Your answer is well thought out and thought provoking. AI IS going to be a problem that won't be fixed by humankind. Too late, Pandoras box is open. The world's Hope lies with God.
I worry about being Deceived by the sophisticated traps and enticing things/technologies Satan and his minions offer now and in the future. From now on, a person MUST walk with God. They must repent, read the Bible, love God, know and understand scripture, and take Jesus Christ as their Savior, and put on the full armor spoken of in Ephesians. That is my worry, that I fall short and do not enter God's kingdom. AI and other technologies and fallen entities are going to mislead too many. Psalm 91.
I believe sentience comes from having a soul. I agree not a spirit because animals experience joy and try to avoid pain. God creates souls. Animals and people procreate and they have souls. Angels have sentience because they have joy and fallen ones can experience pain in hell. I agree that Ai can MIMIC sentience but cannot truely have it. And if fallen angels possess AI, it is the fallen angels that have it but not the AI.
2024 will be the year all about NO POTUS Elections & INSTALLING A PRE-SELECTED GLOBALIST & Puppetizing the US Government to MULTIPLE Foreign Interests (Committee of 300, Central Banksters, China, Israel's Mossad via Political Blackmailing, etc.).
2024: NO POTUS Elections as the CORE.
In End Times Prophecy, 2025 will be the year of wars to worry about.
The nuke decimation/fall of the USA probably will NOT be until Friday, April 13, 2029, if the Apophis asteroid -- slated to enter within the orbit of 19,000 miles or 30,600 kilometers on a FULL MOON day -- is the Biblical one that will crash into the Mediterranean Sea on Day 1290-1291 of the Tribulation Period. Roll that back & a mid-September 2025 Peace Treaty to stop WW4 starts the Trib.
I've given this some thought for decades with the help of scripture and the works of Texe Marrs (wondered about him for awhile), Dr Tom Horn of SkywatchTv, Gary Stearman of Prophecy Watchers et al.
Revelation 9:6 states that men will want to die and be unable to do so, and commentators have given several explanations concerning it to this point, but I've wondered if it could mean humans morphed into machines and therefore trapped?
Satan would love...You may want to see yesterday's posting on HOPEGIRLBLOG DOT COM. Brilliant techies. Humanity patented via the jabs (and swabs, transfection, air, water, food, mosquitoes?)
The same One lifted up = PROVISION. Even now. Especially now. But we will have to LEARN and FIGHT. Pray and prophylax.
Dave Hodges has been publishing the Common Sense Show since 2012. The Common Sense Show features a wide variety of important topics that range from the loss of constitutional liberties, to the subsequent implementation of a police state under world governance, to exploring the limits of human potential. The primary purpose of The Common Sense Show is to provide Americans with the tools necessary to reclaim both our individual and national sovereignty.
The archives of The Common Sense Radio Show Are Available on Megaphone and Global Star. This includes the weekly radio show,other interviews and monologues, and the GSRadio archives. Listen Now
So sad
Good Video- People Should Consider
I don't beleive AI can be sentient
Ai robots
2024 will be the year of NO POTUS or Federal Elections
What do I fear the most