How and Why Trump Is Dismantling the Red Dawn Threat On the Eve of War with Iran

In an earlier piece I wrote in the early AM, entitled, How the Alt Media Uses Insider Sources to Bring the Public "The Truth", I wanted to educate the reader on some of the strategies that many of use in the alt media who communicate with insider sources and how we must take a qualitative research approach and combine aggregate data into a comprehensible and understandable story.
In the past several months, I have been working on what will prove to be some major stories. I will win no awards for the revelations that are coming. My reward is that I am in a position to warn my fellow Americans as to what is likely coming in the hope that they can make life-changing and sometimes, life-saving decisions. Today’s topic fits into this paradigm. If the reader desires to really understand, in a general way, how we in the alt media gain information that is not reported on the in the mainstream media, then please read the earlier piece I wrote today on some of these strategies.
The Red Dawn Threat
Over the past six years, I have written extensively on the threat that lies in Central and South America, which is generally referred to as a Red Dawn invasion. This term is based on the 1984 movie, Red Dawn which depicted an invasion force which entered the United States through our southern border.
Yes Virginia, there really is a Red Dawn force that has been put together by three primary agents, namely, Russia, China and the United Nations.
In the past I have extensively detailed the military alliances formed by China and Russia in Central and South America and they are decidedly anti-American. A few years ago, CELAC (ie Latin America) held a meeting of the Americas and excluded Canada and the United States. In short, we are surrounded by enemies.
For years, both Steve Quayle and myself have been adamant on the point that when America is sufficiently weakened, we will be invaded Red Dawn style. However, unlike the 1984 movie by the same name, we will also be hit by embedded terrorist sleeper cells (eg ISIS, MS-13, the cartels) that are under the control of Russia, China and the UN. The average American has no idea what is coming. And as Steve Quayle has said on many occasions, what is coming is no longer coming, it is already here. Those words will ring true in the rest of this report.
Trump Is Dealing with the Red Dawn Threat by (Temporarily) Dismantling It At Its Core
President Trump, true to his book, The Art of the Deal, is very much proving to be the master of the deal. He is in the process of dismantling the core of the Red Dawn threat that looms large over the fate of all Americans.
There have been two recent events that speaks directly to his dismantling of the Red Dawn threat. As a disclaimer, my use of the term “dismantling” should not be confused with “eliminating”. The Red Dawn threat remains real, but it is under attack from the present administration.
El Salvador
If I were President for a day, I would make El Salvador a deal that they could not refuse. Why? Because, in the past, the Sanchez-Parades drug cartel (ie the Peruvian military banking/drug cartel) has set up terrorist based paramilitary training camps in El Salvador. The participants include Middle East terrorist groups and the cartels and they are being trained to invade the United States when the time is right. I have interviewed people, like Kathy Rubio, who have been to these camps. Oh by the way, the operation is also overseen by our treasonous CIA. If you think the CIA, at its core, serve the United States, you have not been paying attention. Yes, there are loyal Americans who work at the CIA, but they are not making the major decisions, the Deep State apparatus of the CIA is serving its own purpose and they are very much a New World Order organization operating at the executive level.
President Trump is attacking El Salvador by using the carrot rather than the stick. Pastor Sam Honnold, a recent guest on the CSS in which he disclosed unreported news from Central America, has sent me the following information which collaborates what I knew to be true. These revelations will be followed by a video of a press conference between a senior level official from El Salvador and the US government.
Salvadorean President Nayib Bukele came on board with the bigger plan yesterday in a shocking reversal of policy. El Salvador has long been the bad apple of Central America, openly allied with Chavismo (Venezuelan Communism) and hostile to the USA. All that changed in one big day Friday, and El Salvador appears overwhelmingly behind their president in doing so (his approval rating is 93%)…
...Salvadorean President Nayib Bukele came on board with the bigger plan yesterday in a shocking reversal of policy. El Salvador has long been the bad apple of Central America, openly allied with Chavismo (Venezuelan Communism) and hostile to the USA. All that changed in one big day Friday, and El Salvador appears overwhelmingly behind their president in doing so (his approval rating is 93%). US DHS Secretary Kevin McAleenan (whose wife is Salvadorean) and Salvadorean Chancellor Alexandra Hill Tinoco signed the migration agreement and then took questions. There is uncertainty as to specifics of the implementation but Hill Tinoco, speaking Spanish, stated the first priority is to take down the violent gangs. Gang war has stifled the Salvadorean economy, terrorized the populace, and driven human trafficking/caravan formation. Salvadorean gangs, or maras, are some of the most notorious and violent in the world, including the 18th Street Gang and famed rivals MS-13, often referenced (and vilified) by Donald Trump. These gangs will be crushed immediately by US armed action and their extortion schemes terminated with extreme prejudice...
