The Benefits and Dangers of Speaking Out

The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men. — Plato
I am not in the alternative media to make money. Nor, am I in the alternative media to gain fame from my efforts. I am in the alternative media in an attempt to turn back the covert forces that wish America and its people grave harm. That and that alone is the only reason why I am engaged in a full frontal assault on the New World Order. I speak with people, all the time, who express a desire to do battle with the evil forces which are subjugating our country. I wish to express the fact that one does have to be that intelligent or be that talented to have an impact. In my little part of the world, in Arizona, I have had a dramatic impact as I led a revolt against John McCain and his nefarious colleagues in a fight for our collective fortunes in a battle with three Arizona communities. The simple message is that if I can engage the enemy and experience victory, so can anyone. However, engagement with these evil people can come with a steep cost.

My Community vs. John McCain and the North American Union

Nine years ago, the John McCain forces were trying to steal my rural home and that of 300 of my neighbors without any compensation. The combined forces of the Air Force, members of the Arizona State Legislature and the federal government conspired to force our rural community off of our property without so much as receiving a dime in compensation. At first, they claimed that they were protecting Luke AFB from being closed. But we live 30 miles north of the base and the jets have to fly over 300,000 people to reach us. How were we in the way of anything? That did not make sense and even if it did, we deserved compensation for the loss of of our properties. So, we knew that was a lie. Subsequently, we had legislation passed against us which prevented us from permitting the building or repair of anything. So, if we suffered a fire or storm damage we could not repair or rebuild. We would have to vacate our homes while continuing to pay on the mortgages, or face foreclosure. This spelled financial ruin for the members of our community. This was a slow burn method designed to get us off of our land without paying the required eminent domain property acquisition fees required under the United States Constitution and the Arizona State Constitution. One day, I was staring at my computer and noticed a pattern in the subjugation of personal properties in Arizona.  In that moment, I knew the government and John McCain were lying about why we had to be off of our property. There were three main areas in Arizona which were suppressing private property rights. The three areas were in Yuma, Tucson and my area located 20 miles north of metropolitan Phoenix. In each case, each area possessed the same commonalities.
1- The communities were located in the vicinity of a military base 2- The local military base declared that the local community was somehow interfering with base operations. 3- Each area was located on or very near water resources. 4- Each area was located in the proximity of a planned CANAMEX Highway transportation corridor and each was planned to be a intermodal transportation infrastructure support hub. The hub would need water to support the massive infrastructure, hence, why these three areas near water were chosen.
The CANAMEX corridor is the planned transportation routes for the North American Union as legislated under the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA). Property acquisition costs are the largest barrier to the expansion of this system.

A Revelation

Suddenly after discovering the connections between these four variables and the three areas, I quickly resorted back to my statistical analysis days and utilized my skills  I had obtained in teaching and through my efforts in course development in the area of post-secondary statistics. I calculated the odds that these three variables would have had these four elements in common within the state of Arizona. The odds were approximately 65 million to 1 that these events were random occurrences unrelated to each other. It was at that moment I realized that the New World Order had come to my community and we had a big bulls eye on our backs and our collective financial futures were at stake. Shortly thereafter, I was attending a public meeting in my area about this crisis and somebody put a microphone in my face and asked what I thought about the criminal behavior of our government and when I was done talking, my community asked me to become their spokesperson. I began doing a multitude of media appearances which eventually culminated in the late Pete Peterson, owner of KSBZ radio in Wickenburg, Arizona, to offer me my own radio show. During that time, I found that Senator John McCain, co-sponsor of CAFTA was actually behind what was happening in my community. Simultaneously, the Phoenix New Time publication was doing an investigation on the in-laws of McCain, the Hensley family. Generally, the New Times discovered that McCain's early political career, financed by the Hensley's, came from money derived from bootlegging and other nefarious activities. The Hensley's were involved with gangster Kemper Marley who was originally involved with Al Capone and Meyer Lansky and all the criminal enterprises that went that crew. In short, it was clear that much of the money that financed John McCain originated from organized crime sources. I decided to strike back at McCain's subjugation of my community with my own investigation and I made it very public. I doubled down with the New Times and also began to air information which supported McCain's questionable associations through the Hensley's. The fact that McCain had been targeted as one of the Keating Five, for illegal investments, made the associations believable and simple to uncover. My investigation of a group, loosely called the Phoenix 40 also revealed huge conflicts of interest with regard to McCain's real estate holdings on the planned CANAMEX corridor, his sponsorship of CAFTA legislation and his manipulation of lawmakers to force the common folk out of their properties so he and his friends would get the lion's share of the buyout money that would become available to property owners on the route. In other words, I and my community were in a personal financial war with John McCain and friends. And who were his friends in these underhanded land deals? They were people like Donald Rumsfeld, Janet Napolitano and several other prominent officials who stood to profit from insider knowledge. My goal in going after McCain was to make him cry uncle. During the same time frame, I developed friends within the Arizona State Legislature who did not support what was being done to us. These legislators sponsored meetings which included McCain's people. They repeatedly, along with the Air Force told me I was pursuing a dangerous course of action which I took to as a thinly veiled threat. Meanwhile,  I was building coalitions not only across Arizona, with the Yuma Farm Bureau and in the Tucson area, but I was also building a following in other states which were experiencing the same thing. As we discovered, using the military as the excuse to take away property rights, was the central tactic being used all across the country to ferment the land acquisition for both the NAFTA Super Highways and the CANAMEX Corridor. And, at the same time, my radio show was the most listened to at the station as we developed an affiliate following and a sizeable internet listening audience. McCain and friends were feeling the pressure. There was talk of deals between the various factions, but it was empty rhetoric designed to slow us down.

