Maricopa County Loses First Amendment Lawsuit from The Gateway Pundit, Agrees to Pay $175,000 for Banning Reporter from Elections


 Arizona Sun Times

Maricopa County agreed last week to pay The Gateway Pundit (TGP) and its reporter Jordan Conradson $175,000 to settle their lawsuit over refusing to provide Conradson with a press pass to cover elections. An Obama-appointed trial court judge sided with the county in November, but after an injunction from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals followed by oral arguments that revealed the three-judge panel was likely to reverse the lower court fully, the Maricopa County Supervisors voted to settle.

The controversy began in September 2022 when the county implemented a press pass regulation blocking journalists from election press conferences if they showed "conflicts of interest" and were not "free of associations that would compromise journalistic integrity or damage credibility." The county cited Conradson's attendance at Republican events as a conflict of interest and told him, "[Y]ou are not a bona fide correspondent of repute in your profession."

HUGE WIN! The 9th circuit court of appeals has ruled on the side of our First Amendment in @gatewaypundit's lawsuit against @MaricopaCounty's totalitarian attempts to control the narrative

— Jordan Conradson???????? (@ConradsonJordan) December 5, 2022