President Bukele has only been on board for about 100 days and he has already broken ranks with the CIA-backed paramilitary forces training in El Salvador. Now, the good President needs to worry very much about assassination that would be planned by the CIA and carried out by either MS-13 or the 18th Street Gang, the known assassins for this group.
Chancellor Hill Tinoco signed another agreement of great import earlier yesterday with the Organization of American States. This body of American nations, which has taken a turn toward convervatism under Secretary General Luis Almagro of Uruguay, will be overseeing the CICIES anticorruption oversight commission rather than the Globalist and Left-leaning United Nations. CICIES, or the Commission International to Combat Corruption & Impunity in El Salvador, will oversee prosecution of corrupt public officials and organized crime, including Salvadorean and trans-national gangs. A similar OAS delegation (including a US delegate) was turned away by authorities in neighboring Nicaragua on appears that dictator Daniel Ortega was not open to transparency into his government or investigation of his latest (highly suspect) election. All of these nations agreed to such inquiry in the OAS Interamerican letter of 2001; they agreed that a rupture of democracy in any member nation is a threat to the stability of the region and will be investigated in this way.
I’m certain that the faithful readers of the CSS will recall the recent videos of massive amounts of tanks being rolled out by the Russians in Nicaragua. Make no mistake about it, this was a Russian temper tantrum reaction to this breakthrough by the Trump administration in Central America. Trump is bucking the CIA and as the Kennedy family could accurately state, this is very dangerous territory for this President.
There is a second development that cannot go unnoticed, unless of course, one is a die-hard coincidence theorist. As reported in the Las Vegas Sun, the lights were turned out on five Central American countries including El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and portions of Guatemala and Panama...a strange coincidence. Paul Martin and I recently reported that the US military is preparing for an EMP attack and have taken countermeasures in communications and transportation. Trump has turned the tables on this threat and sent a clear message by taking down the grid of these 5 countries, that their infrastructure could be eliminated by the push of an EMP button. Why El Salvador? This, I am certain, was to ensure 100% cooperation with the dismantling of this force. In addition, did you catch the reference to the US forces taking down MS-13 in El Salvador? Any President of El Salvador lives in fear of this group and this is the carrot, along with economic aid that the President is offering. Trump is in the process of cutting off the legs of the Red Dawn force.
Also, a DEA source has told me that American submarines are interdicting Chinese shipments of Fentenyl into Central America for distribution to the United States which is an act of war by the Chinese government. Trump is slowly but surely reversing the tide of power directed at the US.
Don’t Jump for Joy, Just Yet
Trump’s motives are not coming from his desire to protect the American people, at least, not entirely. We have put additional troops in Saudi Arabia as reported in the MSM. I have two sources that said the original timetable for military action against Iran was to be in March-June. However, the timetable is being moved up to later this year. Trump cannot expend troops and material to the Middle East, maintain a war effort under threat of attack from Southern border which would be weakened by the fact that the majority of the troops will be in the Middle East. Therefore, Trump is making moves in the here and now to neutralize much of the threat from Central and South America. Russia’s massive tank display in Nicaragua was a clear emotionally-based message that Trump’s strategy will not work. But it is indeed working. Russia is going to forced to decide if they are going to fall on their sword over Iran. Subsequently, it is clear to this reporter, that Trump is protecting his military in the Middle East by attacking the Red Dawn forces, in the here and now. Will it work? The jury is out. And if Trump was merely serving the needs of the American people, he would be dealing with social media censorship ina harsh manner which he is clearly not!
It is my personal belief that Trump's actions will not entirely negate the Red Dawn threat. The effect of what Trump is doing is merely to slow it down so a war can be prosecuted with Iran and possibly Russia.
What Is the Real Reason Behind War with Iran?
Near the end of WW II, the globalists of that day decided to make the US the superpower. They dubbed the dollar to be the world’s reserve currency. That meant that any country desiring to buy Middle East oil had to first purchase federal reserve notes and use the FRB’s to purchase oil.
About a decade ago, Putin rebelled against globalist banking interests and formed the BRICS (ie Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). These nations would bypass the dollar and purchase oil from Iran in gold. The globalist bankers decided that over time they would conquer the Middle East and take away Iran as a source of oil to the BRICS. To Putin’s credit he saw this coming and began to sink his Russian hooks into Venezuelan oil. The US responded by destabilizing the country to the point where they cannot conduct any meaningful business. IF there is a WW III, this is what the core issue is about.
Do not be deceived by fake arguments of patriotism and don’t fall for false flag attacks like the recent one on Saudi oil. The globalists will have their war which will decide currency and oil production dominance. You, as Americans, will have to decide if you are going to let your sons die in the next war for banker profits.
It seems like our nation is…