Franken-Meat Grown From Chicken Cells in Labs Set to Take Over US Restaurants


  by S.D. Wells

Some big questions preside over whether the new fake "cultured" chicken meat will be labeled as such when it's served in all the major restaurants and sold in supermarkets across the nation soon, now that it's approved for "manufacturing" from chicken cells in a laboratory. Natural health advocates call this Franken-meat, because only Frankenstein himself would be dumb enough to eat experimental, lab-concocted, chicken-cell-junk-science food stuff.

The global food supply is being "reset" by insidious globalists who fund the creation of gain-of-function viruses, deadly blood-clotting "vaccines" for those viruses, and Franken-meat for all the infected-and-injected zombies to sink their eye teeth into like drooling werewolves. According to climate change enthusiasts and extremists, humans are ending all earth life in the next few years by driving fuel-based vehicles, flying anywhere in a plane, using plastic straws at Starbucks, and wait for it… eating land animals.

So far, only Singapore and US “regulators” have approved sale of Franken-meat

Do the new lab-concocted MUTANT CHICKEN CHUNKS contain spike proteins to further clog the vascular systems of all the Covid-injected masses and anyone else who isn’t paying attention to what goes into their mouth? Forget about all that farm-to-table eating, the globalists want everyone engaging the new lab-to-toilet meat, where there’s no safety regulations or clinical trials for the short or long-term, to find out how this fake meat will affect the human body.

It’s all one big globalist experiment on the sheeple, just like the lab-to-human Wuhan Flu, and the lab-to-human clot shot injections of the 2019-to-forever scamdemic.

Get ready for “Upside Foods” and “Good Meat” companies to slip lab-concocted mutant-chicken-chunks into all the corporate franchised and big chain restaurants very soon. Will they have to carry a warning label of any kind? Of course, they’re already allowed to call it “meat,” but don’t dare call hemp milk or oat milk “milk.”