Russian Military Tells Kiev Civilians To Evacuate As Strikes Target City's Communications

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Zero Hedge - by Tyler Durden

Update(10:53amET)Russia's military is urging civilians to leave areas near Ukrainian army bases and communications facilities in Kiev, warning that it is now conducting strikes against these specified targets. 

"In order to suppress information attacks against Russia, the technological facilities of the SBU and the 72nd main PSO center in Kyiv will be hit with high-precision weapons," the Russian MoD statement said according to TASS. "We call on Ukrainian citizens attracted by Ukrainian nationalists to carry out provocations against Russia, as well as residents of Kyiv living near relay nodes leave their homes."

Based on widely circulating footage, it appears the invading Russian forces have begun to take out communications towers and antennas, as well as Ukrainian military infrastructure - also amid continuing reports that residential areas are increasingly under threat amid the siege of Kiev.


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