FEMA Camp Mass Incarceration Is A Goal of the Ebola Crisis

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   For a number of years, the topic of FEMA Camps (i.e. American concentration camps) have been rumored to exist. Jesse Ventura, on his show, Conspiracy Theory, revealed to the public the existence of FEMA Camps in such a dramatic fashion that the episode has been banned from public viewing. Through the years, there has been much speculation about the existence of FEMA Camps and their true purpose. Recent events surrounding the recent Ebola crisis, is making it clear that the camps, as well as other co-opted public facilities (e.g. stadiums, malls, etc.) will be used to enforce medical martial law for both the sick as well as anyone else who the government determines is a (health) risk to the well-being of the public. Am I saying that the camps will be used to house political dissidents. This is undeniably true. This article traces the inception of FEMA camps to the present and intended purpose. This article will also expose the fact that it will not just be Ebola victims going to these camps where there will be medical facilities.

REX 84

REX 84 is the "granddaddy" of the modern era FEMA camp legislation. When the REX 84 FEMA Camp program was created by people such as Lt. Col. Oliver North, who was both National Security Council White House Aide, and NSC liaison to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and John Brinkerhoff, the deputy director of “national preparedness” programs for FEMA’s role in the creation of the camps, our ultimate fate for future generations of Americans was sealed. The existence of the Rex 84 plan was first revealed during the Iran-Contra Hearings in 1987, and subsequently reported by the Miami Herald on July 5, 1987.

” These camps are to be operated by FEMA should martial law need to be implemented in the United States and all it would take is a presidential signature on a proclamation and the attorney general’s signature on a warrant to which a list of names is attached.” The (FEMA) camps all have railroad facilities as well as roads leading to and from the detention facilities. Many also have an airport nearby. The majority of the camps can house a population of 20,000 prisoners. Currently, the largest of these facilities is just outside of Fairbanks, Alaska. The Alaskan facility is a massive mental health facility and can hold thousands of  people”.

The Rex 84 Program was established on the reasoning that if a “mass exodus” of illegal aliens crossed the Mexican/US border, they would be quickly rounded up and detained in detention centers by FEMA. Since 1987 we have had an estimated 25-30 illegal aliens enter the United States and these camps were not used for “rounding up the mass exodus” of illegal aliens, nor, is this article suggesting that is what should have happened. The point being, the government is lying about the existence of these camps, despite irrefutable legislative proof. Not one illegal alien was sent to a FEMA camp in the recent Central American exodus this past summer, NOT ONE! Some observers believe that as many as 4 million may have illegally crossed the border since the beginning of this year. Regardless, the stable of 800 existing FEMA camps remain untouched.

Why Aren't 800 FEMA Camps Enough?

  On September 23, 2011, the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA conducted a disaster drill in Denver, Colorado that they called Operation Mountain Guardian. The plan was all-inclusive and basically shut down the Denver metropolitan area including Denver International Airport, many malls, many schools and several other public venues including Sports Authority Field where the Denver Broncos play professional football. Why didn’t this event put people in the streets by the tens of thousands? To rub salt in the wound a similar drill was conducted at Giants Stadium in New York in the same year.     In September of 2011, Simon Properties, the largest owners of malls in North America inked a deal with DHS to allow their malls to be used as detention centers in times of “national emergency”.  

 CBS News Admitted FEMA Camps Are Real

Did you know that during Hurricane Sandy, CBS actually admitted to the existence of FEMA camps? I was able to obtain documents and photos which can be accessed in an article entitled CBS News Admits FEMA Camps Are Real. The article also details how the FEMA has privately contracted with vendors who can erect temporary FEMA camps withing 24-72 hours as original authentic FEMA/KBR  communications were revealed. 

Your soon to be new accommodations are described in this PDF attachment, published by the Army (FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations (PDF). This document tells you that  This is what a typical American FEMA camp looks like. The camps will eventually be run for foreign assets, presumably UN troops.  Internment can occur for a variety of reasons including the stripping of one's citizenship for political views which can get one to be declared to be a "sovereign citizen". Medical incarceration would also be a reason that could land Americans into these camps. This document is less than a year old.

Medical Martial Law and HHS Run FEMA Camps

Recently, more attention has been brought to the subject of FEMA camps in the context of the present Ebola scare.

Whether you know it or not, your future reservations remain untouched by the most recent immigration crisis. Soon it will be time to go on the vacation of your life. And this is one of the ways that you will get there.

The Legal Authority to Send "SUSPECTED" Ebola Patients to FEMA Camps and Anyone Suspected of Having Been Exposed!

