Is the UK On the Verge of Civil War? The Yellow Vests Appear In London

civil war

No, we are not talking the United States. We are talking about the UK. The people have had enough. I citizens have lost the right to self-defense, Christians are now being discriminated against and now this is happening. The UK is ready boil over because of Brexit. Here is the complete story.


Why Trump Will Not Win the 2020 Election (Part 1)


Periodically, over the next week, The Common Sense Show is going to cover the three reasons why Trump cannot win the General Election in 2020 unless he is willing to do what he has refused to do in the first two years of his Presidency, which is to regulate the media mafia we call Big Tech. The three reasons why Trump will lose and America will have a Communist President can be summarized in three areas as it can be stated that Trump will because of the following:

Jared Kushner Is Doing His Hillary Clinton Email Imitation-Where's the Outcry From the Media?


Jared Kushner, a business partner with the #1 enemy of the American people, George Soros, is in very big trouble. Of all the people caught up on Deep State corruption, he may be the only who actually goes to prison.[/caption] Now, Jared Kushner has been caught with his hand in the proverbial cookie jar. He used his private computer to handle national security emails. This is scandalous. Yet, Robert Mueller is ignoring this development. Why? Why isn't this in the MSM. This broadcast answers all these questions and more.

The State of Michigan Is Compiling a Pre-Genocidal "Enemies of the State" List-Are You On It?

enemy of the state

I have a simple "Common Sense" question. If FEMA camps were to be used against American citizens for political beliefs and actions, do you think this would happen BEFORE or AFTER a hostile takeover from a tyrannical force? The obvious "Common Sense" answer is AFTER the takeover. Any compilation of an enemies of the state list must be considered to be "pre-genocidal" given the repeated events in world history. And yet, that is exactly what is happening.

Tucker Carlson sounds alarm: Does President realize “he will not be reelected” unless he deals with Google, Facebook, Twitter censorship?

social media

There are few more media-savvy people on the political scene these days than Fox News host, Weekly Standard alum and The Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson, so when he talks about the impact a relatively new facet of the media industry is having, it’s a good idea to listen to him.

To protect speech and democracy, President Trump must now seize the domain names of Google, Facebook, Twitter and other tech giants that abuse their power to silence human beings


If you told me five years ago that I would wake up one day in America and have Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Google all banning natural health news, and that the entire U.S. Congress and President of the United States would do absolutely nothing about it, and that there wouldn’t be a single prominent voice on the political Left who would speak out against the scourge of censorship, I wouldn’t have believed you. Yet that’s where we are right now in America. Actually, it’s even worse.

From the Land of Idiocracy Comes Two More Bernie Campaign Promises


Bernie is trying to save a sinking ship that is called the Democratic Party. He is the face of a failed social and political movement. Tyranny is headed our way because Bernie might be able to convince enough people that his "free" policies will save them.   Here are two more fake utopian campaign promises that will wreck America is he is elected and he is currently leading the Democratic nomination for President in all the polls