to ensue to justifiy taking over the country. Undoubtedly, half-baked people are going to say "Fox did not say that UN troops are coming to America". I don't mean to confuse anyone on the left with the facts, but please try and answer this question: "When Antifa is successful in using its new-found allies from MS-13 and ISIS, as well as the aforementioned people and groups, to carry out unlimited Las Vegas style attacks, and worse, what is the UN going to do? By policy they are going to bring their 28 nation peace-keeping force to America. It's called the Kigali Principles,look it up! Oh wait, they are already here and I have been reporting on this for almost 8 years!!!
Please allow me to spell this out very clearly. The Deep State has succeeded in lining up unlimited funding and willing participants in bringing holy hell to America. It has already started. Now, our government has sold us out and has agreed to let the blue helmets take over this country on a set of contrived consequences promulgated by the left.
If my investigation into the massive election fraud that stole the 2020 election taught me anything, it is that the CHICOMS have infiltrated every level of government. They are and will be cooperating with the UN in bringing America to its final defeat.
The UN Takeover of America Has Already Been Rehearsed Under the 2015-2016 Obama Administration
While some of you were busy watching CNN, this is what happened under your noses during the two years of Jade Helm drills (ie JH 15 and JH 16).
The declaration of the United States government, as published on Fox News on October 29, 2017, is merely the legitimization of what has already happened. I published my warning over and over on this domain. First, my warnings were published in regard to the 2014 Central American illegal alien invasion where DHS and the UN were commanding Border Partrol personnel to admit MS-13 into the interior of the United States. The operation was so bold that at one of its headquarters, I previously reported that Congressman Jim Bridenstein was refused entry into Ft. Sill when he went to investigate. I also reported that foreign troops were training at known FEMA camp locations such as Camp Grayling in Michigan. I published pictures of UN vehicles on America soil, repeatedly and as late as the Fall of 2019.
Fox News has invited itself to this party a little late because in 2016, I published the following:
Camp Grayling Is a FEMA Camp
Camp Grayling is a FEMA camp facility in Grayling, MI., and was the sight of martial law training for the Michigan National guard which commenced on July 15, 2015, during the Jade 15 Operation. This facility also houses hundreds of UN military vehicles. (Note: Some of the links are no longer active)The foreign troops training at the FEMA Camp facility, Camp Grayling, are clearly UN troops who are undoubtedly training for the inevitable. With regard to Obama’s July 1, 2016 executive order:
"United Nations “peacekeepers” may soon arrive and see action on American soil following the United States’ announcement of support for “a set of principles that give a green light for U.N. peacekeeping troops and police to use force to protect civilians in armed conflicts,” Military Times."
In 2016, I also received this email from an eyewitness to the treason going on at Camp Grayling.
My Buddy Tim and I had an opportunity to take a Camp Grayling Open House Tour in June of 2015 and I have several video clips of something you folks are not talking about. The videos are of the Multi Million Dollar Urban Assault “Village” located on the Camp Grayling Reservation way out in the boonies. This is not the Middle East Assault Village also located on the reservation…it’s the USA Village; Church, Post Office, Bank and every building found in a Small Town USA. To show that this village is real; Youtube Search “OP Blacksheep @Camp Grayling” You can see some of the actual buildings.
I included updated photos of the "Prison Camp" that was upgraded with new Buildings and Communications Tower; Military Tour Guide says "ATT Tower" Yeah Right just happens to be right on the front gate of a Prison Training Facility.
Anyway, I want to snail mail a memory stick with everything I have, Videos, Stills, Satellite over time to show upgrading the prison site has undertaken. Bottom-line the govt is dumping million$ into this Camp Grayling, to include many-many new barracks buildings. THIS IS WHERE those TROOPS are TRAINING THIS SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, let's take a look at Camp Grayling training exercises. Are these American forces? Where is their unit insignia? Where is the American flag on their uniforms? Well, there are some American troops, but they are on the side that is being attacked in this urban assault. Look at the backpacks. Some are marked with the American flag, some are not... These are foreign mercenary assets hired by the United Nations designed to subdue the United States during Jade Helm 15 and 16. Remember, this was the Obama era. This was an international rehearsal for dealing with American "disaffected" military. Jade Helm 15 and 16 were filled with these activities. This was a designed activity, developed by the Biden administration, to put down an American insurrection against globalist military forces. This was to happen on Hillary's watch as she was the presumed 2017 President, but Donald Trump happened.
