Several months ago, I wrote an article about dreams and visions that indicated that the Chinese and the UN will be engaged in a genocidal persecution of American Christians. The saga continues. I feel compelled to visit this issue again as I am seeing an explosion of dreams and visions of the same variety.
Many feel that this is the last Thanksgiving, as an intact nation. Lord knows how many Democrats are trying to cancel Thanksgiving and Christmas under an umbrella of fake pandemic numbers.
Previously, I received a total of over 200 dreams and visions and that number has grown to over 300. I couldn't print them all, so this is a small sample size f both past and present dreams and visions that tell a strikingly similar and very bleak future.
Think FEMA Camps Are a Joke?
Dave, I am behind a fence in a camp. I see several trucks pull up and UN troops are unloading large coffins, enough for 4 people each. Deep in my soul, I know that these coffins are for us and well never leave the camp. I was taken to the camp because I had Covid. We were loaded on to a large truck. We drove several hours to get our camp. Not one of us has received any medical treatment after being delivered to the camp. There are armed guards but no nurses. I know what this, they have brought us here to the camp to exterminate us.
Mr. Hodges
I have this dream every night. Foreign troops enter our house at different times of the night. We are always able to get behind a false wall and remain hidden. One night, the invaders discover the room and are using axes to get to us. I want to stop having these dreams but cannot. I spend a lot of my waking times thinking about where we could run to. I know that the violence on the streets of Democratic cities will result in Chinese and UN troops on our streets. My husband has previously posted negative articles about Biden, I know we are marked for doom. Sometimes in my dreams, we are placed inside of trucks and are shackled and taken to a camp where I know my family is going to die. It is becoming so bad that I am having trouble differentiating my waking life from dream life. I am always hearing the command to tell the people.
The Most Dramatic Account I Have Ever Seen
From JULIE WHEDBEE I Saw the Tribulation: “Tell My People, Tribulation Will Come to the United States.”
We were living underground in hiding, in a large but dark abandoned building of some sort. There was no electricity, and had not been for some time. I saw oil lamps and candles everywhere and it was the only light we had. We were all dressed in oversized clothing and head wraps, doing our best to stay as inconspicuous as possible...
The streets were very empty, there were only a few small businesses opened, and everything was run by the NWO. Martial law kept everyone in check, and as we traveled, we were watched and controlled by gunpoint. There were certain paths that had to be taken and if we were found traveling any other way, we were shot instantly. We never spoke while outside of our building.
There were open crucifixions in the streets, a gruesome and horrible sight, of anyone who publicly confessed Christianity. The bodies, once dead, were then left where they hung. Christianity was long gone in this country. Our group did the best we could to go at night and take the bodies of these precious souls back to where we were hiding, although we had no way to properly bury them. I saw rows of them on a far wall of our hiding place, wrapped in sheets and blankets as this was all we had. I remember discussing with the others what we were going to do with these martyrs.
...When I speak to the angels, what is holding back the war will be released, and battles will break out in many places. War will break out. Fighting and killing will seem to be everywhere at once. This is the beginning of the end. Prepare your houses. Prepare your hearts, for the end is upon you. The end of all things quickly approaches...
In an excerpt from the video “Christians Will Take The Mark”, David Eells describes what happened when UN Troops arrived on US soil.
I was in a mid sized American city. Larger than Pensacola, but smaller than the larger cities, like Chicago. In the city, chaos and panic were taking place. Martial law had been implemented and the streets were flooded with people panicking and UN troops – The UN being the United Nations. I was filled with the Holy Ghost, as I remember it in this dream. In this dream, my life on this earth was soon to be over. I knew it. I believe this dream could be a glimpse of what my end could be. I believe the Holy Spirit prepares people for things to come.
In this dream I was running from the UN Troops, and I hid in the crevice of this high rise building. It had a small entrance way, nobody could get in there. as you had to be really skinny to get in there. I was being chased by UN troops. These guys were in full combat riot gear and they had a black police style fatigues on. They were wearing black combat boots, black shirts, with white patches on their shoulders which said the UN, they had black bullet proof vests on, riot helmets and they had a fully automatic firearm on one arm, and they were well prepared. They had what appeared to be mini tanks and paddy wagons on the street where they were gathering up people.
They found me, hidden in the crevice of this building, they had a lot of advanced technology, far beyond anything we have known today. They could find you, it didn’t matter where you were, or who you were, or how well hidden you might have been…..they could find you. They called me out of the crevice of this building....
More Dreams and Visions
Dave, I had a dream I was in bed when the EAS on my phone went off, announcing the nukes were on their way. My new husband and I were holding each other and I was so scared and hysterically crying, I couldn’t get the words “I love you” to come out of my mouth. I woke up and held him so tight it woke him up. It was a terrifying dream.
Well Dave you wanted dreams and visions I've got plenty. I won't type all of them out just the first vision and the last dreams as of Jan. 2019. 3 &1/2 years ago I had an open vision (my first and only prophetic vision). I saw a white map in front of me and suddenly there were many ants on the bottom left of the map (California) they moved east across the USA. When I saw these ants moving I knew that whatever it was it would be THE EVENT. At the time I thought Islamic terrorists? Now I know what they mean and I know they are sent here to take America down. After that I started to have dreams, at first once a month then they came closer together and more often. I've had many rapture dreams of being in a waiting room watching a door (Jesus represents the door) and the door would get brighter as Jesus got closer to the door. I had dreams of missiles flying across the black sky but the missiles produced fire they were white with a red tip (China?) I saw a large missile that was brown and in my spirit it was Russia, I even touched it.
