Gun Confiscation- Disarming Regular People Can Lead to Genocide


  By Milan Adams

 Laws of some countries may afford civilians a right to keep and bear arms, and have more liberal gun laws than neighboring jurisdictions. Countries that regulate access to firearms will typically restrict access to certain categories of firearms and then restrict the categories of persons who may be granted a license for access to such firearms.[2] There may be separate licenses for hunting, sport shooting (a.k.a. target shooting), self-defense, collecting, and concealed carry, with different sets of requirements, permissions, and responsibilities.

Gun Confiscation Is Always a Prelude to Genocide.

Those who understand the heinous nature of the United Nation as well as their failed nature as a so-called  "peacekeeping" force, should understandably be concerned with the impending presence of UN soldiers on the streets of Chicago.

Extreme gun violence is listed as the primary reason why. This may be the one truthful aspect of this planned UN occupation of an American city. Eventually, the UN is going after the guns of all Americans and on this point, history has spoken. Gun confiscation is always followed by genocide.

Below is an image of a United Nations document regarding gun confiscation. The full text follows the printed image.

"The issue of military grade weaponry in the hands of civilians looms ever larger in the face of the global implementation of 22/Agenda 21 by member nations. In particular, the United States of America has an estimated 500 million weapons in the hands of its civilian population. This is not just a static problem, it is a massive dynamic problem for the process of confiscation as there will be those who refuse to surrender their firearms.