The Mass Media Hit Pieces on “Sound of Freedom” shows you just who supports and Protects the Traffickers


By Sarah Westall via


Like you, I am angry to see the mass media smearing a film portraying a child rescue as conspiracy theory. I have interviewed and talked to so many people over the years who were victims and those who rescue children, that I know trafficking is real.


When I see the mass media write it off as conspiracy theory, it makes me very angry. Only those who are actually behind this insane brutal nightmare would dare categorize those of us wanting this nightmare to end as a conspiracy theorist.

So who should we investigate to see if they are perverts and pedophiles themselves? The magazines and writers who are dismissing child trafficking as conspiracy, that’s who. Only the most ignorant, callous or those actually involved would write off child trafficking as a “Q anon” conspiracy theory.

So again, who should we be investigating? Below is a list of the hit pieces I have found so far. Make no mistake, these organizations are actively supporting trafficking. At the very least, by convincing the public to look away because child trafficking is just a conspiracy theory:

  1. Rolling Stone:
  2. The Guardian:
  3. Washington Post:
  4. CNN (I cannot find a link directly to it, so here is a story that includes the bashing video by CNN):
  5. Media Matters (of course):
  6. Jezebel:
  7. The Wrap:
  8. The Daily Beast:

I am sure there are more out there. But these are some of the main ones.