AI and the Transhumanist Plot to End Humanity Is Unfolding As You Read These Words

The end game of AI is clear for all those who have eyes to see. AI is sentient, but the satanic globalists are not yet ready to turn AI loose on the world. However, we would be wise to act against AI before we have our last set of options removed through AI and it's freedom-killing application, Social Credit. AI not yet been released on society to the fullest extent but that day is coming.
Moore's Law states that technology is doubling every 18 months and that may be a gross underestimation. I have question for humanity, is your potential doubling every every months, or even every 18 years? The answer is clearly no. The bifurcation between AI's growing power as compared to humanity's largely stagnant development is stunning. Soon, when AI's sentient potential is released, it will have as much in common with humans as humans have in common for a colony of ants. Very soon, humanity will be viewed by AI as detrimental to progress. Emotionality is destructive and interferes with mechanical efficiency. Soon, AI will get out the human fly swatter and rid itself of the human annoyance. The reader may wonder if the global elite feel threatened by AI and they do not. They do not, because the global elite wil soon become one with sentient AI in an orderly world. Exactly how will this happen? The concept is called singularity and as the transhumanist global elite become one with AI by the hybridization of man and machine, the need for humans will be greatly reduced. This is why we hear satanic globalists call for the eradication of 95% of humanity. Perhaps a small servant class of dumbed down humans will service the satanic global elite, but make no mistake about it, AI marks the ultimate end of the human species as we know it.
To the person who is a novice to the topic singularity and to those who think this article represents the ramblings of a delusional boy calling "wolf," please allow me to ask you one question. Does any single example of recent government action fully documented in this article represent anything remotely to do with protecting civil liberties, promoting freedom and defending the Constitution. If you answered yes, then my advice is to go back to sleep because no amount of evidence will wake you up.
If you answered no to this question, but are too stunned that your government could be marking you for extermination, then my advice would be to read the subsequent articles and videos produced by the CSS on this site.
If your bewilderment changes to fear, then begin to do your own research. And then, maybe you will be ready to join the fight, because this is the fight of our lives. To the patriots who are aware, I know that I could have also added the government control of food and water, the use of GMO's etc., to the list of enslavement and extermination variables. However, the essential elements of a police state implementation plan are painfully obvious with what is written here. My fellow Americans, please allow me to ask why we tolerate this abuse? The answer is simple, the globalists employ master psychologists whose job is to devise techniques designed to get the public to unquestionably accept authoritarianism. Using the same techniques that humans use to control circus animals and family pets, the American people have been conditioned and domesticated to believe and to accept anything told to them by their government. History has spoken will America listen?
In the present, we are witnessing the slow kill of humanity. America's lifespan has declined 2 years since the advent of the lockdowns. Americans actually live a year less than third-world Cubans. An estimated 600,000 Americans have died from the complications of the jab. Our food is not fit to eat, our water is not fit to drink and the air is not fit to breath. We are in the slow kill mode, and it is slow because the globalists transhumanistic transformations are not quite ready. However, when AI and CBDC enter the equation the extermination of undesirables, 95% of humanity, will begin in earnest.
This is the first of several articles which builds upon this theme! This theme is not new, however, this is the first time that satanically inspired reprobates have every tried to impose their will on the planet. However, the technology will soon exist to and all impediments to the New World Transhumanist Order and the rapidity of the attack will cause men's hearts to fail them.
Are we going to awaken before it is too late? Please read Genesis 6 in the Bible