The Undeniable Stats Which Clearly Exposes America's Descent Into Third World Status

Once upon a time, under a populist President, the economy was soaring. In fact, on December 6, 2019, the VERY liberal and anti-Trump media outlet, CNBC, published the following economic statistics:
- Nonfarm payrolls surged by 266,000 in November, better than the 187,000 expected by economists polled by Dow Jones.
- The unemployment rate ticked down to 3.5% from 3.6%, back to the 2019 low and matching the lowest jobless rate since 1969.
- The end of the GM strike had a big effect, boosting employment in motor vehicles and parts by 41,300, part of an overall 54,000 gain in manufacturing.
- Average hourly earnings rose by 3.1% from a year ago, slightly above the 3% expected by economists polled by Dow Jones.
With this populist President racing for re-election in the midst of record economic gains, America's future was bright and its best days would soon be realized as the populist President was on the verge of serving the people for 4 more years. Then the bottom fell out and economic destruction struck in the form of a virus. No, it wasn't just a virus, it was a nation of sheep that mindlessly accepted the edicts of organization that was dedicated to the demise of all nation-states and the implementation of a New World Order following an econmic, societal and yes, even a military collapse.
This article takes a critical look at the numbers that underlies our present dilemma. The numbers will show that this nation is in free-fall and it is very likely that we will never be the same again.
Today, America is shut down, we are closed for business. A total of 313 million people, as of April 21, 2020, are in a perpetual state of lockdown. This number represents 95% of the population of the United States.
In the last 30 days, 22 million Americans have applied for unemployment. the Department of Labor tells us that there are approximately 157 million employed Americans. However, the number is deceptive. Even if a person only works one hour, they are counted by the government as being employed. Even when we use this very flawed statistic, the unemployment rate in America, as judged by unemployment claims, reached a 14% level of unemployment in the last report. However, when we look at the actual number of full-time employees in America, prior to CV-19, the number of full-time employees was 110 million workers. Subsequently, the adjusted unemployment rate is 20%. This number approaches the highest rates recorded in the Great Depression. Statistics can be deceiving, America did not go into full mandatory lockdown until March 13, 2020, with a declaration by Trump when he declared a state of national emergency. Therefore, the unemployment numbers had only half of a month to register the effect. Can one imagine, that with 95% of the country in lockdown what the real unemployment numbers really are?
From March 1 to March 30, 2020, the unemployment numbers among full-time employees went up from 3.6% to 20%. Can one imagine what the rate will be by the end of April?
If we eliminate the government's obvious need to lie to the public, the unemployment rate could easily top 30-40%. The underemployment rate, those wanting full-time employment and are unly able to obtain part-time employment, may skyrocket and it is impossible to choose a percentage that this figure will top out at. Estimates of 60, 70 and even 80% underemployment are not out of the question given completeness of the lockdown. And after a point, the lockdown will not be the primary determinant of the underemployment rate. Instead, the primary determinant will become the fact that in a severely depressed economy, people will not have the money to spend on retail, dining out, attending sporting events, travel and even going to the movies. Yesterday, the price of oil went negative for the first time in American history. This is due to the fact that very little product is moving in our country. Food reserves are becoming depleted and manufacturing is coming to a standstill. In short, the economy is on life support and it did not even take four months to accomplish this feat.
Many economists are touting the statistic that for even increase of 1% in the unemployment rate, 10,000 deaths occur. Some economists say that number is close to 50, 000. There is some empirical data that we can look at that will shed some light on how serious the country’s lockdown has become with the distinct correlation between suicide and unemployment.
Even Dr. Phil Mcgraw is risking his professional career as he is daring to buck the establishment when he said the current approach to the present health challenge is "destroying lives!"
The Economics of Suicide: An Empirical Study of America’s Rising Suicide Rate study states that the correlation between unemployment and suicide rates. Is 21 suicides for every 1% increase in the unemployment rate. Even more disturbing, Goldman Sachs is predicting a 12% increase in unemployment and that translates to over 830,000 suicides. With the current and real unemployment rate, conservatively speaking, America is looking at over 1.5 million suicides. This will become the leading cause of death. These statistics do not even measure increase in drug use, alcohol abuse, spousal abuse (eg up 15% in Phoenix since the lockdown), or violent crimes against people. THIS IS CLEARLY A CASE OF THE CURE BEING WORSE THAN THE DISEASE!!!
To date, Mike Adams has had the most reasonable approach to handling the CV-19 health challenge. He presented a 5 point challenge which included wearing face-masks for 8 weeks and sheltering the vulnerable during this time. The CDC has given us nothing in constrast with Adams' suggestions except for a "hide under the bed approach."
As was pointed out several times in the three previous parts in this series, the CDC's approach does put the health of the American people first. For if the CDC was concerned about us, they would embrace trials using anti-viral approaches to treating the virus. Instead, they are intent on keeping us in lockdown until their ally and benefactor of the CV-19 team, Bill Gates, completes his vaccine. As I have pointed out many times, when the CDC included the flu and pneumonia statistics on top of the CV-19 numbers it was clear to anyone with eyes to see that public health is not a concern to the CDC. The main objective of Fauci and colleagues is to feather their own nests with profits from the coming mandatory vaccines, from which EVERYONE of the CV-19 has positive outside financial links with in the form of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation or its minion organization, Eli Lilly. By the way, federal employees are not allowed to engage in conflicts of interest. Yet, Trump is doing nothing about these heinous conflicts of interest among the CV-19 team.
In Part Five of this series, I will dust off an old report that will clearly demonstrate that America is not just walking down the path economic ruination, but we are entering the genocide zone.
We need to do more than win an election
They want you dead.
Texas Gov. Let Down