Supposedly, the US Army has 1.4 million people. So, how many trigger-pullers is that. It's a ratio of 10 to 1. The ten is for logistics, drone operators, cyber, desk jockeys, etc. So figure 140,000 trigger-pullers. These troops are dispersed over 187 countries around the world. Whose left in the US for defense? The "B" team?
The Chinese alre
Sorry, technical glitch.
The Chinese already have their logistics set up in the US. The arms are in place. Their people are in key positions. They are waiting for the "go signal." They know how to "live off the land." All our people know is go to the grocery store. We may have 2 million civilian "trigger-pullers," but we are unorganized. Every small group has been infiltrated by the Feds. That's not counting illegal alien gangs, Muslim Jihadis, and Marxist wannabes. I think we are going to have to get organized in one corner of the country and fight for one county at a time until we take them all back (maybe not the major cities, but contain them in place). Just like D-Day. Maybe I'm just dreaming...
Never heard Trump support abortion so I don’t where the Doug and Dave intel report is coming from. In fact Trump was the only US President to speak at a National pro life rally in DC. Even Reagan never did that.
Dave Hodges has been publishing the Common Sense Show since 2012. The Common Sense Show features a wide variety of important topics that range from the loss of constitutional liberties, to the subsequent implementation of a police state under world governance, to exploring the limits of human potential. The primary purpose of The Common Sense Show is to provide Americans with the tools necessary to reclaim both our individual and national sovereignty.
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Supposedly, the US Army has…
Time Is Short
I was hoping to hear