Every Coup Is Followed by a Purge and That Purge Is Arriving This Fall! 


Americans have never been in more danger.

If we follow tenets of history, millions of Americans are going to be purged, because that is what always follows a coup. Make no mistake about it, America has been a victim of a coup. First, the coup came in the form of a greatly exaggerated virus and then by mythical vaccinations designed to produce giant profits and exert enormous control over the population. The Constitution has been erased and there is no firewall between the communists who have taken over our government and their genocidal intentions towards freedom-loving Americans.

There are six general areas associated with a violent coup in which the potential for genocide are present and these six areas are as follows:

  1. Attack the Traditional Elements of the Culture and the Political System. This would cover such contemporary events as the various attempts at perpetual impeachment, the promotion of life-style glorifications which runs contrary to the established status quo, the use of deliberate divide and conquer strategies designed to maximize societal conflict and promote an atmosphere of perpetual divisive conflict, the takeover of the media, the establishment of political correctness with the notion of steering people away from the traditional, the unhinging of traditional rule of law. The movement against Trump was not about Trump. It was about tearing down all populism and the support of the traditional in our culture. In today's culture, things have gotten so out of hand that there is serious talk about eliminating all police departments and the blatant release of prisoners to prey upon the people is in full swing. 
  2. The Use of False Flag Events to Designed Erase Civil Liberties and to Promote an Atmosphere of Violence and Armed Conflict. Two prime examples of this thinking in the modern area would be the promotion of Jussie “let’s start a race war” Smollett fake event and of course the granddaddy of them all, 911, the modern-day Reichstag event, which has promoted the autocratic power of government of the civil liberties of the people. Now, we have the divide and conquer, Critical Race Theory! In order to take down a nation like America this stage must be relentless and represent Alinsky’s Rules of Radicals as much as possible. Along these lines, I have learned from a Federal LEO that they have learned of the existence of multiple explosive devices being stored in multiple locations. And now, we have 200,000 imported Middle East terrorists poised to take possession of these weapons caches in order to carry out their Jihad.
  3. The Implementation of the Hegelian Dialectic of “Problem-Reaction-Solution.  This is where the false flag events of Stage 2 bleed into this stage. Some people might call this the creation of the boogey man stage. In the cold war, the Soviet nuclear capability was greatly exaggerated by the establishment to justify the implementation of the military industrial complex. It is clear that the false flag events perpetrated in Stage Two sets the stage for the revolutionary force to provide their answer the problem created by a false flag. The aftermath of 911 provides an excellent and fertile ground to study this progression of revolutionary tyranny. The events of 911 led to the creation of “the problem”, then the solution of legislation such as the Patriot Act. This established the complete erosion of the First Amendment, 4th Amendment search and seizure and the NDAA was added to take away 5th Amendment due process in which a person could be “put away” with no due process. This state makes tyranny the new normal and gives complete dictatorial control to the new regime as it is emerging. Problem-Reaction-Solution is on full display here. The TSA at airports, who have never caught even one terrorist is an excellent example of this emerging police state mentality as is gun confiscation which, of course, is done to protect the children. Now, DHS has labeled Americans who question the 2020 Election, question the efficacy of covid vaccines and practice religious holidays as domestic terrorists which must be dealt with. As the University of Hawaii Democide Project illustrates, gun confiscation is always a prelude to genocide and we are entering the false flag stage of the coup against America.
  4. Well-Defined Political and Cultural Targets Emerge and Widespread Conflict Ensues. The 2008 MIAC Report list which targeted Ron Paul supporters, Constitutionalists, Second Amendment supporters and Christians is an example of this kind of thinking. The gay-straight paradigm, the Black-White divide is accentuated and the traditional family along with Christian values are under attack in America. The introduction of cartel influence (drugs and trafficking children) have become mainstays in the unhinging of our culture and political system. The Democratic Party (ie Pelosi, Ducey, Kemp, Newsom, Schiff, Feinstein et al) are in bed with the Communist Chinese, their subordinate the Cartels and far leftist groups whose purpose is to overthrow the government (eg Antifa). The hope is that the conflicts will coalesce and produce a civil war. This will justify the use of hostile military forces (eg the UN under the Kigali Principles). In late 2018, the Cook County Commissioners tried to bring in hostile forces from the UN to stem the tide of gang violence in Chicago. Trump blocked the move. At this stage, the emphasis is on incendiary conflict designed into civil war. There can be no regime change without violence and this is that stage. A civil war always ensues at this stage. Make no mistake about it, the UN is presently entering the United States under the present set of circumstances. 
