Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Explains Why Taking People's Guns Won't End School Shootings



National Gun Rights Association's Will Fite tweeted about the townhall on Saturday after RFK Jr. stressed that he is not going to take away guns.

Moreover, he pointed to the Supreme Court of the United States Bruen (2022) decision and noted it is not possible to "do anything" to secure gun control, even if someone wanted more of it.

RFK Jr. focused on school shootings and rejected claims that taking guns would be effectual in stopping such attacks anyway.

He said, "Anyone who tells you that we can end the violence to our children that's going on now by removing people's guns, in the margin that has been left to us by this very expansive Supreme Court decision [Bruen] is not being truthful with you."

RFK Jr. emphasized that "something has changed in this country. It's not the guns, we've always had the guns." He believes the focus should shift from guns to investigating how psychiatric drugs impact kids.