The Sinoloa Drug Cartels Are Poisoning the Drinking Water for San Francisco, Sacramento and the Central Valley

This article is both part-informative and in part will serve as a Public Service Announcement (PSA) for the drinking water in the San Francisco, Sacramento and the Central Valley region of California. Presently, along Marilyn Rupar, we are investigating the criminal enterprise empire involving key, the Sinoloa drug cartel, the stand-down of law enforcement and the direct and peripheral involvement of key American politicians in and around the Humboldt County area.

Adam Schiff Pleads the 5th

adam schiff
Rep. Schiff, despite Mueller's production of 12 million documents, interviewing over 500 witnesses, and wasting over $12 million on the Russian-Collusion-Delusion, wants to launch a 5th investigation against Trump. This man should tried for treason for perpetrating a fraud against the American people. Here is the story.

What Are the Chinese Doing In Wellington, CO? CSS-Paul Martin

china and us


Paul Martin recently contacted me and reported that he had Chinese soldiers in his story in Wellington, CO. We promptly recorded the event. However, this seven minute interview was cut off three times and eventually I was not able to contact him at all. This is a very curious and interesting broadcast. 

Presidents #25 and #35 Were Assassinated, Will #45 Be Next?

trump jfk

Trump has shown renewed resolve when it comes to taking on the Deep State since the Mueller nothing burger was delivered. This, in my opinion, has made him a marked man. Fifty Six years ago, one of our most beloved Presidents. I pray to the almighty that some journalist is not writing these words about Donald Trump 56 years from now. Trump’s life is in extreme danger. Why? Because he is doing what he does best, winning. He has turned the tables on the Deep State. Soon, many of the Deep State minions and actual controllers are going to prison.

Extreme Danger From Within and From Without


America is facing unprecedented dangers from within and without. Our dangers are both foreign and domestic. This article will highly only one of each to illustrate the devastating challenges that America faces. The Oroville Dam Is Once Again Nearing Collapse In 2017, the Oroville Dam was near a complete collapse and over a million persons would have been risk. Further, the agricultural risk Central Valley of California would have been destroyed and this would have led to extreme food shortages in the United States and would have led to spot famines in other parts of the world.