  5. Purging the Deplorables. This is the stage where opposition media is recruited and turned or their members are executed. As territory is conquered by the revolutionaries, consolidation of gains must be made. It is at this stage that we will witness why the NSA has been compiling massive surveillance data on each American. They have been creating a naughty-nice (red) list and these people have been targeted  for extermination. In Nazi Germany, the Gestapo did the roundups. This is time consuming and in a country like America, with 425 million guns, this practice as the primary method of eliminating societal opposition to the new tyranny is too dangerous. There are better ways to consolidate the gains made against traditional political and cultural elements of a culture rather than roundups. Creating food and water shortages is an excellent method to get the potential subversives to come to you. Grabbing children from schools is an excellent way to get potential trouble makers to report to the “FEMA Camps” is method that was practiced in 2011 in Operation Mountain Guardian. This is how, in America, the “deplorables” will be dealt with. This will be the American genocide. In a nation like America, it might be necessary to attack the country, in an ensuing world war, against a weakened America in order to eliminate all opposition. Certainly, the Deagel Report speaks to this possibility. Remember, this is the nation where there could be an “An American behind every blade of grass with a gun”. Therefore, in nations like America it is often necessary to wage war against the people in conjunction with the civil war regime change. This is when the Red Dawn invasion would take place. The takeover of a weaker nation will not require this step, but America most certainly will. A strong, independent America cannot be allowed to exist as the New World Order is being implemented. Also, at some point in this process the economic breakdown occurs. the sooner the economic breakdown occurs, the sooner the civil war commences as resource acquisition becomes a primary motivator. Right now, the main targets of the coming purge are already taking shape. Whites and White Christians are clearly in the crosshairs of the new revolution. Your new founding father, actually a founding mother, as portrayed in the triology, The Purge, Hillary Clinton, warned us about the coming "elimination" camps during the presidential campaign of 2016. Do you remember when Hillary called for Americans to go to "Fun Camps" to learn life's lessons?
  6. The Consolidation of Power and the Establishment of the New Authority. Purges, along with economic and cultural restructuring continues. Extreme wealth redistribution and socialism emerges.  It is at this point we see an echo effect. Most revolutions have a rebound effect. This is where the more radical members of the movement purge their former colleague who are decidedly more moderate (eg the Brown Shirt phenomenon). Mass executions and so-called book-burning moves to front and center in this stage. Big tech censorship is that book-burning event in the modern era. 

The stages overlap and there is no timing mechanism. However, almost all revolutions have these elements within these movements. Future articles on the Left’s extremism, will fit into one, or more, of these six stages of what I have labeled as the Bolshevik coup against America. Remember, the persecution and fraudulently stealing the election from Trump is only symbolic as the persecution of our way of life. 

The following is admittedly a lesson using the literary technique of hyperbola. This was a tongue and cheek production which mocked the second lockdown of Arizona as our communist governor, Doug Ducey imposed a curfew while refusing to thwart Antifa like so many other governors and mayors, most them from the Democratic Party. 

Today, Antifa and their Democratic Party benefactors are  initiating a purge against law and order, against all forms of law enforcement, anyone who disagrees with their tactics or philosophy and of course all white people. I reference the hundreds of Antifa tweets to justify the latter comment. Although the following video was made as a mockery to our imposed curfew which Antifa is allowed to run wild in Arizona, there is an eeriness about this. Something that will ring true in the near future. A purge is underway, and if you think it is going to be limited to looting, arson and murder, think again. A mass purge is unfolding as I write these works.