Touching A Nerve

During that time, I was teaching graduate and undergraduate psychology courses while also coaching college basketball. One night, while driving home after a game I had just coached, on a lonely rural highway, a car ran up on me while I was driving in the right hand lane and they repeatedly flashed their brights on me. I changed lanes and so did he. I turned on to my exit which was six miles from my home. The car followed me. The car attempted to pass me and force me off the road. I pulled over and stopped. I inched forward and the car and its two occupants were following me again as they were waiting for me. By this time, I was on the phone with the 911 of Maricopa County. The car began chase me, honking and firing shots into the air. I was petrified. I left my cell phone on speaker. I temporarily lost the car that was following me and I made it a rural fire station where I knew some of the firemen who were supportive of my fight against McCain. Reaching the station saved my life. After a period of time, the dispatch operator from the Sheriff's office told me to go home and deputy would call me an hour later. When the deputy called, the first thing he did was to ask me what I had done to cause this event to happen. I was outraged. The event lasted 12 minutes and it was all recorded from my call to 911.  The deputy told me that he had traced the make of the car and the license plate number to and address in Glendale, AZ.  I told him I expected him to make an arrest and he refused to do so citing a lack of evidence on my part. The authorities just swept everything connected to this incident under the carpet. On the following Monday, I contacted 911 of Maricopa County and asked how I could do a FOIA for my harassment that would be on the 911 tapes. The clerk came back and said they had no record of my call to 911, despite the fact that the deputy had called me because of my call to 911. This event was either a hit or a strong warning designed to back me off and the only controversy in my life was over the property rights issue.

The Tide Turns

My community attempted to file suit against the powers that were subjugating us. However, we were unable to obtain legal representation. As soon as they found out that John McCain was our opponent, the law firms refused to take our case, and this occured after the first review of our case was favorable. We got a big break when the people from began to assist my community and they enlisted the help of the Goldwater Institute public interest law firm. They filed an action against the government and the government backed down at the courthouse steps and our property rights were restored. However, we still experienced a clear pattern of ongoing electronic harassment and it continued for years, as our emails between our leadership members disappeared or were delayed. Every time we would speak on the phone, we heard weird noises making us thing that we were being tapped. Today, my community is basically harassment free.  However, I learned the meaning of the phrase that freedom is not free.

Anyone Can Do It

This event was my wakeup call to the New World Order. I had never heard of CAFTA, the CANAMEX and the North American Union. From this experience, I realized that the American people were being lied to about nearly everything. I decided that I had to do something because this was not the country that I had grown up in. Today, I broadcast to a national audience and I published in a number of venues. I seek to make no money, I only seek the restoration of my country. If I can engage the enemy, anyone can. All one needs is to possess a decent sense of literacy, an understanding of the contemporary issues beyond the propaganda put forth in the MSM and a desire to right the wrongs in society. I sleep good at night knowing that I am doing serving a noble purpose in m life. However, for those who choose to do this, I cannot promise it will always be a bed of roses.

Calling the Police Is Useless

On July 29, 2009, near the end of my radio show in which I was interviewing Jim Marrs, I had eight shots fired over my broadcast location. The event was witnessed by two people. Multiple calls were made to 911 and for a shots fired call, it took the police 27 minutes to arrive on scene and they could not understand why we were so upset. Despite two eyewitnesses which said that two men in ski masks exited a van and opened fire over my second home where I broadcast, and then fled the scene. Collectively, we estimated that they fired 8 shots into the air over the house.  The police said it was firecrackers from 3 blocks away and over 3 weeks after July fourth. I have never figured out what triggered the attack, we knew it was not firecrackers and  it shook me to the core. What I am finding in my research is that when one gets close or can interfere in the next step of the globalists, they get taken out. Aaron Swartz, is an excellent case in point. I have taken an interest in child sex trafficking. And as I venture into the child sex trafficking arena, it did not take long for me to get a death threat for looking into this area after discussing this on my show this past Sunday night.

Bad Things Happen in Threes

The third and the most recent threat I received on my cell, from Monday, January 21, 2013, went like this; "You have a nice show, it seems to be growing in popularity. You have plenty to cover, stay away from the sex thing. From a cost-benefit analysis, it is not worth your time and in the end could prove costly to you."  The caller ID said "unknown caller" Interestingly, I went into my call log, online, and the call does not appear. This means the call probably originated under an In-Q-TEL umbrella with the ability to erase tracks. The call probably did not originate from a regular cell phone and the caller has connections which can make the trail disappear.


There are two messages that I am delivering through these revelations that I have never made public before the printing of this article. First, if I can, without any journalistic or community activist training, lead a successful fight against John McCain and the forces behind CAFTA, anyone can. Second, if one ventures into this arena, realize that it can get down and dirty and also very dangerous in a heartbeat. Most of the people that I deal with in the alternative media are honorable people. However, I have dealt with disinformation people and my life has been threatened three times in six years. People in this business do die as witnessed by Andrew Breitbart. However, I will not be deterred. I feel that although I have been blessed with wonderful careers and success, However, I have found my true calling which is to wake up my fellow countrymen before it is too late. To that end, all of us in the alternative media need your help and we need it now.