I can tell you a friend has a pic from his family. It was taken by a soldier when Germany was retreating. It is a flat bed railroad car with many stacked several high naked dead bodies on it. So terrible. I know not to be taken alive if I can help it.
I was in Jr high school (around 1967) when this film was shown to our class. It was shocking to see this then and as I have grown older, even more shocking. The actor was good in his pleading. As I recall the person operating the "board" was given a sample of the electric shock so they had a reference to the pain inflicted.
Dave Hodges has been publishing the Common Sense Show since 2012. The Common Sense Show features a wide variety of important topics that range from the loss of constitutional liberties, to the subsequent implementation of a police state under world governance, to exploring the limits of human potential. The primary purpose of The Common Sense Show is to provide Americans with the tools necessary to reclaim both our individual and national sovereignty.
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holocaust pic
Milgram experiment