These are foreign troops, please allow me to point out that these troops are attacking mock AMERICAN NEIGHBORHOODS, against American soldiers. Note the presence of the differential scarfs worn by both sides!
The year was 2016. This was a Jade Helm exercise at Camp Grayling. I provided extensive coverage. The above video, put to music, demonstrates the bravado of the globalists. They don't even try to conceal their plans anymore.
The Here and Now
The contemporary anecdotal stories are rushing in and they serve to further validate what we have known for a long time, namely, bad-intentioned UN troops are poised for the takeover.
A previous Q Alert posted at SteveQuayle.com, stated that the United Nations is preparing for what I have written about in the previous paragraphs.This does not come from a high level source. Just an everyday average Joe. But a guy that works in the same industry, that always gave a hard time about the tin hat-stuff, recently returned from a Great Divide Concert at which a gentleman just passing by, stopped to mingle with this group of people. They had a couple of drinks, and this guy states, he likes America, he likes the people. He wished he could dance like, the Americans. Laugh. He states he had been fighting beside US troops over past 6-7 years. And this is why I feel I need to tell someone over here in the states a lil something. He said he was from Norway. And he would be back in 3-4 months as a part of UN troops. He said there was nothing he could do. But felt compelled that he needed to say something, just to let such good people know what is coming. He said that they were going to be going door to door taking guns, or shooting to kill. They already had the lists of names, and addresses. I have no reason to not believe the words from acquaintance. It actually pretty much freaked him out. He is rather overwhelmed from the conversation.
During the Jade Helm days, I reported that thousands of Polish and Norwegian troops were housed at Camp Grayling. However, in the summer of 2021, Camp Grayling, received new "guests."
Three nights ago, I received a cryptic text from Paul Preston and it read "the invasion is on." Paul reported that he had sources that stated that members of the Chinese military had crossed our northern border with Canada.
Two days later, a member of the Michigan National Guard, who reached out to me about his 2015 concerns regarding the activities at Camp Grayling, contacted me to state the following:
It has been awhile, but it would seem that all of our previous discussions about the UN, foreign troops etc, have come full circle. Camp Grayling is active again. This time, the Chinese military is occupying the facility and and they are involved in urban assault training exercises at the facility according to the guards that are stationed outside the camp. The Chinese arrived on Tuesday. It has been reported that these Chinese soldiers speak perfect English. Do you know if these are Fema guards or something else?
I learned that the Chinese approached one of our security stations. Two of the Chinese were in full American uniforms. They presented written orders that they were to be allowed to proceed to the camp unescorted. They spoke perfect English. The guards thought they were American troops of Chinese extraction but when the entire column proceeded to pass our checkpoint, they were all in Chinese military uniforms. There were an estimated 500 Chinese and consisted of mostly light infantry with a lot of communications equipment...
America, the Chinese are here as part of the UN. We can expect major false flag attacks, including bioweapons attack. This will justify rolling out the UN troops. Remember, the Norfolk Naval Base has been turned over to NATO for the same reason. I would expect we are going to see the rollout of medical martial law, Australian style, and we can expect foreign troops gun confiscation of coming to our homes following a mass casualty event which will no doubt be blamed on Trump supporters and this will be the excuse to takedown America. Why choose Chinese soldiers whospeak perfect English? the answer is simple, they are the vanguard of an occupation force and they need to be able to communicate with the American people. This would be necessary for FEMA camp operations as well as gun confiscation efforts The takedown of America is accelerating.
The players are in place and they are awaiting their predetermined signal. The plan is simple, yet comprehensive and relentless. The subversive groups plan to create as much chaos as possible. The stage has been set for UN intervention. Gun confiscation confiscation will be the first order of business following a series of false flag attacks. Ask yourself, what do you think they are going to do the members of the Independent Media? Gun confiscation will be followed by FEMA camp incarceration for "at risk people". This is something that I know a fair amount about and will be discussing this aspect at length over the next few days.
Prepairing for attacks
Camp Grayling
The Sooner The Better
Camp Grayling
Music for Our Revolution
Misinformation...Quit Fearmongering!!!!!