Before one can “legally” transport Ebola patients to “death camps” and await the inevitable, the public must be reassured that the rule of law is being followed. When Ebola strikes, the changes in the handling of Ebola patients have already been planned for through a series of legal actions, most of them are Executive Orders. For example, the Executive Order, entitled Revised List of Quarantinable Communicable Diseases, amends Executive Order 13295, passed by George W. Bush in April 2003, which allows for the, “apprehension, detention, or conditional release of individuals”, and Ebola is specifically mentioned. Obama’s executive order, entitled, Revised List of Quarantinable Communicable Diseases, amends Bush’s Executive Order 13295, which allows for the, “apprehension, detention, or conditional release of individuals  to prevent the introduction, transmission, or spread of suspected communicable diseases.” Obama has granted his administration the authority to detain, in any manner deemed necessary, any person who demonstrates any degree of respiratory distress. This means people with noninfectious asthma could be detained. The CDC has greatly expanded guidelines which permit the government to quarantine people with “fatigue” and lists this as a potential Ebola symptom. Anyone THOUGHT to be exposed to an Ebola patient can be quarantined. CDC has opened themselves up to the likelihood that Ebola can be transmitted even from people who are not presently symptomatic at the time of transmission. This goes hand in hand with present CDC measures that allow for the quarantine of non-symptomatic persons.

Medical Martial Law FEMA Camps to Be Run By HHS

In the event of a pandemic, the Secretary of Human Health Services (HHS) will assume operational control of Federal emergency public health and medical response.

“Ambulance” Contracts Will Deport Americans to FEMA Camps

I have found evidence supporting these claims in a federal document entitled  Emergency Support Function #8 (ESF #8) – Public Health and Medical Services Annex.   This document can be accessed by Googling “ESF #8″ and you will arrive at the following listing and a PDF will appear.

 [PDF]Emergency Support Function #8 – Public Health and Medical www.fema.gov/…/emergency_s… Federal Emergency Management Agency Medical Services include responding to medical needs associated with mental health, ….. assistance are executed by ESF #8 in coordination with DHS/FEMA. … primarily for communications, aircraft, and the establishment of base camps.

ESF #8 established the national ambulance contract, which is designed to provide support forevacuating seriously ill or injured patients. HHS will enlist the VA and Department of Defense assets (e.g. the military) in support of providing “transportation assets, operating and staffing NDMS Federal Coordination Centers, and processing and tracking patient movements from collection points to their final destination reception facilities (emphasis added).

The Ebola Detainment Centers (FEMA Camps) Have No Real Medical Facilities

Look at the participating partners in the “hospital” detainment centers in the EFS #8 document. This list is very revealing as to the intended purpose of these camps.

 Support Agencies:

Department of Agriculture

Department of Commerce

Department of Defense

Department of Energy

Department of Homeland Security

Department of the Interior

Department of Justice

Department of Labor

Department of State

Department of Transportation

Department of Veterans Affairs

Environmental Protection Agency

General Services Administration

U.S. Agency for International Development

U.S. Postal Service

American Red Cross

  Sometimes, it is not what a person says that is important, it is what they do not say. In the above list of Ebola detainment centers, I don’t see the CDC or the National Institute of Health listed. Nor do I see any legitimate medical organizations. I don’t even see the presence of any “volunteer” medical organizations such as Doctors Without Borders. Does anyone else find it disturbing that the transport of very sick people will be conducted and the end point is devoid of any medical treatment organizations and/or facilities? These camps are death camps. There is not one shred of evidence that these camps are intended to treat or even make comfortable people who will contract Ebola or be exposed to Ebola. The most disturbing thing is that these camps will be death camps for relatively healthy people. If you are a person who is unlucky enough to be discovered to have asthma or merely be temporarily suffering from congestion in one’s lungs from allergies or a simple cold, you could find yourself on one of the Federally approved ambulance services (bus, train, plane) and headed to your final destination.


I cannot shake a story that the late Larry Grathwohl told me regarding a conversation he had with Bill Ayers. Larry's conversation took with Ayers while he was serving as a FBI special informant sent to investigate Ayers organization, the Weatherman Underground. Ayers is talso he man who launched President Obama's political career from the living room of his Chicago area home.

Grathwohl revealed, on my talk show,  that he asked Ayers, the then leader of the radical group the Weathermen Underground, in a meeting of about 25 well-to do fellow Weatherman, most with advanced degrees from Ivy League Universities, what the Weathermen planned to do when they achieved their goal of a communist take over the government.  Grathwohl stated that Ayers paused for a moment and then said that it was likely that about 50 million Americans will have to be re-educated in concentration camps located in the American Southwest and that about 25 million would have to be eliminated, meaning that they would have to be murdered.  The potential implications are stunning.

To this day, two years later, and even after Larry's passing, these words still haunt me.