The Criminal Enterprise Known As the California State Government-Pt 1-Kamala and Maya Harris


Alexandra Dailey has been doing some great research on behalf of The Common Sense Show. Suddenly, and without explanation, her cell phone went down and for several days she has not been able to correct the problem. In addition, her internet was severed to her house. Yesterday, my Internet went down as well. We have tried to schedule an interview on several occasions, only to have the interview interfered with.

This past Saturday night, I was speaking with the President of the New California movement and was relating the findings of Alexandra Dailey and the difficulties I have had getting her on the air. Paul related to me that when he was looking at several related issues he would be “attacked” and left feeling very ill. The symptoms would persist for hours. Last Friday, I had the exact same experience and it became one of the reasons why Dailey and I had to cancel a scheduled interview. On Sunday, my internet went down for a significant period of time. There have been other anomalies as well. However, I can continue to be a coincidence theorist, or I can see that there is a concentrated effort to block this information from coming forward.

I am concerned for the safety of all involved. When we connect the dots, we begin to paint a picture of corruption with several top California politicians which is unparalleled in American history. Most of what we are uncovering leads back to the references in Hillary’s emails regarding Comet Pizza and the CIA psyops operation which is manifested in the Ford Foundation.

The worst thing one can do, as evidenced by Breitbart’s sudden death, is to hang on to this information. Therefore, I am going to put out an overview. This is not meant to be an extensive presentation. However, until Ms. Dailey and I can resolve our communication issues, it is in the interest of safety for all involved to at least reveal, on a superficial level, what we have discovered regarding what has been discovered regarding the criminal enterprise that has become the California state government.

Starting Point

Several years ago, I covered the beginnings of future President Obama. His mother, Anne Dunham, had been working for Tim Geithner’s father at the CIA psyop headquarters known as the Ford Foundation. It is well documented that the Ford Foundation was involved in MK-Ultra and was also engaged in the creation of several “Manchurian candidates”. Obama was one of their creations.

Bill Ayers is often given credit for Obama’s rise to fame as we previously revealed on the CSS. Ayers, the head of the former Weathermen Underground, launched Obama’s state senatorial run from his Hyde Park Chicago home. Ayers was a frequent visitor to the White House during Obama’s tenure as President. Paul Preston is aware of research that also links Ayers to the Ford Foundation. I am even more convinced that I was 10 years ago that Obama was a Manchurian candidate.

There are direct links from the corrupt politicians to the Ford Foundation as well. Maya Harris used to work in unspecified roles at the Ford Foundation. Who is Maya Harris, she is the sister of Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris.

Kamala Harris did not escape our watchful eye as well . While serving as the top prosecutor in Alameda County, CA., she engaged in the 5 year blunting of freedom of information inquiries regarding sex trafficking issues that were dealt with, I should say covered up, by her team of county prosecutors. Some of the recipients of Kamala’s were the top Jesuit Catholic clergy in the area and one of them had a strong direct tie to the Pope.

Maya is mentioned in some of the leaked emails which referenced trafficking. Here formal background is very suspicious for those who are aware of the shadowy world of the CIA and its connections to Manchurian candidate programs. She was formerly a senior fellow at John Podesta’s Center for American Process. From 2008 until she took her current position, she was Vice President for Democracy, Rights and Justice at the Ford Foundation. Prior to joining the Ford Foundation, she served as the Executive Director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Northern California.

The mother of the Harris girls was Dr. Shyamala Gopalan Harris, a breast cancer specialist, who immigrated from Chennai, India. Dr. Harris had primary custody of the two girls, who were raised in Berkeley, Oakland, and Montreal, Quebec where their mother took a position doing research at the Jewish General Hospital and teaching at McGill University, a notorious CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH institution. In other words, like mother, like daughters. To those who know how this shadowy world works, they will see the all-to-often generational attachments to groups like the Ford Foundation.


There is much, much more to this research than is listed here. For safety reasons, I have distributed the raw findings to various sources. There is much more that will be forthcoming. For example, there are clear links between these politicians, including present California Governor Newsome who admits that the Sinoloa Cartel is running the drug empire in Northern California. This admission dovetails into the work of another researcher I am working with, Marilyn Rupar, with whom I have already conducted two hours of interviews. All of these politicians eventually tie into the CALEXIT movement and this is a point we will be emphasizing in the upcoming interviews and written revelations. I would like to leave the reader with the following reminders. The CSS first reported, in 2016, via the Paul Preston sources that were embedded into the CALEXIT meetings involving the Chinese, the drug cartels, the Bank of China, three top Obama officials, the Mexican consulate and representatives of George Soros, that various violent acts directed at primarily white people would be unleashed if CALEXIT was not successful. By the way, did you know that Eric Holder became the CALEXIT spokesperson?

There are many of us that believe that the Vegas massacre involving not only Paddock and his ISIS Philippines connections, but also involved MS-13 and some identified accomplices flying helicopters, were participating in a beta test designed to carry out the threat of violence against primarily white people should CALEXIT not succeed.

The work of Paul Preston, Alexandra Dailey and Marilyn Rupar are coinciding and the revelations are stunning and they will be revealed, in detail, in upcoming installments of the CSS.