Fast forward to Jan. 2019. Early Jan. I had a Matthew 24:37-39 (1) dream 4 days in a row. I was walking down the streets of Israel and everybody was talking and laughing and shopping. This meant they were eating and drinking and then the flood came. Jan. 19th I had the Rev. 12 dream. This one was about a pregnant woman she was running through this large room she was sick and hungry but could not eat she was being chased. Suddenly her water broke and was shimmering on the floor. She ran to an open door (Jesus) and went inside and hid. Everything in the room was black except for a little bit of light. The furniture was black and the floor (everything). I asked Jesus to send me a dream only if it was significant and just before He returns. It was a short dream on March 24th. I heard the trumpets and I went outside and looked up and there were angels in the clouds holding up their trumpets and blowing them.
The last dream I had was on April 6th, this dream was different than the others. My husband and I were walking outside at a swap meet and there were so many people looking and talking. We met a couple who were Christians and they were talking to their teenage daughter about the Catching up (Rapture) but she didn't want to listen. I asked the wife if she's had any prophetic dreams and she said "Yes! so many." We walked away and talked. Suddenly we were in a building/warehouse and we were all sitting, I noticed my husband wasn't there and the teenage girl wasn't there. Someone ran into the room and said "It's here!! It's the rapture" I remember saying "Thank you Jesus, for loving me and accepting me." It became stormy outside and the building started to rock and sway and the roof blew off and suddenly I was pulled up and I saw the people in the room going up too. I was so joyful I saw a bright sky and was going up and up. Then I woke up. I've lost count of all the dreams I had before these in 2019, but I never had prophetic dreams before the open vision happened. I'm on fire for the Lord. My husband has never had a prophetic dream and he's kind of luke warm. I hope you get something out of these dreams.
I was taught to hold dear to the things God shows you. Several years ago I dream that I was fighting a war, running thru the high desert with these kids. The earth was burnt, scorched. I had also dreamt of an angel with a staff above the earth, blood dripping from the staff, I later learned this was Rev 6, I was 13 when I had that dream. I had not read Rev. At that age. My mom dreamt of these people walking dazed and confused, covered with the dust of the earth walking from the SW, California thru Oregon and Idaho. A great earthquake. Rev. 16:18 (2) etc. Learned these scriptures later. My mom said in her dream, she could see the people's faces, clothes, detailed.
Three people in the Pastor Carl Gallups, and 3 in the Pastor Rick Wiles family had dreams that were practically identical, a short time apart, only emerged eventually in family discussions. In each case USA is devastated by extreme events; flooding, invasion, on fire, huge life loss, famine, sickness, collapse...those are just six people out of 1000s of testimonies very much the same for the last 80 years....I am talking believers, children, men, pattern to what age they were when they had the dream(s), or how many times they had such dreams in their lifetime (sometimes only once, sometimes over and over or just a few times, varies), where they live in USA (small amount in Europe or elsewhere to my knowledge), what type of Christianity stream they swim in, (Evangelical or Charismatic is one common trait), etc. God is all over it. "You cannot make this stuff up" as they say. The bible is nothing without dreams, or visions, prophecy, signs in nature to warn and to guide, yet (thanks to the Dark one, believers ended up acting like its all hocus-pocus, yes discernment needed, but its normative in the bile, not the opposite....). God bless one and all, if you live in USA, leave if you can, otherwise fast and pray.
Dear Dave, I read your stories of prophetic dreams. I just had such dream. The streets of America that ran into Washington DC were filled crosses on both sides of the road where Christians had been hung. Everyone of the Christians had their bellies cut open and their kidneys were ripped out. There were millions of crosses. In my dream, the Chinese were going house-to-house and shooting anyone and everyone on sight. I have this dream often. I am Black, but all the people on the cross were white. I am not a prejudiced person but I swear all the people that were crucified were white people. God help us, Dave. Bless you sir.
Mr. Hodges
Last night I dream that I was in a field of golden wheat, it was blowing back and forth in the wind gently, the presence of the LORD was upon me. Looking at it I could see that I too was one of the wheat stalks in the field and that it seemed to be mid afternoon as well as the wheat was full and very near to harvest time. I woke praising GOD. I realized how close to the harvest we must be. Repent and seek the LORD for our time has come upon us and is at the door. Love to all praise be to our FATHER praise GOD praise JESUS 🙏🏻
About a year ago, I had a vivid dream. I came out of work and my car wouldn't start, as well as all my coworkers cars. I knew immediately that it was an EMP, so I started walking home. I came to an overpass that a freeway ran below. The freeway was a parking lot, and all these people were climbing up the embankment looking dazed and shell shocked. It was peaceful and calm, but I felt it wouldn't last long before violence would break out. I prayed to GOD to please let me make it home. I shared my bad dream with a 15 year, long-time friend that fared well in the "new life". They found out they were already prepared. Never knew before. God guides connections.
I have had a reoccurring dream where my neighborhood is lined up and we are in a camp. One by one, we are taken to the Guillotines. They are being operated by Muslims and Mexicans and they are in UN attire. The guillotines are automated. In my dream I always run and am caught and I am beheaded with an ax. I have this dream several times per week.
On the surface, I would say that when a nation lets a criminal dementia patient and his side-kick, "heels in the air" Harris steal their country, what could one expect? They are clearly working for the other side. Their political party tood God out of their party platform, years ago. That should tell all of us about who is really running this country.
To the average person who is a permanent resident of this realm, this will all look like hocus pocus and fantasy. To Christians, this will have a special meaning. Remember, God will help us deal with our fears.