guerrilla war

It is called social credit and that artifically determined score based on your health and compliance will soon be used to determine who lives and who dies in the land of the New World Order! Will there be resistance?

The sides are drawn and the American people find themselves naked and alone! Mandatory vaccines are coming under threat of banishment or worse. The WEF has ordered nations to use backdoor information derived from communication companies granting access to the authoritarians who plan to incarcerate and exterminate billions, if needed, all across the planet.

What about the United States? With the advent of CBDC, smart cities, 15 minute cities, Biden's 30x30 Plan, etc, the stage has been set for the final stage of the implementation of global governance! With the loss of privacy, most people have already had their fate decided and they don't even know it!

The Sides Are Drawn

The coming civil war will consist of the present administration , the DHS, the Chinese, the Russians and the Canadians, who are obligated by treaty to assist our government to put down and American insurrection,  versus the American military and the American people. Could a guerrilla war succeed? Is America equipped to fight a guerrilla war? When the globalist purge begins, Americans will have no choice but to fight. 

Four Types of Conflict

Military strategists identify four levels of conflict; (1) nuclear war is the trump card of all conflicts; 2) conventional warfare; (3) guerrilla warfare; and, (4) terrorism. Terrorism is the least preferred option by any insurgent group. With terrorism, there is absolutely no hope of final victory because territory is never occupied. For that reason, nobody aspires to engage in terrorism if they have a viable alternative and the American people do have a choice given how well armed we are. However, terrorism arising out of a defeated guerrilla force is a distinct possibility as it would represent American guerrilla’s fall back position should they be defeated. Please allow me to make one point perfectly clear, all of us, in these dire circumstances will be front line participants. Being a sheep will not ensure survival, it will only mean that you will die like a sheep. Most Americans will be targets of the occupation forces as the MIAC Report which labeled Libertarians, Constitutionalists, Second Amendment Supporters, Ron Paul Supporters, veterans and now Christians as domestic terrorists. Does it make a little more sense as to why DHS made these bold proclamations as to who is a  domestic terrorist? DHS understands and has demonstrated their understanding of these facts and has also prepared for what I just wrote about in the previous paragraph.

Can a Guerrilla War Succeed?

Guerrilla warfare, for most of human history, is not new. Tribal war, which traditionally pits one guerrilla force against another, is the oldest form of warfare. The new “conventional” form of warfare, which pits guerrillas against “conventional” forces, is more recent as it arose in Mesopotamia 5,000 years ago. The good news for future American freedom fighters is that guerrilla war has been getting more successful since 1945, but unfortunately guerrilla fighters still lose most of the time. An analysis of past conflicts featuring guerrilla war, reveals that only 25% of guerrilla forces, out of 443 such conflicts since 1775, were successful. The government prevailed almost 64% of the time with the remainder of the conflicts ended in a stalemate. Conversely, since the end of WWII, the percentage of success for guerrilla forces has indeed gone up to 39.6%. Yet that still means that government forces have continued to prevail 51% of the time. When the American people engage in a guerrilla war in the upcoming years, the people have less than a 40% chance of success. Guerrilla wars are rarely short and as a result do not favor the American culture and our collective psyche of instant gratification. When Americans flip the switch on the wall, we expect the light to come on. Will Americans set aside their entitlements as well as their entrenched soft lifestyle and rise to the occasion? IS IT TOO LATE?

Did you even notice that Macron has given backdoor access toall private data with unbridled access to his own law enforcement? The purge has begun!!

At this point, the most that surviving Americans can hope for is to keep resistance alive until the Second Coming!

The Bible states that no flesh would be left alive unless Jesus returned!. With AIA and the new mandate given to nations by the WEF to purge all dissidents, America is about ready to find out how serious and real these threats are about. In a future presentation, the reader will learn that real purpose of the upcoming October 4th Emergency drill is to gain complete access to all data storing electronic devices in order to finalize a "naughty and nice" list.

Buckle up, it is about to get real interesting! The real purpose of the October 4th drill has been determined and it will be published on this site!